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This type of analysis is crucial for optimizing simulations, improving algorithms, and ensuring that computational resources are used effectively.
List Of High Impact Factor Computational Mechanics Journals in which we have aided for more than 5000+ scholars are shared by us. Access our publishing team help for a fast publication in a reputed journal. | Title | Subject Area | Print ISSN |
1. | Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao | Computational Mechanics | 5677718 |
2. | Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica | Computational Mechanics | 8949166 |
3. | Advances in Applied Mechanics | Computational Mechanics | 652156 |
4. | International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics | Computational Mechanics | 10618562 |
5. | Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics | Computational Mechanics | 9354964 |
6. | International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics | Computational Mechanics | 3639061 |
7. | Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | Computational Mechanics | 457825 |
8. | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids | Computational Mechanics | 2712091 |
9. | Acta Mechanica | Computational Mechanics | 15970 |
10. | Experiments in Fluids | Computational Mechanics | 7234864 |
11. | Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments | Computational Mechanics | 10241752 |
12. | International Journal of Damage Mechanics | Computational Mechanics | 10567895 |
13. | International Journal of Fracture | Computational Mechanics | 3769429 |
14. | International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation | Computational Mechanics | 15651339 |
15. | Jisuan Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics | Computational Mechanics | 10074708 |
16. | Doklady Physics | Computational Mechanics | 10283358 |
17. | Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics | Computational Mechanics | 3091929 |
18. | ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik | Computational Mechanics | 442267 |
19. | Computational Mechanics | Computational Mechanics | 1787675 |
20. | Journal of Turbulence | Computational Mechanics |
21. | Physics of Fluids | Computational Mechanics | 10706631 |
22. | Computers and Concrete | Computational Mechanics | 15988198 |
23. | International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics | Computational Mechanics | 15502287 |
24. | Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics | Computational Mechanics | 4591879 |
25. | Computer-Aided Design and Applications | Computational Mechanics | 16864360 |
26. | International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering | Computational Mechanics | 15431649 |
27. | Understanding Complex Systems | Computational Mechanics | 18600840 |
28. | WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences | Computational Mechanics | 17433533 |
29. | Intelligent Service Robotics | Computational Mechanics | 18612776 |
30. | Shuidonglixue Yanjiu yu Jinzhan/Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics Ser. A | Computational Mechanics | 10004874 |
31. | WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics | Computational Mechanics | 17905087 |
32. | International Journal of Mechanics | Computational Mechanics | 19984448 |
33. | International Journal of Multiphysics | Computational Mechanics | 17509548 |
34. | WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics | Computational Mechanics | 19918747 |
35. | Iranian Journal of Science and Technology – Transactions of Mechanical Engineering | Computational Mechanics | 22286187 |
36. | Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics | Computational Mechanics | 18206530 |
37. | International Journal of Mechanics and Control | Computational Mechanics | 15908844 |
38. | PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin | Computational Mechanics | 22249893 |
39. | Metallurgical Research and Technology | Computational Mechanics | 22713646 |
40. | International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation | Computational Mechanics | 20451059 |
41. | Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters | Computational Mechanics |
42. | Journal of Computational and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering | Computational Mechanics | 22287922 |
43. | Chinese Journal of Engineering Design | Computational Mechanics | 10009345 |
44. | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Bulgaria) | Computational Mechanics | 8616663 |
45. | International Review of Civil Engineering | Computational Mechanics | 20369913 |
46. | Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization | Computational Mechanics | 21681163 |
47. | Applied and Computational Mechanics | Computational Mechanics | 1802680X |
48. | Theoretical and Applied Mechanics | Computational Mechanics | 14505584 |
49. | Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity | Computational Mechanics | 21646376 |
50. | Journal of Computational Design and Engineering | Computational Mechanics | 22884300 |
51. | Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing | Computational Mechanics | 16879724 |
52. | Defence Technology | Computational Mechanics |
53. | Computational Particle Mechanics | Computational Mechanics | 21964378 |
54. | Journal of Dynamics and Control | Computational Mechanics | 16726553 |
55. | SEMA SIMAI Springer Series | Computational Mechanics | 21993041 |
56. | Physical Review Fluids | Computational Mechanics |
57. | Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Application | Computational Mechanics | 14211750 |
58. | Journal of Computational Dynamics | Computational Mechanics |
59. | Curved and Layered Structures | Computational Mechanics |
60. | Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Matematika i Mekhanika | Computational Mechanics | 19988621 |
61. | Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics | Computational Mechanics |
62. | Advances in Computational Design | Computational Mechanics | 23838477 |
63. | Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science | Computational Mechanics |
64. | Cyber-Physical Systems | Computational Mechanics |
65. | Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design | Computational Mechanics | 2217379X |
66. | Data Science and Engineering | Computational Mechanics | 23641185 |
67. | International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control | Computational Mechanics | 9748571 |
68. | International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements | Computational Mechanics | 20460546 |
69. | Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science | Computational Mechanics | 22993649 |
70. | Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering | Computational Mechanics | 9765166 |
71. | Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN | Computational Mechanics | 1344889 |
72. | Railway Engineering Science | Computational Mechanics | 26624753 |
73. | Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications | Computational Mechanics | 9735321 |
74. | International Journal of Difference Equations | Computational Mechanics | 9736069 |
75. | Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics | Computational Mechanics | 18169791 |
76. | SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH | Computational Mechanics | 23802162 |
77. | Journal of Computational Applied Mechanics | Computational Mechanics | 24236713 |
78. | International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering | Computational Mechanics | 25879618 |
79. | Sustainable Civil Infrastructures | Computational Mechanics | 23663405 |