Best SCI Journals For best SCI journals for Development are shared by us. Here’s a breakdown of how performance analysis can be applied across different development areas:
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List Of High Impact Factor best SCI journals for Development is provided to assist you in selecting appropriate journals for your research. For a seamless publication experience, you may depend on our expertise. So if you feel uncertain, is available to oversee your work. | Title | Subject Area | Print ISSN |
1. | International Journal of Educational Development | Development | 7380593 |
2. | Communist and Post-Communist Studies | Development | 0967067X |
3. | Africa Development/Afrique et Developpement | Development | 8503907 |
4. | African Development Review | Development | 10176772 |
5. | Asia Pacific Viewpoint | Development | 13607456 |
6. | Asian Development Review | Development | 1161105 |
7. | Contemporary South Asia | Development | 9584935 |
8. | Contemporary Southeast Asia | Development | 0129797X |
9. | Housing Policy Debate | Development | 10511482 |
10. | Housing, Theory and Society | Development | 14036096 |
11. | International Journal of Urban and Regional Research | Development | 3091317 |
12. | Journal of Planning Education and Research | Development | 0739456X |
13. | Journal of Regional Science | Development | 224146 |
14. | Journal of the American Planning Association | Development | 1944363 |
15. | Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, ASCE | Development | 7339488 |
16. | Developing Economies | Development | 121533 |
17. | Development | Development | 10116370 |
18. | Development and Change | Development | 0012155X |
19. | Development in Practice | Development | 9614524 |
20. | Development Policy Review | Development | 9506764 |
21. | Development Southern Africa | Development | 0376835X |
22. | Economic Development and Cultural Change | Development | 130079 |
23. | European Journal of Development Research | Development | 9578811 |
24. | Forum for Development Studies | Development | 8039410 |
25. | Social Policy and Administration | Development | 1445596 |
26. | IDS Bulletin | Development | 2655012 |
27. | Information Technology for Development | Development | 2681102 |
28. | Journal fur Entwicklungspolitik | Development | 2582384 |
29. | Journal of Development Economics | Development | 3043878 |
30. | Journal of Development Studies | Development | 220388 |
31. | Journal of International Development | Development | 9541748 |
32. | Journal of International Trade and Economic Development | Development | 9638199 |
33. | Labour, Capital and Society | Development | 7061706 |
34. | Mondes En Developpement | Development | 3023052 |
35. | Africa Spectrum | Development | 20397 |
36. | Inner Asia | Development | 14648172 |
37. | Oxford Development Studies | Development | 13600818 |
38. | Public Administration and Development | Development | 2712075 |
39. | Review of Development Economics | Development | 13636669 |
40. | Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies | Development | 9170553 |
41. | Third World Quarterly | Development | 1436597 |
42. | Finance and Development | Development | 1451707 |
43. | Journal of Asian and African Studies | Development | 219096 |
44. | Journal of Rural Studies | Development | 7430167 |
45. | Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History | Development | 3086534 |
46. | Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East | Development | 1089201X |
47. | East Asia | Development | 10966838 |
48. | Journal of Contemporary China | Development | 10670564 |
49. | Tourism Management | Development | 2615177 |
50. | Central Asian Survey | Development | 2634937 |
51. | African and Asian Studies | Development | 15692094 |
52. | International Finance | Development | 13670271 |
53. | Cities | Development | 2642751 |
54. | South Asia: Journal of South Asia Studies | Development | 856401 |
55. | International Journal of Water Resources Development | Development | 7900627 |
56. | World Bank Research Observer | Development | 2573032 |
57. | Local Government Studies | Development | 3003930 |
58. | Journal of North African Studies | Development | 13629387 |
59. | Utilities Policy | Development | 9571787 |
60. | Economic Affairs | Development | 2650665 |
61. | Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies | Development | 74918 |
62. | CEPAL Review | Development | 2512920 |
63. | Entrepreneurship and Regional Development | Development | 8985626 |
64. | Transportation | Development | 494488 |
65. | Environment and Development Economics | Development | 1355770X |
66. | South East Asia Research | Development | 0967828X |
67. | Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management | Development | 15353958 |
68. | Journal of African Economies | Development | 9638024 |
69. | Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy | Development | 13547860 |
70. | Policy Sciences | Development | 322687 |
71. | Pakistan Development Review | Development | 309729 |
72. | Land Degradation and Development | Development | 10853278 |
73. | Mountain Research and Development | Development | 2764741 |
74. | Journal of Environment and Development | Development | 10704965 |
75. | China Quarterly | Development | 3057410 |
76. | Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies | Development | 13954199 |
77. | Problemas del Desarrollo | Development | 3017036 |
78. | Gender and Development | Development | 13552074 |
79. | Gender, Technology and Development | Development | 9718524 |
80. | Journal of African Business | Development | 15228916 |
81. | China Report | Development | 94455 |
82. | Cooperation and Conflict | Development | 108367 |
83. | Review of International Economics | Development | 9657576 |
84. | Asian-Pacific Economic Literature | Development | 8189935 |
85. | Women’s Studies International Forum | Development | 2775395 |
86. | Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies | Development | 8263663 |
87. | Perspectives on Global Development and Technology | Development | 15691500 |
88. | Bulletin of Latin American Research | Development | 2613050 |
89. | Canadian Journal of African Studies | Development | 83968 |
90. | Canadian Journal of Development Studies | Development | 2255189 |
91. | Working Paper – Chr. Michelson Institute | Development | 8043639 |
92. | Futures | Development | 163287 |
93. | Society and Natural Resources | Development | 8941920 |
94. | Sustainable Development | Development | 9680802 |
95. | Revue d’Economie du Developpement | Development | 12454060 |
96. | Journal of International Relations and Development | Development | 14086980 |
97. | Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies | Development | 5638682 |
98. | Studies in Comparative International Development | Development | 393606 |
99. | Afrique Contemporaine | Development | 20478 |
100. | Population and Development Review | Development | 987921 |
101. | World Bank Economic Review | Development | 2586770 |
102. | Journal of Contemporary African Studies | Development | 2589001 |
103. | Latin American Research Review | Development | 238791 |
104. | Review of African Political Economy | Development | 3056244 |
105. | Ocean Development and International Law | Development | 908320 |
106. | Asian Economic Journal | Development | 13513958 |
107. | Economic Development Quarterly | Development | 8912424 |
108. | Journal of East-West Business | Development | 10669868 |
109. | New Political Economy | Development | 13563467 |
110. | Community Development Journal | Development | 103802 |
111. | World Development | Development | 18735991 |
112. | Annals of Tourism Research | Development | 1607383 |
113. | Appropriate Technology | Development | 3050920 |
114. | Working Paper of the Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies | Development |
115. | Desarrollo y Sociedad | Development | 1203584 |
116. | Food Policy | Development | 3069192 |
117. | Cahiers d’Etudes Africaines | Development | 80055 |
118. | Spore | Development | 10110054 |
119. | International Development Planning Review | Development | 14746743 |
120. | Journal of Developing Societies | Development | 0169796X |
121. | Journal of Rural Development | Development | 9703357 |
122. | Evaluation | Development | 13563890 |
123. | Revista de Estudios Regionales | Development | 2137585 |
124. | Community, Work and Family | Development | 13668803 |
125. | NJAS – Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences | Development | 15735214 |
126. | Transition Studies Review | Development | 16144007 |
127. | Journal of Workplace Learning | Development | 13665626 |
128. | Journal of Futures Studies | Development | 10276084 |
129. | Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics | Development | 16129830 |
130. | Journal of Family Social Work | Development | 10522158 |
131. | Progress in Industrial Ecology | Development | 14768917 |
132. | Journal of Community Practice | Development | 10705422 |
133. | Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment | Development | 16734831 |
134. | Progress in Development Studies | Development | 14649934 |
135. | Orient | Development | 305227 |
136. | Contemporary British History | Development | 13619462 |
137. | European Journal of East Asian Studies | Development | 15680584 |
138. | Journal of East Asian Studies | Development | 15982408 |
139. | Social Neuroscience | Development | 17470919 |
140. | PIDE Working Papers | Development | 788228 |
141. | Investigaciones Regionales | Development | 16957253 |
142. | WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development | Development | 17905079 |
143. | Journal of Transnational Management | Development | 15475778 |
144. | Environmental Hazards | Development | 17477891 14642867 |
145. | Anuario do Instituto de Geociencias | Development | 1019759 |
146. | Journal of South Asian Development | Development | 9731741 |
147. | Applied Econometrics and International Development | Development | 15784487 |
148. | Food Security | Development | 18764517 |
149. | Journal of Water and Land Development | Development | 14297426 |
150. | Irish Studies in International Affairs | Development | 3321460 |
151. | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | Development | 20405790 |
152. | Enterprise Development and Microfinance | Development | 17551978 |
153. | Journal of Social Entrepreneurship | Development | 19420676 |
154. | Journal of Human Development and Capabilities | Development | 19452829 |
155. | Journal of Globalization and Development | Development | 19481837 |
156. | Tourism Planning and Development | Development | 21568316 |
157. | Ager | Development | 15787168 |
158. | Climate and Development | Development | 17565529 |
159. | International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management | Development | 17568692 |
160. | Journal of Development Effectiveness | Development | 19439342 |
161. | International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development | Development | 19478402 |
162. | International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development | Development | 19463138 |
163. | Dialogue | Development | 2428962 |
164. | Field Actions Science Report | Development | 1867139X |
165. | Law and Development Review | Development | 19433867 |
166. | Regional Science Inquiry | Development | 17915961 |
167. | Maritime Studies | Development | 18727859 |
168. | Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems | Development | 21683565 |
169. | East European Politics | Development | 21599165 |
170. | AHURI Final Report | Development | 18347223 |
171. | Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development | Development | 20439083 |
172. | Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes | Development | 17554217 |
173. | Rivista di Studi sulla Sostenibilita | Development | 22391959 |
174. | Energy, Sustainability and Society | Development |
175. | Extractive Industries and Society | Development |
176. | Central Asia and the Caucasus | Development | 14046091 |
177. | Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies | Development | 22542035 |
178. | Regional Science Policy and Practice | Development |
179. | Asian Education and Development Studies | Development | 20463162 |
180. | Development Engineering | Development |
181. | Foresight and STI Governance | Development |
182. | Southeast Asian Studies | Development | 21867275 |
183. | World Development Perspectives | Development |
184. | International Journal of Development Issues | Development | 14468956 |
185. | Mir Rossii | Development | 1811038X |
186. | Innovation and Development | Development | 2157930X |
187. | Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies | Development | 20440839 |
188. | Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies | Development | 20294581 |
189. | African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development | Development | 20421338 |
190. | Development Studies Research | Development |
191. | Africa Review | Development | 9744053 |
192. | Journal of Agricultural Extension | Development | 1119944X |
193. | Insight on Africa | Development | 9750878 |
194. | Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development | Development |
195. | Millennial Asia | Development | 9763996 |
196. | African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development | Development | 16845358 |
197. | Sustentabilidade em Debate | Development | 21777675 |
198. | International Journal of Sustainable Economy | Development | 17565804 |
199. | African Evaluation Journal | Development | 23104988 |
200. | Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies | Development | 9749101 |
201. | Journal of Global South Studies | Development | 24761397 |
202. | IZA Journal of Development and Migration | Development |
203. | International Journal of Development and Conflict | Development | 20102690 |
204. | Margin | Development | 9738010 |
205. | ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance | Development | 1281976 |
206. | Modern Africa | Development | 23363274 |
207. | Civitas | Development | 15196089 |
208. | Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development | Development | 15499324 |
209. | Evaluation Journal of Australasia | Development | 1035719X |
210. | Education and Self Development | Development | 19917740 |
211. | Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies | Development | 24761028 |
212. | Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity | Development |
213. | Economic History of Developing Regions | Development | 20780389 |
214. | Journal of Regional and City Planning | Development |
215. | Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research | Development | 21479100 |
216. | Journal of Engineering Education Transformations | Development | 23492473 |
217. | African Renaissance | Development | 17442532 |
218. | Journal of African Union Studies | Development | 20504292 |
219. | Global Studies of Childhood | Development |
220. | Rural Special Education Quarterly | Development | 87568705 |
221. | Asian Economic and Financial Review | Development | 23052147 |
222. | Research for Development | Development | 21987300 |
223. | Sociologia y Tecnociencia | Development |
224. | Pensamiento Educativo | Development | 7171013 |
225. | Social Enterprise Journal | Development | 17508614 |
226. | Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies | Development | 20421168 |
227. | Peacebuilding | Development | 21647259 |
228. | Education in the Asia-Pacific Region | Development | 15735397 |
229. | Behavioral Sciences | Development |
230. | Economies | Development |
231. | Behavioral Science and Policy | Development | 23794607 |
232. | Sociology of Development | Development |
233. | Southeast Asian Journal of Economics | Development | 22868984 |
234. | Critical Studies of the Asia-Pacific | Development | 2662222X |
235. | Middle East Development Journal | Development | 17938120 |
236. | Business Strategy and Development | Development |
237. | Journal of School Administration Research and Development | Development | 24708496 |
238. | European Journal of Sustainable Development | Development | 22395938 |
239. | Oeconomia Copernicana | Development | 20831277 |
240. | Asia in Transition | Development | 23648252 |
241. | Studies in Agricultural Economics | Development | 14182106 |
242. | Thailand and the World Economy | Development | 26300931 |
243. | Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management | Development | 25227343 |
244. | Journal of Mekong Societies | Development | 16866541 |
245. | Information Technologies and International Development | Development | 15447529 |
246. | European Public and Social Innovation Review | Development |
247. | Dynamics of Asian Development | Development | 21989923 |
248. | Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science | Development |
249. | International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks | Development | 25774441 |
250. | Communication, Culture and Change in Asia | Development | 23664665 |
251. | Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business | Development |
252. | Finance: Theory and Practice | Development | 25875671 |
253. | Library of Ethics and Applied Philosophy | Development | 13876678 |
254. | Anticipation Science | Development | 2522039X |
255. | Societies and Political Orders in Transition | Development | 25112201 |
256. | Philosophy of Engineering and Technology | Development | 18797202 |
257. | New Approaches to Religion and Power | Development | 26346079 |