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Methods and Tools for Performance Analysis
Case Study Example: RSA Encryption Algorithm
Here we have sorted out the List of High Impact Factor Algebra and Number Theory Journals, have a look at the Title that we support along with Scopus Sub-Subject Area. A good writing paves way for a successful publication. Get your proposal writing with implementation from our developers we help for your publication process . | Title | Scopus Sub-Subject Area | Print ISSN |
1. | Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems | Algebra and Number Theory | 10792724 |
2. | Journal of Mathematical Sociology | Algebra and Number Theory | 0022250X |
3. | Annales de l’Institut Fourier | Algebra and Number Theory | 3730956 |
4. | Integral Equations and Operator Theory | Algebra and Number Theory | 0378620X |
5. | Journal of Algebra | Algebra and Number Theory | 218693 |
6. | Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics | Algebra and Number Theory | 9259899 |
7. | Journal of Algebraic Geometry | Algebra and Number Theory | 10563911 |
8. | Journal of Difference Equations and Applications | Algebra and Number Theory | 10236198 |
9. | Journal of Differential Geometry | Algebra and Number Theory | 0022040X |
10. | Journal of Group Theory | Algebra and Number Theory | 14335883 |
11. | Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications | Algebra and Number Theory | 2182165 |
12. | Journal of Lie Theory | Algebra and Number Theory | 9495932 |
13. | Journal of Number Theory | Algebra and Number Theory | 0022314X |
14. | Journal of Operator Theory | Algebra and Number Theory | 3794024 |
15. | Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra | Algebra and Number Theory | 224049 |
16. | Acta Arithmetica | Algebra and Number Theory | 651036 |
17. | Lecture Notes in Mathematics | Algebra and Number Theory | 758434 |
18. | Linear Algebra and Its Applications | Algebra and Number Theory | 243795 |
19. | Linear and Multilinear Algebra | Algebra and Number Theory | 3081087 |
20. | Algebra Colloquium | Algebra and Number Theory | 10053867 |
21. | Algebra Universalis | Algebra and Number Theory | 25240 |
22. | Mathematics of Computation | Algebra and Number Theory | 255718 |
23. | Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie | Algebra and Number Theory | 1384821 |
24. | Calcolo | Algebra and Number Theory | 80624 |
25. | Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications | Algebra and Number Theory | 10705325 |
26. | Order | Algebra and Number Theory | 1678094 |
27. | Communications in Algebra | Algebra and Number Theory | 927872 |
28. | Compositio Mathematica | Algebra and Number Theory | 0010437X |
29. | Ramanujan Journal | Algebra and Number Theory | 13824090 |
30. | Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra | Algebra and Number Theory | 10813810 |
31. | Fibonacci Quarterly | Algebra and Number Theory | 150517 |
32. | Semigroup Forum | Algebra and Number Theory | 371912 |
33. | Finite Fields and Their Applications | Algebra and Number Theory | 10715797 |
34. | Fundamenta Mathematicae | Algebra and Number Theory | 162736 |
35. | Transformation Groups | Algebra and Number Theory | 10834362 |
36. | Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing | Algebra and Number Theory | 9381279 |
37. | Applied Categorical Structures | Algebra and Number Theory | 9272852 |
38. | Fundamenta Informaticae | Algebra and Number Theory | 1692968 |
39. | Journal of Complexity | Algebra and Number Theory | 0885064X |
40. | Journal of Symbolic Computation | Algebra and Number Theory | 7477171 |
41. | Algebra and Logic | Algebra and Number Theory | 25232 |
42. | WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics | Algebra and Number Theory | 11092769 |
43. | Advances in Difference Equations | Algebra and Number Theory | 16871839 |
44. | Boundary Value Problems | Algebra and Number Theory | 16872762 |
45. | International Journal of Number Theory | Algebra and Number Theory | 17930421 |
46. | Journal of Algebra and its Applications | Algebra and Number Theory | 2194988 |
47. | Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico dell ‘Universita’ di Padova/Mathematical Journal of the University of Padova | Algebra and Number Theory | 418994 |
48. | Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis | Algebra and Number Theory | 17358787 |
49. | Journal of Noncommutative Geometry | Algebra and Number Theory | 16616952 |
50. | Advances in Mathematics of Communications | Algebra and Number Theory | 19305346 |
51. | Hiroshima Mathematical Journal | Algebra and Number Theory | 182079 |
52. | Journal of Modern Dynamics | Algebra and Number Theory | 19305311 |
53. | Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales – Serie A: Matematicas | Algebra and Number Theory | 15787303 |
54. | Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics | Algebra and Number Theory | 13035010 |
55. | Funkcialaj Ekvacioj | Algebra and Number Theory | 5328721 |
56. | Mathematical Communications | Algebra and Number Theory | 13310623 |
57. | Algebra and Number Theory | Algebra and Number Theory | 19370652 |
58. | Operators and Matrices | Algebra and Number Theory | 18463886 |
59. | Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography | Algebra and Number Theory | 9720529 |
60. | Ars Mathematica Contemporanea | Algebra and Number Theory | 18553966 |
61. | Miskolc Mathematical Notes | Algebra and Number Theory | 17872405 |
62. | Fundamental and Applied Mathematics | Algebra and Number Theory | 15605159 |
63. | Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux | Algebra and Number Theory | 12467405 |
64. | Quasigroups and Related Systems | Algebra and Number Theory | 15612848 |
65. | Communications in Number Theory and Physics | Algebra and Number Theory | 19314523 |
66. | Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Algebra and Number Theory | 17263255 |
67. | Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures | Algebra and Number Theory | 21938407 |
68. | St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal | Algebra and Number Theory | 10610022 |
69. | Journal of Commutative Algebra | Algebra and Number Theory | 19390807 |
70. | Mathematical Reports | Algebra and Number Theory | 15823067 |
71. | Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization | Algebra and Number Theory | 21553289 |
72. | Annals of Functional Analysis | Algebra and Number Theory |
73. | International Journal of Group Theory | Algebra and Number Theory | 22517650 |
74. | Journal of Algebra and Applied Mathematics | Algebra and Number Theory | 23197234 |
75. | Analysis and Mathematical Physics | Algebra and Number Theory | 16642368 |
76. | International Electronic Journal of Algebra | Algebra and Number Theory |
77. | Special Matrices | Algebra and Number Theory |
78. | Progress in Mathematics | Algebra and Number Theory | 7431643 |
79. | Research in Number Theory | Algebra and Number Theory |
80. | Series on Number Theory and Its Applications | Algebra and Number Theory | 17933161 |
81. | Random Matrices: Theory and Application | Algebra and Number Theory | 20103263 |
82. | Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis | Algebra and Number Theory |
83. | Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincare (D) Combinatorics, Physics and their Interactions | Algebra and Number Theory | 23085827 |
84. | Axioms | Algebra and Number Theory |
85. | Series on Knots and Everything | Algebra and Number Theory | 2199769 |
86. | Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica | Algebra and Number Theory | 8600120 |
87. | International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science | Algebra and Number Theory | 18140424 |
88. | Rendiconti di Matematica e delle Sue Applicazioni | Algebra and Number Theory | 11207183 |
89. | Algebraic Geometry | Algebra and Number Theory | 23131691 |
90. | Discrete Analysis | Algebra and Number Theory |
91. | Advances in Operator Theory | Algebra and Number Theory |
92. | Forum of Mathematics, Sigma | Algebra and Number Theory |
93. | Forum of Mathematics, Pi | Algebra and Number Theory |
94. | Journal of Algebra Combinatorics Discrete Structures and Applications | Algebra and Number Theory |
95. | Advances in Group Theory and Applications | Algebra and Number Theory | 24991287 |
96. | Epijournal de Geometrie Algebrique | Algebra and Number Theory |
97. | Discussiones Mathematicae – General Algebra and Applications | Algebra and Number Theory | 15099415 |
98. | Journal of Combinatorial Algebra | Algebra and Number Theory | 24156302 |
99. | Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory | Algebra and Number Theory | 22205438 |
100. | Algebraic Structures and their Applications | Algebra and Number Theory |
101. | Journal of Algebra and Related Topics | Algebra and Number Theory | 23453931 |
102. | Journal of Algebraic Systems | Algebra and Number Theory |
103. | European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | Algebra and Number Theory |
104. | SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry | Algebra and Number Theory |
105. | Cubo | Algebra and Number Theory | 7167776 |
106. | Zhurnal Belorusskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Matematika. Informatika | Algebra and Number Theory | 25206508 |
107. | Annales Mathematiques Blaise Pascal | Algebra and Number Theory | 12591734 |
108. | Integers | Algebra and Number Theory |
109. | Journal of Analysis | Algebra and Number Theory | 9713611 |