Best SCI Journals for Computer Networks and Communications are shared below get our tips and guidance we offer you novel research guidance with brief explanation. Get top publishing department guidance for a fast publication of your Computer Networks and Communications Papers on leading journals, we help you in publishing your paper on leading journals like IEEE, ACM, SPRINGER nature, SCIENCE DIRECT , ELSEVIER, Wiley-Blackwell ,THOMSON REUTERS and much more.
Key Areas of Performance Analysis in Computer Networks and Communications
List Of High Impact Factor Computer Networks and Communications Journals that suits your paper are shared here, scholars find difficulty in finding difference between publisher and journal access team help to get fast publishing of your paper. | Title | Subject Area | Print ISSN |
1. | Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers | Computer Networks and Communications | 10586393 |
2. | Future Generation Computer Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 0167739X |
3. | Information Systems Journal | Computer Networks and Communications | 13501917 |
4. | Journal of Computer and System Sciences | Computer Networks and Communications | 220000 |
5. | Journal of Computer Information Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 8874417 |
6. | Real-Time Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 9226443 |
7. | Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 10609857 |
8. | Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International | Computer Networks and Communications | 10642307 |
9. | Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences | Computer Networks and Communications | 2397528 |
10. | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | Computer Networks and Communications | 13845810 |
11. | Computer Communications | Computer Networks and Communications |
12. | Computer Communication Review | Computer Networks and Communications | 1464833 |
13. | Proceedings of the Data Compression Conference | Computer Networks and Communications | 10680314 |
14. | Problems of Information Transmission | Computer Networks and Communications | 329460 |
15. | International Journal of Information Technology and Management | Computer Networks and Communications | 14614111 |
16. | Web Semantics | Computer Networks and Communications | 15708268 |
17. | World Wide Web | Computer Networks and Communications | 1386145X |
18. | Acta Informatica | Computer Networks and Communications | 15903 |
19. | Electronic Commerce Research and Applications | Computer Networks and Communications | 15674223 |
20. | Microprocessors and Microsystems | Computer Networks and Communications | 1419331 |
21. | Information Systems Frontiers | Computer Networks and Communications | 13873326 |
22. | Information Systems Research | Computer Networks and Communications | 10477047 |
23. | New Generation Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 2883635 |
24. | International Journal of Information Management | Computer Networks and Communications | 2684012 |
25. | International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology | Computer Networks and Communications | 14761289 |
26. | ACM Transactions on Internet Technology | Computer Networks and Communications | 15335399 |
27. | IEEE Internet Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 10897801 |
28. | International Journal of Web Services Research | Computer Networks and Communications | 15457362 |
29. | Internet and Higher Education | Computer Networks and Communications | 10967516 |
30. | IEEE Communications Magazine | Computer Networks and Communications | 1636804 |
31. | Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 15308669 |
32. | Wireless Networks | Computer Networks and Communications | 10220038 |
33. | Journal of Internet Technology | Computer Networks and Communications | 16079264 |
34. | Beijing Youdian Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Posts And Telecommunications | Computer Networks and Communications | 10005145 |
35. | International Journal of Communication Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 10745351 |
36. | Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking | Computer Networks and Communications | 16871472 |
37. | Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication | Computer Networks and Communications | 10836101 |
38. | Proceedings – International Symposium on Computers and Communications | Computer Networks and Communications | 15301346 |
39. | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | Computer Networks and Communications | 7338716 |
40. | IEICE Transactions on Communications | Computer Networks and Communications | 9168516 |
41. | International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology | Computer Networks and Communications | 9528091 |
42. | International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering | Computer Networks and Communications | 2181940 |
43. | Journal of Technology in Human Services | Computer Networks and Communications | 15228835 |
44. | International Journal of Network Management | Computer Networks and Communications | 10557148 |
45. | International Journal of Wireless Information Networks | Computer Networks and Communications | 10689605 |
46. | Operating Systems Review (ACM) | Computer Networks and Communications | 1635980 |
47. | Telematics and Informatics | Computer Networks and Communications | 7365853 |
48. | Systems Engineering | Computer Networks and Communications | 10981241 |
49. | Performance Evaluation | Computer Networks and Communications | 1665316 |
50. | Computing and Informatics | Computer Networks and Communications | 13359150 |
51. | International Journal of Neural Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 1290657 |
52. | Journal of Heuristics | Computer Networks and Communications | 13811231 |
53. | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 9259902 |
54. | Cluster Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 13867857 |
55. | Neural Processing Letters | Computer Networks and Communications | 13704621 |
56. | Distributed Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 1782770 |
57. | IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 15361233 |
58. | Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 7437315 |
59. | Multimedia Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 9424962 |
60. | Multimedia Tools and Applications | Computer Networks and Communications | 13807501 |
61. | Proceedings – International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 10636927 |
62. | Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers | Computer Networks and Communications | 2544164 |
63. | Parallel Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 1678191 |
64. | Jisuanji Yanjiu yu Fazhan/Computer Research and Development | Computer Networks and Communications | 10001239 |
65. | Performance Evaluation Review | Computer Networks and Communications | 1635999 |
66. | Ad Hoc Networks | Computer Networks and Communications | 15708705 |
67. | Computer Networks | Computer Networks and Communications | 13891286 |
68. | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking | Computer Networks and Communications | 10636692 |
69. | IEEE Network | Computer Networks and Communications | 8908044 |
70. | Journal of High Speed Networks | Computer Networks and Communications | 9266801 |
71. | Journal of Network and Computer Applications | Computer Networks and Communications | 10848045 |
72. | Journal of Network and Systems Management | Computer Networks and Communications | 10647570 |
73. | Mobile Networks and Applications | Computer Networks and Communications | 1383469X |
74. | Network Security | Computer Networks and Communications | 13534858 |
75. | New Review of Information Networking | Computer Networks and Communications | 13614576 |
76. | BIT Numerical Mathematics | Computer Networks and Communications | 63835 |
77. | Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience | Computer Networks and Communications | 15320626 |
78. | Journal of the Franklin Institute | Computer Networks and Communications | 160032 |
79. | Networks | Computer Networks and Communications | 283045 |
80. | Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology | Computer Networks and Communications | 8998205 |
81. | Computer Law and Security Review | Computer Networks and Communications | 2673649 |
82. | IEEE Security and Privacy | Computer Networks and Communications | 15407993 |
83. | Journal of Computer Security | Computer Networks and Communications | 0926227X |
84. | Photonic Network Communications | Computer Networks and Communications | 1387974X |
85. | Journal of King Saud University, Engineering Sciences | Computer Networks and Communications | 10183639 |
86. | International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, Proceedings | Computer Networks and Communications | 10636862 |
87. | Conference Record – International Conference on Communications | Computer Networks and Communications | 5361486 |
88. | NTT Technical Review | Computer Networks and Communications | 13483447 |
89. | International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations | Computer Networks and Communications | 14709503 |
90. | Proceedings – Real-Time Systems Symposium | Computer Networks and Communications |
91. | Proceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing | Computer Networks and Communications |
92. | IEEE Intelligent Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 15411672 |
93. | Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security | Computer Networks and Communications |
94. | Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations | Computer Networks and Communications | 15392937 |
95. | Networks and Spatial Economics | Computer Networks and Communications | 1566113X |
96. | International Journal of Distance Education Technologies | Computer Networks and Communications | 15393100 |
97. | International Journal of Information Security | Computer Networks and Communications | 16155262 |
98. | International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 17445760 |
99. | First Monday | Computer Networks and Communications |
100. | Journal of Grid Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 15707873 |
101. | Universal Access in the Information Society | Computer Networks and Communications | 16155289 |
102. | Optical Switching and Networking | Computer Networks and Communications | 15734277 |
103. | Pervasive and Mobile Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 15741192 |
104. | IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security | Computer Networks and Communications | 15566013 |
105. | Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory | Computer Networks and Communications | 15672190 |
106. | International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering | Computer Networks and Communications | 15431649 |
107. | ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications | Computer Networks and Communications | 15516857 |
108. | NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking | Computer Networks and Communications | 13859587 |
109. | ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks | Computer Networks and Communications | 15504859 |
110. | Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications | Computer Networks and Communications | 10058885 |
111. | Tongxin Xuebao/Journal on Communications | Computer Networks and Communications | 1000436X |
112. | Journal of Communications and Networks | Computer Networks and Communications | 12292370 |
113. | Data Base for Advances in Information Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 15320936 00950033 |
114. | International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 15526283 |
115. | Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging | Computer Networks and Communications | 15514897 |
116. | Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks | Computer Networks and Communications | 19354185 |
117. | IET Information Security | Computer Networks and Communications | 17518709 |
118. | International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks | Computer Networks and Communications | 15501329 |
119. | International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 17438225 |
120. | International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology | Computer Networks and Communications | 17438209 |
121. | ACM Transactions on the Web | Computer Networks and Communications | 15591131 |
122. | International Journal of Web and Grid Services | Computer Networks and Communications | 17411106 |
123. | International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation | Computer Networks and Communications | 17442869 |
124. | IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management | Computer Networks and Communications | 19324537 |
125. | IEEE Systems Journal | Computer Networks and Communications | 19328184 |
126. | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series | Computer Networks and Communications |
127. | Journal of Computer Science | Computer Networks and Communications | 15493636 |
128. | Journal of the Institute of Telecommunications Professionals | Computer Networks and Communications | 17559278 |
129. | International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control | Computer Networks and Communications | 18419836 |
130. | International Journal of e-Collaboration | Computer Networks and Communications | 15483673 |
131. | International Journal of Electronic Government Research | Computer Networks and Communications | 15483886 |
132. | Journal of Location Based Services | Computer Networks and Communications | 17489725 |
133. | International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking | Computer Networks and Communications | 15480631 |
134. | Journal of Interconnection Networks | Computer Networks and Communications | 2192659 |
135. | International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics | Computer Networks and Communications | 1751911X |
136. | Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications | Computer Networks and Communications | 19366442 |
137. | International Journal of Security and Networks | Computer Networks and Communications | 17478405 |
138. | KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 19767277 |
139. | International Journal of Information and Communication Technology | Computer Networks and Communications | 14666642 |
140. | Journal of Optical Communications and Networking | Computer Networks and Communications | 19430620 |
141. | Security and Communication Networks | Computer Networks and Communications | 19390114 |
142. | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 19391374 |
143. | Journal of Web Engineering | Computer Networks and Communications | 15409589 |
144. | Advances in Mathematics of Communications | Computer Networks and Communications | 19305346 |
145. | International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services | Computer Networks and Communications | 17516048 |
146. | International Journal of Information and Computer Security | Computer Networks and Communications | 17441765 |
147. | IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology | Computer Networks and Communications | 18684238 |
148. | Cryptography and Communications | Computer Networks and Communications | 19362447 |
149. | Journal of Internet Services and Applications | Computer Networks and Communications | 18674828 |
150. | Mobile Information Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 1574017X |
151. | Nano Communication Networks | Computer Networks and Communications | 18787789 |
152. | International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications | Computer Networks and Communications | 16876415 |
153. | China Communications | Computer Networks and Communications | 16735447 |
154. | International Journal of Web Based Communities | Computer Networks and Communications | 14778394 |
155. | International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications | Computer Networks and Communications | 19379412 |
156. | International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 19380259 |
157. | Electronics and Communications in Japan | Computer Networks and Communications | 19429533 |
158. | EDPACS | Computer Networks and Communications | 7366981 |
159. | Vascular Cell | Computer Networks and Communications | 2045824X |
160. | Observatorio | Computer Networks and Communications | 8748810 |
161. | International Journal of Sensor Networks | Computer Networks and Communications | 17481279 |
162. | International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security | Computer Networks and Communications | 20760930 |
163. | International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications | Computer Networks and Communications | 20818491 |
164. | Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications | Computer Networks and Communications | 16859545 |
165. | International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 17543916 |
166. | International Journal of Applied Cryptography | Computer Networks and Communications | 17530563 |
167. | Groups, Complexity, Cryptology | Computer Networks and Communications | 18671144 |
168. | International Journal of Web Information Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 17440084 |
169. | Journal of Computer Networks and Communications | Computer Networks and Communications | 20907141 |
170. | Iranian Journal of Science and Technology – Transactions of Electrical Engineering | Computer Networks and Communications | 22286179 |
171. | Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering | Computer Networks and Communications | 18678211 |
172. | International Journal of Work Innovation | Computer Networks and Communications | 20439032 |
173. | International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies | Computer Networks and Communications | 19473532 |
174. | International Conference on ICT Convergence | Computer Networks and Communications | 21621233 |
175. | Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology | Computer Networks and Communications | 15094553 |
176. | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 2162237X |
177. | Journal of Information and Knowledge Management | Computer Networks and Communications | 2196492 |
178. | Ibersid | Computer Networks and Communications | 18880967 |
179. | International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions | Computer Networks and Communications | 1748569X |
180. | Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society | Computer Networks and Communications | 1477996X |
181. | Revista de Direito, Estado e Telecomunicacoes | Computer Networks and Communications | 19849729 |
182. | Advances in Information Security | Computer Networks and Communications | 15682633 |
183. | Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications | Computer Networks and Communications | 20935374 |
184. | Journal of Cryptographic Engineering | Computer Networks and Communications | 21908508 |
185. | Semantic Web | Computer Networks and Communications | 15700844 |
186. | IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 21682291 |
187. | Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology | Computer Networks and Communications | 23301635 |
188. | Journal of Biomedical Semantics | Computer Networks and Communications |
189. | International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation | Computer Networks and Communications | 20395086 |
190. | Journal of Information Security and Applications | Computer Networks and Communications | 22142134 |
191. | IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine | Computer Networks and Communications | 21622264 |
192. | IEEE Internet of Things Journal | Computer Networks and Communications | 23274662 |
193. | IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 21687161 |
194. | IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 23255870 |
195. | IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering | Computer Networks and Communications | 23274697 |
196. | Journal of Cloud Computing | Computer Networks and Communications |
197. | IET Networks | Computer Networks and Communications | 20474954 |
198. | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies | Computer Networks and Communications |
199. | Journal of Complex Networks | Computer Networks and Communications | 20511310 |
200. | International Journal of Electronic Finance | Computer Networks and Communications | 17460069 |
201. | International Journal of Information and Learning Technology | Computer Networks and Communications | 20564880 |
202. | Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering | Computer Networks and Communications | 20959184 |
203. | Future Internet | Computer Networks and Communications |
204. | Web Intelligence | Computer Networks and Communications | 24056456 |
205. | Information and Computer Security | Computer Networks and Communications | 20564961 |
206. | Sovremennye Problemy Distantsionnogo Zondirovaniya Zemli iz Kosmosa | Computer Networks and Communications | 20707401 |
207. | Journal of Electronic Science and Technology | Computer Networks and Communications | 1674862X |
208. | Zhongguo Kexue Jishu Kexue/Scientia Sinica Technologica | Computer Networks and Communications | 16747259 |
209. | Nonlinear Engineering | Computer Networks and Communications | 21928010 |
210. | Journal on Data Semantics | Computer Networks and Communications | 18612032 |
211. | Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science | Computer Networks and Communications | 26717255 |
212. | South African Computer Journal | Computer Networks and Communications | 10157999 |
213. | Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility | Computer Networks and Communications | 22451439 |
214. | Mobile Media and Communication | Computer Networks and Communications | 20501579 |
215. | African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development | Computer Networks and Communications | 20421338 |
216. | Journal of Big Data | Computer Networks and Communications |
217. | Informatika i ee Primeneniya | Computer Networks and Communications | 19922264 |
218. | SPIIRAS Proceedings | Computer Networks and Communications | 20789181 |
219. | Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy | Computer Networks and Communications | 22031693 |
220. | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | Computer Networks and Communications | 25024752 |
221. | VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems | Computer Networks and Communications |
222. | Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance | Computer Networks and Communications |
223. | Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal | Computer Networks and Communications |
224. | Telfor Journal | Computer Networks and Communications | 18213251 |
225. | Animal Biotelemetry | Computer Networks and Communications |
226. | Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering | Computer Networks and Communications | 14514869 |
227. | International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 22117938 |
228. | Information Security and Cryptography | Computer Networks and Communications | 16197100 |
229. | Online Learning Journal | Computer Networks and Communications | 24725730 |
230. | International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control | Computer Networks and Communications | 22103279 |
231. | Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication | Computer Networks and Communications | 23221437 |
232. | International Journal of Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 17276209 |
233. | Periodica polytechnica Electrical engineering and computer science | Computer Networks and Communications | 20645260 |
234. | Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 16879724 |
235. | International Journal of Software Innovation | Computer Networks and Communications | 21667160 |
236. | Digital Communications and Networks | Computer Networks and Communications | 24685925 |
237. | Smart Science | Computer Networks and Communications |
238. | Computer Science | Computer Networks and Communications | 15082806 |
239. | Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics | Computer Networks and Communications | 20893191 |
240. | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics | Computer Networks and Communications |
241. | Internet of Things | Computer Networks and Communications | 21991073 |
242. | Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology | Computer Networks and Communications | 19853157 |
243. | npj Quantum Information | Computer Networks and Communications |
244. | Electronics (Switzerland) | Computer Networks and Communications |
245. | Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks | Computer Networks and Communications |
246. | Lecture Notes in Educational Technology | Computer Networks and Communications | 21964963 |
247. | ICT Express | Computer Networks and Communications |
248. | International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications | Computer Networks and Communications | 9752293 |
249. | International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications | Computer Networks and Communications |
250. | Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering | Computer Networks and Communications | 22348255 |
251. | Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations | Computer Networks and Communications | 24096008 |
252. | Revista Chilena de Derecho y Tecnologia | Computer Networks and Communications | 7192576 |
253. | Radioelektronika, Nanosistemy, Informacionnye Tehnologii | Computer Networks and Communications | 22183000 |
254. | Communications and Control Engineering | Computer Networks and Communications | 1785354 |
255. | International Journal of Electronics Letters | Computer Networks and Communications | 21681724 |
256. | IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks | Computer Networks and Communications |
257. | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking | Computer Networks and Communications |
258. | Journal of Cybersecurity | Computer Networks and Communications |
259. | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 18476996 |
260. | International Journal of Cloud Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 20439989 |
261. | International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications | Computer Networks and Communications | 1941627X |
262. | SCIRES-IT | Computer Networks and Communications |
263. | Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies | Computer Networks and Communications |
264. | International Journal of Semantic Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 1793351X |
265. | Journal of Control and Decision | Computer Networks and Communications | 23307706 |
266. | International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism | Computer Networks and Communications | 19473435 |
267. | APL Photonics | Computer Networks and Communications |
268. | Computers | Computer Networks and Communications |
269. | Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management | Computer Networks and Communications |
270. | International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems | Computer Networks and Communications |
271. | Frontiers in ICT | Computer Networks and Communications |
272. | Journal of Network Theory in Finance | Computer Networks and Communications | 20557795 |
273. | Cognitive Studies | Computer Networks and Communications |
274. | i-com | Computer Networks and Communications | 1618162X |
275. | Informatics | Computer Networks and Communications |
276. | Journal of Interactive Media in Education | Computer Networks and Communications |
277. | Internet Policy Review | Computer Networks and Communications |
278. | Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia | Computer Networks and Communications |
279. | Aloma | Computer Networks and Communications | 11383194 |
280. | Wireless Power Transfer | Computer Networks and Communications |
281. | Communication Research and Practice | Computer Networks and Communications |
282. | ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology | Computer Networks and Communications |
283. | Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion | Computer Networks and Communications | 11338482 |
284. | Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning | Computer Networks and Communications | 21998663 |
285. | Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments | Computer Networks and Communications | 21994668 |
286. | Applied Network Science | Computer Networks and Communications |
287. | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 23673370 |
288. | Signals and Communication Technology | Computer Networks and Communications | 18604862 |
289. | Online Social Networks and Media | Computer Networks and Communications |
290. | Connections | Computer Networks and Communications | 18121098 |
291. | Journal of Computer Languages | Computer Networks and Communications | 26659182 |
292. | IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking | Computer Networks and Communications |
293. | Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 25248510 |
294. | Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction | Computer Networks and Communications |
295. | IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications | Computer Networks and Communications |
296. | Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta – Upravlenie, Vychislitel’naya Tekhnika i Informatika | Computer Networks and Communications | 19988605 |
297. | IEEE Communications Standards Magazine | Computer Networks and Communications |
298. | ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 23763639 |
299. | Journal of Internet Services and Information Security | Computer Networks and Communications | 21822069 |
300. | ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 2378962X |
301. | Computer Science Journal of Moldova | Computer Networks and Communications | 15614042 |
302. | Journal of ICT Standardization | Computer Networks and Communications | 2245800X |
303. | Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications | Computer Networks and Communications | 16135113 |
304. | Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services | Computer Networks and Communications | 1947945X |
305. | Multimodal Technologies and Interaction | Computer Networks and Communications |
306. | Journal of Computational Technologies | Computer Networks and Communications | 15607534 |
307. | International Journal of Data and Network Science | Computer Networks and Communications | 25618148 |
308. | CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology | Computer Networks and Communications | 24686557 |
309. | Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies | Computer Networks and Communications | 23674512 |
310. | IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications | Computer Networks and Communications |
311. | Enterprise Engineering Series | Computer Networks and Communications | 18678920 |
312. | IET Smart Grid | Computer Networks and Communications |
313. | International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security | Computer Networks and Communications | 20749090 |
314. | International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications | Computer Networks and Communications |
315. | Nature Machine Intelligence | Computer Networks and Communications |
316. | Journal of Advances in Information Technology | Computer Networks and Communications |
317. | EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing | Computer Networks and Communications | 25228595 |
318. | Cybersecurity | Computer Networks and Communications | 20964862 |
319. | Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies | Computer Networks and Communications |
320. | Systems | Computer Networks and Communications |
321. | Information Technologies and International Development | Computer Networks and Communications | 15447529 |
322. | International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) | Computer Networks and Communications | 25112104 |
323. | International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration | Computer Networks and Communications | 23945443 |
324. | Big Data Mining and Analytics | Computer Networks and Communications |
325. | Revista Internacional de Tecnologia, Ciencia y Sociedad | Computer Networks and Communications |
326. | Internet Pragmatics | Computer Networks and Communications | 25423851 |
327. | Journal of Network Intelligence | Computer Networks and Communications |
328. | Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life | Computer Networks and Communications | 24059021 |
329. | Foundations in Signal Processing, Communications and Networking | Computer Networks and Communications | 18638538 |
330. | Chinese Journal of Network and Information Security | Computer Networks and Communications | 2096109X |
331. | T-Labs Series in Telecommunication Services | Computer Networks and Communications | 21922810 |
332. | Springer Topics in Signal Processing | Computer Networks and Communications | 18662609 |
333. | Radioelectronic and Computer Systems | Computer Networks and Communications | 18144225 |
334. | Cryptography | Computer Networks and Communications |