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List of high impact factor Communication journals are provided where our team enhances the likelihood of acceptance for your paper by providing strong journal-readiness support. Save time and effort by leveraging our services. Rely on our publication team to help you find the most appropriate journals for your communication paper. | Title | Subject Area | Print ISSN |
1. | Interface: Communication, Health, Education | Communication | 14143283 |
2. | Media Psychology | Communication | 15213269 |
3. | Communication Monographs | Communication | 3637751 |
4. | Communication Law and Policy | Communication | 10811680 |
5. | Journal of Technical Writing and Communication | Communication | 472816 |
6. | Learning Environments Research | Communication | 13871579 |
7. | Discourse and Society | Communication | 9579265 |
8. | Critical Studies in Media Communication | Communication | 15295036 |
9. | European Journal of Communication | Communication | 2673231 |
10. | Human Communication Research | Communication | 3603989 |
11. | Group Processes and Intergroup Relations | Communication | 13684302 |
12. | Journal of Communication | Communication | 219916 |
13. | Journal of Health Communication | Communication | 10810730 |
14. | Quarterly Journal of Speech | Communication | 335630 |
15. | Media, Culture and Society | Communication | 1634437 |
16. | New Media and Society | Communication | 14614448 |
17. | American Communication Journal | Communication | 15325865 |
18. | Poetics | Communication | 0304422X |
19. | Internet Research | Communication | 10662243 |
20. | Communication Research | Communication | 936502 |
21. | Communications | Communication | 3412059 |
22. | Asian Journal of Communication | Communication | 1292986 |
23. | American Speech | Communication | 31283 |
24. | Applied Linguistics | Communication | 1426001 |
25. | Journal of Applied Communication Research | Communication | 909882 |
26. | Communication Theory | Communication | 10503293 |
27. | International Journal of Conflict Management | Communication | 10444068 |
28. | Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly | Communication | 10776990 |
29. | Journalism history | Communication | 947679 |
30. | Educational Media International | Communication | 9523987 |
31. | Technical Communication | Communication | 493155 |
32. | Telecommunications Policy | Communication | 3085961 |
33. | Newspaper Research Journal | Communication | 7395329 |
34. | Research on Language and Social Interaction | Communication | 8351813 |
35. | Public Understanding of Science | Communication | 9636625 |
36. | Learned Publishing | Communication | 9531513 |
37. | Political Communication | Communication | 10584609 |
38. | Logos (Netherlands) | Communication | 9579656 |
39. | Media Asia | Communication | 1296612 |
40. | Language and Communication | Communication | 2715309 |
41. | Language Problems and Language Planning | Communication | 2722690 |
42. | Public Opinion Quarterly | Communication | 0033362X |
43. | Speech Communication | Communication | 1676393 |
44. | Journal of Business and Technical Communication | Communication | 10506519 |
45. | Communication Education | Communication | 3634523 |
46. | Discourse Processes | Communication | 0163853X |
47. | Western Journal of Communication | Communication | 10570314 |
48. | Symbolic Interaction | Communication | 1956086 |
49. | Javnost | Communication | 13183222 |
50. | Journal of Advertising | Communication | 913367 |
51. | Journal of Advertising Research | Communication | 218499 |
52. | Public Culture | Communication | 8992363 |
53. | Public Relations Review | Communication | 3638111 |
54. | Journal of Social and Personal Relationships | Communication | 2654075 |
55. | Health Communication | Communication | 10410236 |
56. | The South African journal of communication disorders. Die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir Kommunikasieafwykings | Communication | 3798046 |
57. | IEEE International Professional Communication Conference | Communication |
58. | Information Technology and Management | Communication | 1385951X |
59. | Written Communication | Communication | 7410883 |
60. | Discourse Studies | Communication | 14614456 |
61. | Howard Journal of Communications | Communication | 10646175 |
62. | Communication Reports | Communication | 8934215 |
63. | Information Communication and Society | Communication | 1369118X |
64. | Journal of Asian Pacific Communication | Communication | 9576851 |
65. | Informatics in Education | Communication | 16485831 |
66. | Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media | Communication | 8838151 |
67. | International Communication Gazette | Communication | 17480485 |
68. | International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication | Communication | 14624613 |
69. | European Science Editing | Communication | 2583127 |
70. | Tourism, Culture and Communication | Communication | 1098304X |
71. | Social Semiotics | Communication | 10350330 |
72. | Druzboslovne Razprave | Communication | 3523608 |
73. | Communication Studies | Communication | 10510974 |
74. | Mass Communication and Society | Communication | 15205436 |
75. | Critical Arts | Communication | 2560046 |
76. | Journal of Communication Inquiry | Communication | 1968599 |
77. | Multilingua | Communication | 1678507 |
78. | Communication Quarterly | Communication | 1463373 |
79. | Communication Review | Communication | 10714421 |
80. | Rhetoric and Public Affairs | Communication | 10948392 |
81. | Reseaux | Communication | 7517971 |
82. | Historia y Comunicacion Social | Communication | 11370734 |
83. | The Southern Communication Journal | Communication | 1041794X |
84. | Text and Talk | Communication | 18607330 |
85. | Convergence | Communication | 13548565 |
86. | Publishing Research Quarterly | Communication | 10538801 |
87. | Management Communication Quarterly | Communication | 8933189 |
88. | Text and Performance Quarterly | Communication | 10462937 |
89. | Nordicom Review | Communication | 14031108 |
90. | Communication Research Reports | Communication | 8824096 |
91. | Visual Communication | Communication | 14703572 |
92. | Comunicacion y Sociedad | Communication | 2140039 |
93. | Popular Communication | Communication | 15405702 |
94. | Comunicar | Communication | 11343478 |
95. | Media History | Communication | 13688804 |
96. | Cultural Politics | Communication | 17432197 |
97. | Medijska Istrazivanja | Communication | 13306928 |
98. | Cultural Trends | Communication | 9548963 |
99. | Feminist Media Studies | Communication | 14680777 |
100. | International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics | Communication | 17408296 |
101. | Journalism | Communication | 14648849 |
102. | Journal of Family Communication | Communication | 15267431 |
103. | Language and Intercultural Communication | Communication | 14708477 |
104. | Babel | Communication | 5219744 |
105. | Studies in Language | Communication | 3784177 |
106. | Technology, Pedagogy and Education | Communication | 1475939X |
107. | Journal of Intercultural Communication | Communication | 14041634 |
108. | Journal of Politeness Research | Communication | 16125681 |
109. | Translator | Communication | 13556509 |
110. | Target | Communication | 9241884 |
111. | Interaction Studies | Communication | 15720373 |
112. | Gesture | Communication | 15681475 |
113. | Metaphor and Symbol | Communication | 10926488 |
114. | Terminology | Communication | 9299971 |
115. | Intercultural Pragmatics | Communication | 1612295X |
116. | International Journal of Listening | Communication | 10904018 |
117. | Dictionaries | Communication | 1976745 |
118. | Communication Teacher | Communication | 17404622 |
119. | Information and Communications Technology Law | Communication | 13600834 |
120. | Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education | Communication | 1474273X |
121. | Grey Room | Communication | 15263819 |
122. | Visual Culture in Britain | Communication | 14714787 |
123. | Journal of Visual Culture | Communication | 14704129 |
124. | Senses and Society | Communication | 17458927 |
125. | Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television | Communication | 1439685 |
126. | Screen | Communication | 369543 |
127. | Applied Environmental Education and Communication | Communication | 1533015X |
128. | Zeitschrift fur Evaluation | Communication | 16195515 |
129. | International Journal of Press/Politics | Communication | 19401612 |
130. | Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science | Communication | 19324502 |
131. | International Journal of Advertising | Communication | 2650487 |
132. | Discourse and Communication | Communication | 17504813 |
133. | Games and Culture | Communication | 15554120 |
134. | Rhetoric Society Quarterly | Communication | 2773945 |
135. | Journal of Multicultural Discourses | Communication | 17447143 |
136. | New Review of Film and Television Studies | Communication | 17400309 |
137. | Journalism Practice | Communication | 17512786 |
138. | Photographies | Communication | 17540763 |
139. | Journal of Children and Media | Communication | 17482798 |
140. | Biosemiotics | Communication | 18751342 |
141. | Journal of Creative Communications | Communication | 9732586 |
142. | Global Media and Communication | Communication | 17427665 |
143. | Crime, Media, Culture | Communication | 17416590 |
144. | Media, War and Conflict | Communication | 17506352 |
145. | Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication | Communication | 18739857 |
146. | International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting | Communication | 16877578 |
147. | Temps des Medias | Communication | 17642507 |
148. | Journal of British Cinema and Television | Communication | 17434521 |
149. | Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations | Communication | 14548100 |
150. | Lodz Papers in Pragmatics | Communication | 18956106 |
151. | Journal of Science Communication | Communication | 18242049 |
152. | Journal of Media Psychology | Communication | 18641105 |
153. | Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics | Communication | 15562646 |
154. | Visitor Studies | Communication | 10645578 |
155. | Technical Communication Quarterly | Communication | 10572252 |
156. | Psychology of Language and Communication | Communication | 12342238 |
157. | Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap | Communication | 13846930 |
158. | JMM International Journal on Media Management | Communication | 14241277 |
159. | Journalism & communication monographs | Communication | 15226379 |
160. | Journal of Intercultural Communication Research | Communication | 17475759 |
161. | Visual Communication Quarterly | Communication | 15551393 |
162. | Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking | Communication | 21522715 |
163. | Social Network Analysis and Mining | Communication | 18695450 |
164. | TripleC | Communication | 1726670X |
165. | Journal of Modern Periodical Studies | Communication | 19476574 |
166. | International Journal of Web Based Communities | Communication | 14778394 |
167. | Journalism Studies | Communication | 1461670X |
168. | Atlantic Journal of Communication | Communication | 15456870 |
169. | International Journal of Strategic Communication | Communication | 1553118X |
170. | Quarterly Review of Film and Video | Communication | 10509208 |
171. | Journal of International and Intercultural Communication | Communication | 17513057 |
172. | Journal of Media and Religion | Communication | 15348423 |
173. | Chinese Journal of Communication | Communication | 17544750 |
174. | Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies | Communication | 14791420 |
175. | Communication Methods and Measures | Communication | 19312458 |
176. | International Review of Pragmatics | Communication | 18773095 |
177. | Observatorio | Communication | 8748810 |
178. | Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social | Communication | 11385820 |
179. | Communicatio | Communication | 2500167 |
180. | Journal of Radio and Audio Media | Communication | 19376529 |
181. | Review of Communication | Communication | 15358593 |
182. | Women’s Studies in Communication | Communication | 7491409 |
183. | Informacao e Sociedade | Communication | 1040146 |
184. | Signa | Communication | 11333634 |
185. | Journal of Mobile Multimedia | Communication | 15504646 |
186. | Cultura, Lenguaje y Representacion | Communication | 16977750 |
187. | Cyberpsychology | Communication | 18027962 |
188. | International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems | Communication | 1758728X |
189. | Informacios Tarsadalom | Communication | 15878694 |
190. | Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico | Communication | 11341629 |
191. | International Journal of the Book | Communication | 14479516 |
192. | Media International Australia | Communication | 1329878X |
193. | Journal of African Media Studies | Communication | 2040199X |
194. | LIA Language, Interaction and Acquisition | Communication | 18797865 |
195. | New Cinemas | Communication | 14742756 |
196. | Studies in Australasian Cinema | Communication | 17503175 |
197. | Creative Industries Journal | Communication | 17510694 |
198. | Studies in European Cinema | Communication | 17411548 |
199. | Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema | Communication | 17503132 |
200. | Journal of Chinese Cinemas | Communication | 17508061 |
201. | Studies in Documentary Film | Communication | 17503280 |
202. | International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media | Communication | 14794713 |
203. | Studies in South Asian Film and Media | Communication | 17564921 |
204. | Northern Lights | Communication | 1601829X |
205. | Radio Journal | Communication | 14764504 |
206. | Information Polity | Communication | 15701255 |
207. | Journal of Communication Management | Communication | 1363254X |
208. | Hermes (Denmark) | Communication | 9041699 |
209. | International Journal of Communication | Communication | 19328036 |
210. | Discourse, Context and Media | Communication | 22116958 |
211. | Scire | Communication | 11353716 |
212. | Discursos Fotograficos | Communication | 18085652 |
213. | Palabra Clave | Communication | 1228285 |
214. | Film International | Communication | 16516826 |
215. | Journal of Media Business Studies | Communication | 16522354 |
216. | Journal of Writing in Creative Practice | Communication | 17535190 |
217. | BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies | Communication | 9749276 |
218. | SEARCH (Malaysia) | Communication | 2229872X |
219. | Pacific Journalism Review | Communication | 10239499 |
220. | International Journal of Work Innovation | Communication | 20439032 |
221. | Journal of Transnational American Studies | Communication | 19400764 |
222. | Studies in Communication Sciences | Communication | 14244896 |
223. | Ibersid | Communication | 18880967 |
224. | Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society | Communication | 1477996X |
225. | International Journal of Communication and Linguistic Studies | Communication | 23277882 |
226. | Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies | Communication | 17571898 |
227. | Negotiation and Conflict Management Research | Communication | 17504708 |
228. | Archives and Manuscripts | Communication | 1576895 |
229. | | Communication | 7193661 |
230. | Communication Booknotes Quarterly | Communication | 10948007 |
231. | Comunicacion y Sociedad (Mexico) | Communication | 0188252X |
232. | Signo y Pensamiento | Communication | 1204823 |
233. | Media Watch | Communication | 9760911 |
234. | Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication | Communication | 2289151X |
235. | ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies | Communication | 20665083 |
236. | Medijske Studije | Communication | 18479758 |
237. | Journal of Communication in Healthcare | Communication | 17538068 |
238. | Advances in the History of Rhetoric | Communication | 15362426 |
239. | Library of the Written Word | Communication | 18744834 |
240. | Publishing History | Communication | 3092445 |
241. | East Asian Publishing and Society | Communication | 22106278 |
242. | Digital Journalism | Communication | 21670811 |
243. | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Communication | 22881328 |
244. | Journal of International Communication | Communication | 13216597 |
245. | Visual Ethnography | Communication | 24999288 |
246. | Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema | Communication | 17564905 |
247. | African Journalism Studies | Communication | 23743670 |
248. | Network Science | Communication | 20501242 |
249. | Voprosy Onomastiki | Communication | 19942400 |
250. | Communication, Culture and Critique | Communication | 17539129 |
251. | American Journalism | Communication | 8821127 |
252. | International Journal of Marketing Semiotics | Communication |
253. | Russian Journal of Communication | Communication | 19409419 |
254. | Mobile Media and Communication | Communication | 20501579 |
255. | Journal of Media Law | Communication | 17577632 |
256. | Media and Communication | Communication |
257. | KOME | Communication |
258. | First Amendment Studies | Communication | 21689725 |
259. | Public Relations Inquiry | Communication | 2046147X |
260. | Journal of Media Ethics: Exploring Questions of Media Morality | Communication | 23736992 |
261. | Journal of English as a Lingua Franca | Communication | 21919216 |
262. | Yearbook of Phraseology | Communication | 1868632X |
263. | Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy | Communication | 22031693 |
264. | Critical Studies in Television | Communication | 17496020 |
265. | Canadian Journal of Communication | Communication | 7053657 |
266. | Central European Journal of Communication | Communication | 18995101 |
267. | Comunicazioni Sociali | Communication | 3928667 |
268. | Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies | Communication | 20477368 |
269. | Comunicazione Politica | Communication | 15946061 |
270. | Jewish Film and New Media | Communication | 21690324 |
271. | Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas | Communication | 20504837 |
272. | Translation Spaces(Netherland) | Communication | 22113711 |
273. | Estudos em Comunicacao | Communication |
274. | Communication Today | Communication | 1338130X |
275. | Human Technology | Communication |
276. | Asia Pacific Media Educator | Communication | 1326365X |
277. | Comunicacao Midia e Consumo | Communication | 18064981 |
278. | Dialogue and Discourse | Communication |
279. | Projections (New York) | Communication | 19349688 |
280. | Communication and Sport | Communication | 21674795 |
281. | Brumal | Communication |
282. | Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict | Communication | 22131272 |
283. | Texto Livre | Communication |
284. | Psychology of Popular Media Culture | Communication | 21604134 |
285. | Publications | Communication |
286. | Social Media and Society | Communication |
287. | Qwerty | Communication | 18287344 |
288. | European Journal of Humour Research | Communication |
289. | Cogency | Communication | 7188285 |
290. | Comunicacao e Sociedade | Communication | 16452089 |
291. | Analisi | Communication |
292. | Science Editing | Communication | 22888063 |
293. | Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History | Communication | 21680604 |
294. | Journal of Print and Media Technology Research | Communication | 22238905 |
295. | International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement | Communication | 21548455 |
296. | Zeichen | Communication | 9324747 |
297. | Journal of African Cinemas | Communication | 17549221 |
298. | Journal of Argumentation in Context | Communication | 22114742 |
299. | International Journal of Information Technology Project Management | Communication | 19380232 |
300. | Journalism and Mass Communication Educator | Communication | 10776958 |
301. | Revista de Comunicacion | Communication | 16840933 |
302. | Brazilian Journalism Research | Communication | 18084079 |
303. | Journal of Content, Community and Communication | Communication | 23957514 |
304. | Plaridel | Communication | 16562534 |
305. | Loquens | Communication |
306. | Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies | Communication | 20010818 |
307. | Review of Communication Research | Communication |
308. | Journal of Information Policy | Communication | 23815892 |
309. | International Journal of Sport Communication | Communication | 19363915 |
310. | Tripodos | Communication | 11383305 |
311. | Informacijos Mokslai | Communication | 13920561 |
312. | Knygotyra | Communication | 2042061 |
313. | Journal of Interactive Advertising | Communication |
314. | Transnational Marketing Journal | Communication | 20414684 |
315. | Komunikacija i Kultura Online | Communication |
316. | Journal of Digital and Social Media Marketing | Communication | 20500076 |
317. | Journal of Advertising Education | Communication | 10980482 |
318. | Benjamins Translation Library | Communication | 9297316 |
319. | Cognitive Studies | Communication |
320. | Chinese Semiotic Studies | Communication | 21989605 |
321. | i-com | Communication | 1618162X |
322. | Informatics | Communication |
323. | Journal of Interactive Media in Education | Communication |
324. | Educar | Communication | 0211819X |
325. | Languages Cultures Mediation | Communication | 22841881 |
326. | Images (Poland) | Communication | 1731450X |
327. | Internet Policy Review | Communication |
328. | Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia | Communication |
329. | Signs and Society | Communication | 23264489 |
330. | Victoriographies | Communication | 20442416 |
331. | SARE | Communication | 0127046X |
332. | Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research | Communication |
333. | Communication Research and Practice | Communication |
334. | Tekst, Kniga, Knigoizdaniye | Communication | 23062061 |
335. | Journal of Social Ontology | Communication |
336. | Token | Communication | 22995900 |
337. | Imagologiya i Komparativistika | Communication | 24099554 |
338. | East Asian Pragmatics | Communication |
339. | Online Social Networks and Media | Communication |
340. | Black Camera | Communication | 15363155 |
341. | Media and Jornalismo | Communication | 16455681 |
342. | Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture | Communication | 15699463 |
343. | American Translators Association Scholarly Monograph Series | Communication | 8904111 |
344. | Varieties of English Around the World | Communication | 1727362 |
345. | Journal of Professional Capital and Community | Communication | 20569548 |
346. | Journal of Narrative and Language Studies | Communication |
347. | Arab Media and Society | Communication |
348. | Res Rhetorica | Communication |
349. | Theoria et Historia Scientiarum | Communication | 8674159 |
350. | Film-Philosophy | Communication |
351. | Estudios de Teoria Literaria | Communication |
352. | Respectus Philologicus | Communication | 13928295 |
353. | TESL-EJ | Communication |
354. | Science Fiction Film and Television | Communication | 17543770 |
355. | Journal of Brand Strategy | Communication | 2045855X |
356. | Icono14 | Communication |
357. | Holocaust Studies | Communication | 17504902 |
358. | Communication and the Public | Communication |
359. | Asian Cinema | Communication | 1059440X |
360. | Asiascape: Digital Asia | Communication | 22142304 |
361. | Communiquer | Communication |
362. | Empedocles | Communication | 17571952 |
363. | Annals of the International Communication Association | Communication | 23808985 |
364. | Church, Communication and Culture | Communication | 23753234 |
365. | Journal of Popular Television | Communication | 20469861 |
366. | Film Fashion and Consumption | Communication | 20442823 |
367. | Taiwan International ESP Journal | Communication | 20797761 |
368. | Studies in Eastern European Cinema | Communication | 2040350X |
369. | Indo-European Linguistics | Communication | 22125884 |
370. | Music, Sound and the Moving Image | Communication | 17530768 |
371. | Kamchatka | Communication |
372. | Big Data and Society | Communication |
373. | Dialogue and Universalism | Communication | 12345792 |
374. | Alif | Communication | 11108673 |
375. | Caracteres | Communication |
376. | Caracol | Communication | 21781702 |
377. | Processability ApprYches to Language Acquisition Research and Teaching | Communication | 22106480 |
378. | Grafica | Communication | 20149298 |
379. | Australian Journalism Review | Communication | 8102686 |
380. | Communitas | Communication | 10230556 |
381. | Cinema | Communication |
382. | International Journal of Media and Information Literacy | Communication |
383. | Transnational Screens | Communication | 25785273 |
384. | Ekphrasis | Communication |
385. | Slovenske Divadlo | Communication | 0037699X |
386. | International Journal of Data and Network Science | Communication | 25618148 |
387. | Journal of Visual Literacy | Communication | 1051144X |
388. | Literary Journalism Studies | Communication | 1944897X |
389. | Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture | Communication |
390. | Veredas | Communication | 8745102 |
391. | Iconicity in Language and Literature | Communication | 18735037 |
392. | Global Media and China | Communication |
393. | Departures in Critical Qualitative Research | Communication | 23339489 |
394. | Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture | Communication | 24729884 |
395. | Anafora | Communication | 18492339 |
396. | Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry | Communication |
397. | French Screen Studies | Communication | 26438941 |
398. | Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft | Communication | 1615634X |
399. | Imago – Revista de Emblematica y Cultura Visual | Communication | 21710147 |
400. | Journal of Greek Media and Culture | Communication | 20523971 |
401. | Information Technologies and International Development | Communication | 15447529 |
402. | Doxa Comunicacion | Communication | 1696019X |
403. | Reti Saperi Linguaggi | Communication | 18268889 |
404. | Political Campaigning and Communication | Communication | 2662589X |
405. | Paralleles | Communication | 21024316 |
406. | Fotocinema | Communication |
407. | Punctum International Journal of Semiotics | Communication |
408. | Palgrave Studies in Educational Media | Communication | 26627361 |
409. | International Journal of Film and Media Arts | Communication |
410. | Journal of Internationalization and Localization | Communication | 20326904 |
411. | Issues in Language Studies | Communication |
412. | Latin-American Journal of Discourse Studies | Communication |
413. | World of Media | Communication | 23071605 |
414. | New Frontiers in Translation Studies | Communication | 21978689 |
415. | Apparatus | Communication |
416. | Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 10. Zhurnalistika | Communication | 3208079 |
417. | Communication, Culture and Change in Asia | Communication | 23664665 |
418. | Cognitive Semiotics | Communication |
419. | Medialni Studia | Communication | 18019978 |
420. | Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research | Communication | 17519411 |
421. | Journal of Alternative and Community Media | Communication |
422. | Palgrave European Film and Media Studies | Communication | 2634615X |
423. | European Journal of Applied Linguistics | Communication | 21929521 |
424. | Political Economy of Communication | Communication |
425. | Revista Espanola de la Transparencia | Communication |
426. | LingVaria | Communication | 18962122 |