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List of High Impact Factor Biotechnology Journals which we helped for scholars with rapid publication are shared, if you want to explore more you can drop us a message we will help you with best publication services. | Title | Subject Area | Print ISSN |
1. | High Technology Letters | Biotechnology | 10066748 |
2. | European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology | Biotechnology | 14387697 |
3. | BMC Biology | Biotechnology | 17417007 |
4. | Molecular Nutrition and Food Research | Biotechnology | 16134125 |
5. | Reproduction, Fertility and Development | Biotechnology | 10313613 |
6. | Biologicals | Biotechnology | 10451056 |
7. | BioSpektrum | Biotechnology | 9470867 |
8. | Macromolecular Bioscience | Biotechnology | 16165187 |
9. | Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 10826068 |
10. | Protein Expression and Purification | Biotechnology | 10465928 |
11. | Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 7246145 |
12. | Animal Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 10495398 |
13. | Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 1757598 |
14. | Asia-Pacific Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 1287451 |
15. | Asian Biotechnology and Development Review | Biotechnology | 9727566 |
16. | BMC Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 14726750 |
17. | FASEB Journal | Biotechnology | 8926638 |
18. | Biocatalysis and Biotransformation | Biotechnology | 10242422 |
19. | Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering | Biotechnology | 16157591 |
20. | Biosensors and Bioelectronics | Biotechnology | 9565663 |
21. | BioTechniques | Biotechnology | 7366205 |
22. | Biotechnology Advances | Biotechnology | 7349750 |
23. | Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry | Biotechnology | 8854513 |
24. | Biotechnology and Bioengineering | Biotechnology | 63592 |
25. | Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment | Biotechnology | 13102818 |
26. | International Journal of Nanoscience | Biotechnology | 0219581X |
27. | Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews | Biotechnology | 2648725 |
28. | Biotechnology Law Report | Biotechnology | 0730031X |
29. | Biotechnology Letters | Biotechnology | 1415492 |
30. | Biotechnology Progress | Biotechnology | 87567938 |
31. | Biotecnologia Aplicada | Biotechnology | 8644551 |
32. | Critical Reviews in Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 7388551 |
33. | Current Opinion in Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 9581669 |
34. | Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 13892010 |
35. | Electronic Journal of Biotechnology | Biotechnology |
36. | Engineering in Life Sciences | Biotechnology | 16180240 |
37. | Enzyme and Microbial Technology | Biotechnology | 1410229 |
38. | Food and Bioproducts Processing | Biotechnology | 9603085 |
39. | Food Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 8905436 |
40. | Food Technology and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 13309862 |
41. | Indian Journal of Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 9725849 |
42. | Journal of Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 1681656 |
43. | Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 2682575 |
44. | Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 13675435 |
45. | Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 10177825 |
46. | Marine Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 14362228 |
47. | Minerva Biotecnologica | Biotechnology | 11204826 |
48. | Molecular Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 10736085 |
49. | Nature Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 10870156 |
50. | Shengwu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 10003061 |
51. | Trends in Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 1677799 |
52. | World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 9593993 |
53. | AICHE Journal | Biotechnology | 11541 |
54. | Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology | Biotechnology | 16177959 |
55. | IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience | Biotechnology | 15361241 |
56. | Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering | Biotechnology | 13891723 |
57. | Metabolic Engineering | Biotechnology | 10967176 |
58. | Phytochemistry Reviews | Biotechnology | 15687767 |
59. | Plant Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 13424580 |
60. | Plant Biotechnology Journal | Biotechnology | 14677644 |
61. | Biochemical Engineering Journal | Biotechnology | 1369703X |
62. | Bioconjugate Chemistry | Biotechnology | 10431802 |
63. | Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 9717811 |
64. | Yeast | Biotechnology | 0749503X |
65. | Biological Cybernetics | Biotechnology | 3401200 |
66. | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics | Biotechnology | 15455963 |
67. | Journal of Electrostatics | Biotechnology | 3043886 |
68. | Cytotechnology | Biotechnology | 9209069 |
69. | Microbial Cell Factories | Biotechnology | 14752859 |
70. | Molecular Imaging | Biotechnology | 15353508 |
71. | In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology – Plant | Biotechnology | 10545476 |
72. | Reproduction in Domestic Animals | Biotechnology | 9366768 |
73. | Journal of Heredity | Biotechnology | 221503 |
74. | OMICS A Journal of Integrative Biology | Biotechnology | 15362310 |
75. | Theoretical And Applied Genetics | Biotechnology | 405752 |
76. | Molecular Breeding | Biotechnology | 13803743 |
77. | Applied and Environmental Microbiology | Biotechnology | 992240 |
78. | BioDrugs | Biotechnology | 11738804 |
79. | BioPharm International | Biotechnology | 1542166X |
80. | Journal of Applied Microbiology | Biotechnology | 13645072 |
81. | Seibutsu-kogaku Kaishi | Biotechnology | 9193758 |
82. | Pharmaceutical Research | Biotechnology | 7248741 |
83. | European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics | Biotechnology | 9396411 |
84. | BMC Genomics | Biotechnology | 14712164 |
85. | Genome | Biotechnology | 8312796 |
86. | Trends in Food Science and Technology | Biotechnology | 9242244 |
87. | Food Control | Biotechnology | 9567135 |
88. | Iraqi Journal of Science | Biotechnology | 672904 |
89. | European Food Research and Technology | Biotechnology | 14382377 |
90. | Food Science and Technology Research | Biotechnology | 13446606 |
91. | Chemistry and Industry (London) | Biotechnology | 93068 |
92. | Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings | Biotechnology | 10870024 |
93. | Mycotoxin Research | Biotechnology | 1787888 |
94. | Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces | Biotechnology | 9277765 |
95. | Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists | Biotechnology | 3610470 |
96. | European Physical Journal E | Biotechnology | 12928941 |
97. | Ageing Research Reviews | Biotechnology | 15681637 |
98. | Biophotonics International | Biotechnology | 10818693 |
99. | Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly | Biotechnology | 213551 |
100. | Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture | Biotechnology | 225142 |
101. | Philippine Agricultural Scientist | Biotechnology | 317454 |
102. | Outlooks on Pest Management | Biotechnology | 17431026 |
103. | Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology | Biotechnology | 9722025 |
104. | AgBioForum | Biotechnology | 1522936X |
105. | Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology | Biotechnology | 13468073 |
106. | Resource: Engineering and Technology for Sustainable World | Biotechnology | 10763333 |
107. | Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal | Biotechnology | 10280987 |
108. | Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 2732289 |
109. | Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering | Biotechnology | 12268372 |
110. | e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology | Biotechnology | 13480391 |
111. | Small | Biotechnology | 16136810 |
112. | Acta Biomaterialia | Biotechnology | 17427061 |
113. | Science as Culture | Biotechnology | 9505431 |
114. | Journal of the Royal Society Interface | Biotechnology | 17425689 |
115. | International Journal of Food Engineering | Biotechnology | 15563758 |
116. | Industrial Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 15509087 |
117. | Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs | Biotechnology | 9711198 |
118. | Food Science and Technology | Biotechnology | 1012061 |
119. | Beitrage zur Tabakforschung International/ Contributions to Tobacco Research | Biotechnology | 0173783X |
120. | Journal of Bionic Engineering | Biotechnology | 16726529 |
121. | Bioinspiration and Biomimetics | Biotechnology | 17483182 |
122. | Nano Today | Biotechnology | 17480132 |
123. | Plasmonics | Biotechnology | 15571955 |
124. | Current Nanoscience | Biotechnology | 15734137 |
125. | Journal fur Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit | Biotechnology | 16615751 |
126. | Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 15187853 |
127. | Biotechnologia | Biotechnology | 8607796 |
128. | IET Systems Biology | Biotechnology | 17518849 |
129. | American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 15533468 |
130. | IET Nanobiotechnology | Biotechnology | 17518741 |
131. | Plant Methods | Biotechnology | 17464811 |
132. | Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News | Biotechnology | 1935472X |
133. | Animal Science Papers and Reports | Biotechnology | 8604037 |
134. | Phytochemistry Letters | Biotechnology | 18743900 |
135. | Rice Science | Biotechnology | 16726308 |
136. | Recent Patents on Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 18722083 |
137. | Plant Biotechnology Reports | Biotechnology | 18635466 |
138. | Molecular Ecology Resources | Biotechnology | 1755098X |
139. | New Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 18716784 |
140. | Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology | Biotechnology | 9737510 |
141. | Image Analysis and Stereology | Biotechnology | 15803139 |
142. | Biotechnology for Biofuels | Biotechnology |
143. | Applied Bionics and Biomechanics | Biotechnology | 11762322 |
144. | Food Science and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 12267708 |
145. | Iranian Journal of Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 17283043 |
146. | Research Journal of Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 9736263 |
147. | Transgenic Research | Biotechnology | 9628819 |
148. | Anatomical Record | Biotechnology | 19328486 |
149. | Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy | Biotechnology | 9738916 |
150. | Polish Journal of Chemical Technology | Biotechnology | 15098117 |
151. | Biotechnology, Agronomy and Society and Environment | Biotechnology | 13706233 |
152. | Biochip Journal | Biotechnology | 19760280 |
153. | NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics | Biotechnology | 18746500 |
154. | Protein and Cell | Biotechnology | 1674800X |
155. | Journal of Applied Horticulture | Biotechnology | 9721045 |
156. | Cellular Reprogramming | Biotechnology | 21524971 |
157. | Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 20082835 |
158. | Chinese Journal of Biologicals | Biotechnology | 10045503 |
159. | European Pharmaceutical Review | Biotechnology | 13608606 |
160. | Open Biotechnology Journal | Biotechnology | 18740707 |
161. | Microbial Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 17517907 |
162. | Enzymes | Biotechnology | 4232607 |
163. | BrewingScience | Biotechnology | 18665195 |
164. | Health and Technology | Biotechnology | 21907188 |
165. | Biofabrication | Biotechnology | 17585082 |
166. | Journal of Ginseng Research | Biotechnology | 12268453 |
167. | Journal of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine | Biotechnology | 9737154 |
168. | Transcription | Biotechnology | 21541264 |
169. | Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics | Biotechnology | 10297073 |
170. | Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology | Biotechnology | 3676293 |
171. | Journal of Biotech Research | Biotechnology |
172. | International Journal Bioautomation | Biotechnology | 13141902 |
173. | Biotropia | Biotechnology | 2156334 |
174. | Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 18788181 |
175. | Ernahrung | Biotechnology | 2501554 |
176. | Interface Focus | Biotechnology | 20428898 |
177. | Biomedical Optics Express | Biotechnology | 21567085 |
178. | Journal of Healthcare Engineering | Biotechnology | 20402295 |
179. | Horticulture Environment and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 22113452 |
180. | GM crops & food | Biotechnology | 21645698 |
181. | RSC Polymer Chemistry Series | Biotechnology | 20440790 |
182. | Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 21691401 |
183. | Acta Naturae | Biotechnology | 20758251 |
184. | IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics | Biotechnology | 21682194 |
185. | RSC Smart Materials | Biotechnology | 20460066 |
186. | Nanophotonics | Biotechnology | 21928606 |
187. | Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology | Biotechnology |
188. | Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 16749782 |
189. | Journal of Plant Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 12292818 |
190. | Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal | Biotechnology |
191. | SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology | Biotechnology | 2191530X |
192. | Journal of Water Process Engineering | Biotechnology |
193. | Biotechnology Reports | Biotechnology |
194. | Annual Review of Animal Biosciences | Biotechnology | 21658102 |
195. | Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering | Biotechnology | 22969837 |
196. | Genes and Cells | Biotechnology | 23131829 |
197. | IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society | Biotechnology | 21686734 |
198. | Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research | Biotechnology |
199. | Colloids and Interface Science Communications | Biotechnology |
200. | ACS Photonics | Biotechnology |
201. | Nanotechnology Reviews | Biotechnology | 21919089 |
202. | Nova Biotechnologica et Chimica | Biotechnology | 13386905 |
203. | Plant Gene | Biotechnology |
204. | Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 19759479 |
205. | 3 Biotech | Biotechnology | 2190572X |
206. | Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 1687157X |
207. | Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters | Biotechnology | 1598642X |
208. | Horticulture Research | Biotechnology |
209. | Nature Methods | Biotechnology | 15487091 |
210. | OpenNano | Biotechnology | 23529520 |
211. | Bioprinting | Biotechnology | 24058866 |
212. | Applied Biosafety | Biotechnology | 15356760 |
213. | Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Fascicula Biologie | Biotechnology | 12245119 |
214. | Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture | Biotechnology |
215. | Agri Gene | Biotechnology | 23522151 |
216. | Bioengineered | Biotechnology | 21655979 |
217. | Series on Biomechanics | Biotechnology | 13132458 |
218. | SLAS Discovery | Biotechnology | 24725552 |
219. | International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicine | Biotechnology | 22519637 |
220. | Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences | Biotechnology |
221. | Law, Innovation and Technology | Biotechnology | 17579961 |
222. | Biofuel Research Journal | Biotechnology |
223. | Journal of Applied Biotechnology Reports | Biotechnology | 23221186 |
224. | High-Throughput | Biotechnology | 25715135 |
225. | Nanobiomedicine | Biotechnology |
226. | Nature Biomedical Engineering | Biotechnology |
227. | Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology | Biotechnology |
228. | Acta Agronomica Sinica(China) | Biotechnology | 4963490 |
229. | Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering | Biotechnology | 20957505 |
230. | Applied Food Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 23455357 |
231. | Advances in Nano Research | Biotechnology | 2287237X |
232. | npj Biofilms and Microbiomes | Biotechnology |
233. | Future Science OA | Biotechnology |
234. | Bioactive Materials | Biotechnology | 2452199X |
235. | BioLaw Journal | Biotechnology |
236. | International Journal of Bioprinting | Biotechnology |
237. | Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry | Biotechnology |
238. | Advanced Biomedical Engineering | Biotechnology |
239. | Plant Breeding and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 22879358 |
240. | Bioresources and Bioprocessing | Biotechnology |
241. | Biotekhnologiya | Biotechnology | 2342758 |
242. | Applied Nanoscience (Switzerland) | Biotechnology | 21905509 |
243. | Human Factors and Mechanical Engineering for Defense and Safety | Biotechnology | 25098004 |
244. | Journal of Biotechnology: X | Biotechnology | 25901559 |
245. | Bio-Design and Manufacturing | Biotechnology | 20965524 |
246. | Lecture Notes in Bioengineering | Biotechnology | 2195271X |
247. | Applied Environmental Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 23826436 |
248. | Current Applied Science and Technology | Biotechnology |
249. | International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control | Biotechnology | 9748571 |
250. | Nanotheranostics | Biotechnology |
251. | Egyptian Journal of Botany | Biotechnology | 3759237 |
252. | Synthetic Biology | Biotechnology | 19397267 |
253. | Pesticide Research Journal | Biotechnology | 9706763 |
254. | Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X | Biotechnology |
255. | INFORM | Biotechnology | 15289303 |
256. | CRISPR Journal | Biotechnology | 25731599 |
257. | Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 8538654 |
258. | Fungal Biology and Biotechnology | Biotechnology |
259. | Materials Today Bio | Biotechnology |
260. | Biomimetics | Biotechnology |
261. | Journal of Cellular Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 23523689 |
262. | Revista Bionatura | Biotechnology | 13909347 |
263. | Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 20895690 |
264. | Nanomedicine Research Journal | Biotechnology | 24763489 |
265. | IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications | Biotechnology |
266. | Journal of Fruit Science | Biotechnology | 10099980 |
267. | Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine | Biotechnology | 26624729 |
268. | Proceedings on Applied Botany, Genetics and Breeding | Biotechnology | 22278834 |
269. | Bioengineering and Translational Medicine | Biotechnology |
270. | Biomedical and Biotechnology Research Journal | Biotechnology | 25889834 |
271. | Studies in Mechanobiology, Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials | Biotechnology | 18682006 |
272. | Mexican Journal of Biotechnology | Biotechnology |
273. | Cell and Organ Transplantology | Biotechnology | 23083794 |
274. | Methods and Protocols | Biotechnology |
275. | Research in Plant Disease | Biotechnology | 15982262 |
276. | Current Research in Food Science | Biotechnology |
277. | Plant Communications | Biotechnology |
278. | Biosafety and Health | Biotechnology |
279. | Animal Gene | Biotechnology |
280. | Grand Challenges in Biology and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 23671017 |
281. | Microbial Physiology | Biotechnology | 26731665 |
282. | Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology | Biotechnology | 25409573 |