Best Sci Journals for Computational Theory and Mathematics are shared by us, we aid you in all your research areas by providing a promising and well written paper. We give you end-to-end Support through the entire journal submission process .
Key Aspects of Performance Analysis in Computational Theory and Mathematics
List Of High Impact Factor Computational Theory And Mathematics Journals are shared below, we know in which journal and in which section to publish your paper. Our writer will satisfy the Editor in chief & reviewer expectations by writing your paper. | Title | Subject Area | Print ISSN |
1. | International Journal of Fuzzy Systems | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 15622479 |
2. | Journal of Computer and System Sciences | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 220000 |
3. | Journal of Information Science and Engineering | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 10162364 |
4. | Bulletin of Mathematical Biology | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 928240 |
5. | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 10414347 |
6. | Bioinformatics | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 13674803 |
7. | In Silico Biology | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 13866338 |
8. | Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 10939687 |
9. | Engineering Computations | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 2644401 |
10. | Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 10692509 |
11. | Queueing Systems | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 2570130 |
12. | Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 10919392 |
13. | Theory of Computing Systems | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 14324350 |
14. | Computing and Visualization in Science | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 14329360 |
15. | Journal of Scientific Computing | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 8857474 |
16. | Statistics and Computing | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 9603174 |
17. | Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 958956 |
18. | Computing and Informatics | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 13359150 |
19. | Constraints | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 13837133 |
20. | Expert Systems | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 2664720 |
21. | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 10636706 |
22. | IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 1628828 |
23. | Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 10512004 |
24. | Journal of Automated Reasoning | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 1687433 |
25. | Computing (Vienna/New York) | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 0010485X |
26. | Computational Geosciences | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 14200597 |
27. | Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 2196336 |
28. | Match | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 3406253 |
29. | Distributed Computing | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 1782770 |
30. | IEEE Pervasive Computing | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 15361268 |
31. | IEEE Transactions on Computers | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 189340 |
32. | IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 1089778X |
33. | Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 10798587 |
34. | Information and Computation | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 8905401 |
35. | Order | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 1678094 |
36. | Differential Geometry and its Applications | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 9262245 |
37. | Discrete and Computational Geometry | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 1795376 |
38. | IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 10459219 |
39. | Journal of Computer Science and Technology | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 10009000 |
40. | Electronic Journal of Combinatorics | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 10778926 |
41. | Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 15320626 |
42. | Combinatorics Probability and Computing | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 9635483 |
43. | International Journal of Modern Physics C | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 1291831 |
44. | Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 15261719 |
45. | Theory and Practice of Logic Programming | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 14710684 |
46. | COMPEL – The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 3321649 |
47. | Computational Complexity | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 10163328 |
48. | Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 9257721 |
49. | Computational Mechanics | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 1787675 |
50. | Computational Statistics and Data Analysis | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 1679473 |
51. | Computers and Mathematics with Applications | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 8981221 |
52. | Discrete Optimization | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 15725286 |
53. | Foundations of Computational Mathematics | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 16153375 |
54. | Fundamenta Informaticae | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 1692968 |
55. | International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 2181959 |
56. | International Journal of Computer Mathematics | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 207160 |
57. | Journal of Combinatorial Optimization | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 13826905 |
58. | Journal of Computational Biology | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 10665277 |
59. | Quantum Information and Computation | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 15337146 |
60. | Journal of Combinatorial Theory – Series A | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 973165 |
61. | Journal of Molecular Modeling | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 16102940 |
62. | Digital Creativity | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 14626268 |
63. | 4OR | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 16194500 |
64. | Ecological Informatics | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 15749541 |
65. | PLoS Computational Biology | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 1553734X |
66. | Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 16137736 |
67. | Complex Analysis and Operator Theory | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 16618254 |
68. | Algorithms for Molecular Biology | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 17487188 |
69. | International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 17427185 |
70. | Mathematics in Computer Science | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 16618270 |
71. | International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 18419836 |
72. | International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 13494198 |
73. | Operational Research | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 11092858 |
74. | BioData Mining | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 17560381 |
75. | International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 17525055 |
76. | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 15604292 |
77. | Cryptography and Communications | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 19362447 |
78. | ACM Transactions on Computation Theory | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 19423454 |
79. | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 20407939 |
80. | Dynamic Games and Applications | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 21530785 |
81. | Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 19350090 |
82. | ACM Communications in Computer Algebra | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 19322232 |
83. | International Journal of Applied Cryptography | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 17530563 |
84. | Journal of Applied Analysis | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 14256908 |
85. | Groups, Complexity, Cryptology | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 18671144 |
86. | Algorithms | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 19994893 |
87. | Computational Methods and Function Theory | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 16179447 |
88. | New Mathematics and Natural Computation | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 17930057 |
89. | Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 15593940 |
90. | Bulletin of the South Ural State University, Series: Mathematical Modelling, Programming and Computer Software | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 20710216 |
91. | Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 23522208 |
92. | Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques | Computational Theory and Mathematics |
93. | Computability | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 22113568 |
94. | Informatika i ee Primeneniya | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 19922264 |
95. | Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 20710410 |
96. | Information Security and Cryptography | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 16197100 |
97. | Theory of Computing | Computational Theory and Mathematics |
98. | Electronic Communications of the EASST | Computational Theory and Mathematics |
99. | Computer Science | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 15082806 |
100. | Internet of Things | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 21991073 |
101. | npj Quantum Information | Computational Theory and Mathematics |
102. | International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 15982645 |
103. | International Journal of Applied Mathematics | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 13111728 |
104. | Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 24096008 |
105. | Computer Research and Modeling | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 20767633 |
106. | International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 19478283 |
107. | International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 19479263 |
108. | ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 23294949 |
109. | International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 23799927 |
110. | Mathematical Modeling and Computing | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 23129794 |
111. | Virtual Creativity | Computational Theory and Mathematics |
112. | Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 1430189X |
113. | Transactions on Combinatorics | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 22518657 |
114. | Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 19826907 |
115. | Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education | Computational Theory and Mathematics |
116. | Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 25248510 |
117. | Journal of Computational Geometry | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 1920180X |
118. | Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 23772158 |
119. | Statistical Theory and Related Fields | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 24754269 |
120. | Information and Inference | Computational Theory and Mathematics |
121. | Computer Science Journal of Moldova | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 15614042 |
122. | Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science | Computational Theory and Mathematics |
123. | Izvestiya Instituta Matematiki i Informatiki Udmurtskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 22263594 |
124. | Journal of Computational Technologies | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 15607534 |
125. | IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing | Computational Theory and Mathematics |
126. | International Journal of Data Science and Analytics | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 2364415X |
127. | Zhurnal Belorusskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Matematika. Informatika | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 25206508 |
128. | International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 25112104 |
129. | International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 23945443 |
130. | Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics | Computational Theory and Mathematics |
131. | Journal of Network Intelligence | Computational Theory and Mathematics |
132. | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics | Computational Theory and Mathematics | 27341194 |
133. | Cryptography | Computational Theory and Mathematics |