Best SCI Journals for Behavioural Neuroscience are offered below you can get unlimited revisions by accessing our service during the peer review process to ensure your work meets the highest standards. If you need expedited publication services, please reach out to We provide a comprehensive solution for research paper publication, including journal selection, simulated peer review, plagiarism checks, editing, journal formatting, , and journal submission. We are your one-stop solution for all publication-related needs. We offer or performance analysis in this field.
Neuroimaging Techniques
Behavioral Assessments
Neuromodulation Techniques
Genetic and Molecular Techniques
Behavioral Interventions
List of high-impact factor journals in behavioral neuroscience is provided below. At, we deliver extensive journal publication services aimed at facilitating the submission of your manuscript to benchmark journals. Our expert team is dedicated to improving your chances of acceptance. | Title | Subject Area | Print ISSN |
1. | Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior | Behavioral Neuroscience | 225002 |
2. | Learning and Behavior | Behavioral Neuroscience | 15434494 |
3. | Behavioral and Brain Sciences | Behavioral Neuroscience | 0140525X |
4. | Behavioral Neuroscience | Behavioral Neuroscience | 7357044 |
5. | Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience | Behavioral Neuroscience | 15307026 |
6. | Epilepsy and Behavior | Behavioral Neuroscience | 15255050 |
7. | Behavioural Brain Research | Behavioral Neuroscience | 1664328 |
8. | Behavioural Processes | Behavioral Neuroscience | 3766357 |
9. | Brain, Behavior and Evolution | Behavioral Neuroscience | 68977 |
10. | Developmental Psychobiology | Behavioral Neuroscience | 121630 |
11. | Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance | Behavioral Neuroscience | 961523 |
12. | Journal of Sleep Research | Behavioral Neuroscience | 9621105 |
13. | Neurobiology of Learning and Memory | Behavioral Neuroscience | 10747427 |
14. | Neuropsychologia | Behavioral Neuroscience | 283932 |
15. | Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews | Behavioral Neuroscience | 1497634 |
16. | Stress | Behavioral Neuroscience | 10253890 |
17. | Brain, Behavior, and Immunity | Behavioral Neuroscience | 8891591 |
18. | Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior | Behavioral Neuroscience | 913057 |
19. | Genes, Brain and Behavior | Behavioral Neuroscience | 16011848 |
20. | Learning Disability Quarterly | Behavioral Neuroscience | 7319487 |
21. | Chemical Senses | Behavioral Neuroscience | 0379864X |
22. | Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology | Behavioral Neuroscience | 3407594 |
23. | Physiology and Behavior | Behavioral Neuroscience | 319384 |
24. | Behaviour | Behavioral Neuroscience | 57959 |
25. | Alcohol | Behavioral Neuroscience | 7418329 |
26. | Journal of Research on Adolescence | Behavioral Neuroscience | 10508392 |
27. | Hormones and Behavior | Behavioral Neuroscience | 0018506X |
28. | Advances in Child Development and Behavior | Behavioral Neuroscience | 652407 |
29. | Advances in the Study of Behavior | Behavioral Neuroscience | 653454 |
30. | Human Factors | Behavioral Neuroscience | 187208 |
31. | Pragmatics and Cognition | Behavioral Neuroscience | 9290907 |
32. | Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience | Behavioral Neuroscience | 17381088 |
33. | Behavioral and Brain Functions | Behavioral Neuroscience | 17449081 |
34. | Journal of Sexual Aggression | Behavioral Neuroscience | 13552600 |
35. | Social Neuroscience | Behavioral Neuroscience | 17470919 |
36. | Brain Imaging and Behavior | Behavioral Neuroscience | 19317557 |
37. | Evolutionary Psychology | Behavioral Neuroscience | 14747049 |
38. | Journal of Neuropsychology | Behavioral Neuroscience | 17486645 |
39. | Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience | Behavioral Neuroscience | 15697339 |
40. | Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia | Behavioral Neuroscience | 18966764 |
41. | Brain Impairment | Behavioral Neuroscience | 14439646 |
42. | Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics | Behavioral Neuroscience | 1937321X |
43. | Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | Behavioral Neuroscience | 16625161 |
44. | Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience | Behavioral Neuroscience | 16625153 |
45. | Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences | Behavioral Neuroscience | 17358639 |
46. | International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease | Behavioral Neuroscience | 20908024 |
47. | Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences | Behavioral Neuroscience | 18663370 |
48. | Activitas Nervosa Superior | Behavioral Neuroscience | 18029698 |
49. | Nature and Science of Sleep | Behavioral Neuroscience | 11791608 |
50. | Translational Behavioral Medicine | Behavioral Neuroscience | 18696716 |
51. | Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science | Behavioral Neuroscience | 22121447 |
52. | Trends in Neuroscience and Education | Behavioral Neuroscience | 22119493 |
53. | Sleep Science | Behavioral Neuroscience | 19840659 |
54. | Brain and Behavior | Behavioral Neuroscience | 21579032 |
55. | Journal of Eating Disorders | Behavioral Neuroscience | 20502974 |
56. | Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences | Behavioral Neuroscience | 23521546 |
57. | Sleep Health | Behavioral Neuroscience |
58. | Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health and Behavior | Behavioral Neuroscience | 21641846 |
59. | Sexual Medicine | Behavioral Neuroscience | 20501161 |
60. | Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders | Behavioral Neuroscience | 21957177 |
61. | Child Development Research | Behavioral Neuroscience | 20903995 |
62. | Neurobiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms | Behavioral Neuroscience | 24519944 |
63. | Paladyn | Behavioral Neuroscience |
64. | Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology | Behavioral Neuroscience |
65. | Nature Human Behaviour | Behavioral Neuroscience |
66. | NeuroRegulation | Behavioral Neuroscience |
67. | Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento | Behavioral Neuroscience |
68. | Brain-Computer Interfaces | Behavioral Neuroscience | 2326263X |
69. | Behavioral Sciences | Behavioral Neuroscience |
70. | Behavioral Science and Policy | Behavioral Neuroscience | 23794607 |
71. | Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine | Behavioral Neuroscience |
72. | Epilepsy and Behavior Reports | Behavioral Neuroscience |
73. | Chronic Stress | Behavioral Neuroscience |
74. | Personality Neuroscience | Behavioral Neuroscience |
75. | Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports | Behavioral Neuroscience |
76. | Reti Saperi Linguaggi | Behavioral Neuroscience | 18268889 |
77. | Psychology Hub | Behavioral Neuroscience | 2723973X |
78. | New Approaches to the Scientific Study of Religion | Behavioral Neuroscience | 23673494 |