Best SCI Journals for Condensed Matter Physics which suits your paper are listed below, if you stay struck in your paper then we will help you. It is essential to navigate the journal submission process carefully to prevent any obstacles that may hinder the publication of your research paper. Our team of experts manages the complete manuscript submission procedure.
Key Areas of Performance Analysis in Condensed Matter Physics | Title | Subject Area | Print ISSN |
1. | Infrared Physics and Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 13504495 |
2. | International Journal of Mass Spectrometry | Condensed Matter Physics | 13873806 |
3. | Journal of Applied Spectroscopy | Condensed Matter Physics | 219037 |
4. | Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena | Condensed Matter Physics | 3682048 |
5. | Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing | Condensed Matter Physics | 202967 |
6. | Journal of Luminescence | Condensed Matter Physics | 222313 |
7. | Laser and Particle Beams | Condensed Matter Physics | 2630346 |
8. | Laser Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 1054660X |
9. | Mass Spectrometry Reviews | Condensed Matter Physics | 2777037 |
10. | Microwave and Optical Technology Letters | Condensed Matter Physics | 8952477 |
11. | Superconductor Science and Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 9532048 |
12. | Surface Science | Condensed Matter Physics | 396028 |
13. | Surface Science Reports | Condensed Matter Physics | 1675729 |
14. | Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals | Condensed Matter Physics | 214876 |
15. | Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion | Condensed Matter Physics | 15477037 |
16. | Optics and Photonics News | Condensed Matter Physics | 10476938 |
17. | Vacuum | Condensed Matter Physics | 0042207X |
18. | Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis | Condensed Matter Physics | 0947076X |
19. | Review of High Pressure Science and Technology/Koatsuryoku No Kagaku To Gijutsu | Condensed Matter Physics | 0917639X |
20. | Nukleonika | Condensed Matter Physics | 295922 |
21. | Heat Transfer Engineering | Condensed Matter Physics | 1457632 |
22. | Journal of Sound and Vibration | Condensed Matter Physics | 0022460X |
23. | Noise and Vibration Worldwide | Condensed Matter Physics | 9574565 |
24. | International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 1546542X |
25. | Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics | Condensed Matter Physics | 14684349 |
26. | Shock and Vibration | Condensed Matter Physics | 10709622 |
27. | Mechanics of Composite Materials | Condensed Matter Physics | 1915665 |
28. | Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical | Condensed Matter Physics | 9244247 |
29. | Advances in Heat Transfer | Condensed Matter Physics | 652717 |
30. | Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing | Condensed Matter Physics | 2724324 |
31. | Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials | Condensed Matter Physics | 8927057 |
32. | Heat and Mass Transfer | Condensed Matter Physics | 9477411 |
33. | High Temperature | Condensed Matter Physics | 0018151X |
34. | High Temperatures – High Pressures | Condensed Matter Physics | 181544 |
35. | International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow | Condensed Matter Physics | 0142727X |
36. | International Journal of Thermal Sciences | Condensed Matter Physics | 12900729 |
37. | International Journal of Thermophysics | Condensed Matter Physics | 0195928X |
38. | Journal of Low Temperature Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 222291 |
39. | Journal of Thermal Science | Condensed Matter Physics | 10032169 |
40. | Journal of Thermal Spray Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 10599630 |
41. | Powder Diffraction | Condensed Matter Physics | 8857156 |
42. | Ranshao Kexue Yu Jishu/Journal of Combustion Science and Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 10068740 |
43. | Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics | Condensed Matter Physics | 664189 |
44. | Applied Rheology | Condensed Matter Physics | 14306395 |
45. | Research in Nondestructive Evaluation | Condensed Matter Physics | 9349847 |
46. | Advanced Engineering Materials | Condensed Matter Physics | 14381656 |
47. | Gaoya Wuli Xuebao/Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 10005773 |
48. | High Pressure Research | Condensed Matter Physics | 8957959 |
49. | International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics | Condensed Matter Physics | 10618562 |
50. | International Journal of Solids and Structures | Condensed Matter Physics | 207683 |
51. | Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics | Condensed Matter Physics | 3770257 |
52. | Journal of Rheology | Condensed Matter Physics | 1486055 |
53. | Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids | Condensed Matter Physics | 225096 |
54. | Journal of Visualization | Condensed Matter Physics | 13438875 |
55. | Kongqi Donglixue Xuebao/Acta Aerodynamica Sinica | Condensed Matter Physics | 2581825 |
56. | Meccanica | Condensed Matter Physics | 256455 |
57. | Physics and Chemistry of Liquids | Condensed Matter Physics | 319104 |
58. | Rheologica Acta | Condensed Matter Physics | 354511 |
59. | Strength, Fracture and Complexity | Condensed Matter Physics | 15672069 |
60. | Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis | Condensed Matter Physics | 1672991 |
61. | Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics | Condensed Matter Physics | 1678442 |
62. | Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics | Condensed Matter Physics | 9354964 |
63. | International Journal of Nanoscience | Condensed Matter Physics | 0219581X |
64. | Ferroelectrics, Letters Section | Condensed Matter Physics | 7315171 |
65. | IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine | Condensed Matter Physics | 10459243 |
66. | IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility | Condensed Matter Physics | 10774076 01901494 |
67. | IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest | Condensed Matter Physics | 0149645X |
68. | IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters | Condensed Matter Physics | 15311309 |
69. | IEEE Microwave Magazine | Condensed Matter Physics | 15273342 |
70. | IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques | Condensed Matter Physics | 189480 |
71. | IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing | Condensed Matter Physics | 8946507 |
72. | Materials at High Temperatures | Condensed Matter Physics | 9603409 |
73. | Materials Chemistry and Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 2540584 |
74. | Materials Performance | Condensed Matter Physics | 941492 |
75. | Materials Science | Condensed Matter Physics | 1068820X |
76. | Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing | Condensed Matter Physics | 9215093 |
77. | Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 9215107 |
78. | Materials Science and Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 2670836 |
79. | Mechanics Research Communications | Condensed Matter Physics | 936413 |
80. | NDT and E International | Condensed Matter Physics | 9638695 |
81. | Nano Letters | Condensed Matter Physics | 15306984 |
82. | Nature Materials | Condensed Matter Physics | 14761122 |
83. | Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing | Condensed Matter Physics | 10618309 |
84. | Integrated Ferroelectrics | Condensed Matter Physics | 10584587 |
85. | International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics | Condensed Matter Physics | 13835416 |
86. | Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) | Condensed Matter Physics | 10846999 |
87. | Journal of Electrostatics | Condensed Matter Physics | 3043886 |
88. | Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy | Condensed Matter Physics | 8327823 |
89. | Surface Review and Letters | Condensed Matter Physics | 0218625X |
90. | Synthetic Metals | Condensed Matter Physics | 3796779 |
91. | Zairyo/Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan | Condensed Matter Physics | 5145163 |
92. | Journal of Fluid Mechanics | Condensed Matter Physics | 221120 |
93. | Molecular Imaging | Condensed Matter Physics | 15353508 |
94. | Organic Electronics | Condensed Matter Physics | 15661199 |
95. | Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 10765670 |
96. | Semiconductors and Semimetals | Condensed Matter Physics | 808784 |
97. | Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics | Condensed Matter Physics | 10642269 |
98. | Journal of Optical Communications | Condensed Matter Physics | 1734911 |
99. | Yadian Yu Shengguang/Piezoelectrics and Acoustooptics | Condensed Matter Physics | 10042474 |
100. | Heat Transfer Research | Condensed Matter Physics | 10642285 |
101. | International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer | Condensed Matter Physics | 7351933 |
102. | International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer | Condensed Matter Physics | 179310 |
103. | Materials Research Innovations | Condensed Matter Physics | 14328917 |
104. | Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME | Condensed Matter Physics | 218936 |
105. | Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer | Condensed Matter Physics | 10655131 |
106. | Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing | Condensed Matter Physics | 10653090 |
107. | Journal of Heat Transfer | Condensed Matter Physics | 221481 |
108. | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics | Condensed Matter Physics | 14644193 |
109. | Journal of Thermal Stresses | Condensed Matter Physics | 1495739 |
110. | Fuhe Cailiao Xuebao/Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica | Condensed Matter Physics | 10003851 |
111. | Gongneng Cailiao/Journal of Functional Materials | Condensed Matter Physics | 10019731 |
112. | Materials Science-Poland | Condensed Matter Physics | 20831331 01371339 |
113. | Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines | Condensed Matter Physics | 15397734 |
114. | International Journal of Nanotechnology | Condensed Matter Physics | 14757435 |
115. | Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 218944 |
116. | Journal of Electroceramics | Condensed Matter Physics | 13853449 |
117. | Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Transactions of the ASME | Condensed Matter Physics | 944289 |
118. | Journal of Materials Research | Condensed Matter Physics | 8842914 |
119. | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics | Condensed Matter Physics | 9574522 |
120. | Journal of Porous Media | Condensed Matter Physics | 1091028X |
121. | Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 9280707 |
122. | MRS Bulletin | Condensed Matter Physics | 8837694 |
123. | Polymer Bulletin | Condensed Matter Physics | 1700839 |
124. | Structural Chemistry | Condensed Matter Physics | 10400400 |
125. | Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications | Condensed Matter Physics | 10407782 |
126. | Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals | Condensed Matter Physics | 10407790 |
127. | Glass Physics and Chemistry | Condensed Matter Physics | 10876596 |
128. | Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics | Condensed Matter Physics | 2668920 |
129. | Reneng Dongli Gongcheng/Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power | Condensed Matter Physics | 10012060 |
130. | Superlattices and Microstructures | Condensed Matter Physics | 7496036 |
131. | Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan | Condensed Matter Physics | 18820743 |
132. | Rengong Jingti Xuebao/Journal of Synthetic Crystals | Condensed Matter Physics | 1000985X |
133. | Wear | Condensed Matter Physics | 431648 |
134. | Zhenkong Kexue yu Jishu Xuebao/Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 2539748 |
135. | Journal of Supercritical Fluids | Condensed Matter Physics | 8968446 |
136. | International Journal of Quantum Chemistry | Condensed Matter Physics | 207608 |
137. | Journal of Cluster Science | Condensed Matter Physics | 10407278 |
138. | Surface and Interface Analysis | Condensed Matter Physics | 1422421 |
139. | Surface and Coatings Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 2578972 |
140. | Crystal Growth and Design | Condensed Matter Physics | 15287483 |
141. | Crystal Research and Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 2321300 |
142. | Crystallography Reports | Condensed Matter Physics | 10637745 |
143. | Crystallography Reviews | Condensed Matter Physics | 0889311X |
144. | Journal of Chemical Crystallography | Condensed Matter Physics | 10741542 |
145. | Journal of Crystal Growth | Condensed Matter Physics | 220248 |
146. | Liquid Crystals | Condensed Matter Physics | 2678292 |
147. | Materials Research Bulletin | Condensed Matter Physics | 255408 |
148. | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | Condensed Matter Physics | 15421406 |
149. | Materials Today | Condensed Matter Physics | 13697021 |
150. | Molecular Simulation | Condensed Matter Physics | 8927022 |
151. | Soft Materials | Condensed Matter Physics | 1539445X |
152. | Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials | Condensed Matter Physics | 9608974 |
153. | Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie – New Crystal Structures | Condensed Matter Physics | 14337266 |
154. | Advanced Functional Materials | Condensed Matter Physics | 1616301X |
155. | Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry | Condensed Matter Physics | 14328488 |
156. | Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical | Condensed Matter Physics | 9254005 |
157. | Solid State Sciences | Condensed Matter Physics | 12932558 |
158. | Guti Dianzixue Yanjiu Yu Jinzhan/Research and Progress of Solid State Electronics | Condensed Matter Physics | 10003819 |
159. | Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 8876266 |
160. | Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 10221352 |
161. | Macromolecular Symposia | Condensed Matter Physics | 10221360 |
162. | Macromolecular Theory and Simulations | Condensed Matter Physics | 10221344 |
163. | IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics | Condensed Matter Physics | 189197 |
164. | IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | Condensed Matter Physics | 10518223 |
165. | IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility | Condensed Matter Physics | 189375 |
166. | Technical Digest – International Electron Devices Meeting | Condensed Matter Physics | 1631918 |
167. | Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics | Condensed Matter Physics | 335614 |
168. | Polymer Degradation and Stability | Condensed Matter Physics | 1413910 |
169. | Journal of Electronic Materials | Condensed Matter Physics | 3615235 |
170. | Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials | Condensed Matter Physics | 14544164 |
171. | Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing | Condensed Matter Physics | 13698001 |
172. | Microelectronic Engineering | Condensed Matter Physics | 1679317 |
173. | Microelectronics International | Condensed Matter Physics | 13565362 |
174. | Microelectronics Reliability | Condensed Matter Physics | 262714 |
175. | Microsystem Technologies | Condensed Matter Physics | 9467076 |
176. | New Electronics | Condensed Matter Physics | 479624 |
177. | High Temperature Materials and Processes | Condensed Matter Physics | 3346455 |
178. | Journal of Molecular Liquids | Condensed Matter Physics | 1677322 |
179. | Journal of Solid State Chemistry | Condensed Matter Physics | 224596 |
180. | Advances in Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 18732 |
181. | Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry | Condensed Matter Physics | 13886150 |
182. | Langmuir | Condensed Matter Physics | 7437463 |
183. | Microporous and Mesoporous Materials | Condensed Matter Physics | 13871811 |
184. | Molecular Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 268976 |
185. | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | Condensed Matter Physics | 3603199 |
186. | Progress in Solid State Chemistry | Condensed Matter Physics | 796786 |
187. | Tenside, Surfactants, Detergents | Condensed Matter Physics | 9323414 |
188. | Thermochimica Acta | Condensed Matter Physics | 406031 |
189. | Russian Microelectronics | Condensed Matter Physics | 10637397 |
190. | Semiconductor Science and Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 2681242 |
191. | Solid-State Electronics | Condensed Matter Physics | 381101 |
192. | Main Group Metal Chemistry | Condensed Matter Physics | 7921241 |
193. | Materials Characterization | Condensed Matter Physics | 10445803 |
194. | Materials Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 10667857 |
195. | Materials Transactions | Condensed Matter Physics | 13459678 |
196. | Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik | Condensed Matter Physics | 9335137 |
197. | Metal Science and Heat Treatment | Condensed Matter Physics | 260673 |
198. | Metall | Condensed Matter Physics | 260746 |
199. | Metallofizika i Noveishie Tekhnologii | Condensed Matter Physics | 10241809 |
200. | Metallurgia Italiana | Condensed Matter Physics | 260843 |
201. | Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science | Condensed Matter Physics | 10735623 |
202. | Metallurgist | Condensed Matter Physics | 260894 |
203. | Metals and Materials International | Condensed Matter Physics | 15989623 |
204. | Contributions to Plasma Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 8631042 |
205. | Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences | Condensed Matter Physics | 10408436 |
206. | Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications | Condensed Matter Physics | 10627995 |
207. | European Physical Journal B | Condensed Matter Physics | 14346028 |
208. | Ferroelectrics | Condensed Matter Physics | 150193 |
209. | Metalurgija | Condensed Matter Physics | 5435846 |
210. | Naihuo Cailiao/Refractories | Condensed Matter Physics | 10011935 |
211. | Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | Condensed Matter Physics | 10036326 |
212. | Physics of Metals and Metallography | Condensed Matter Physics | 0031918X |
213. | Powder Metallurgy | Condensed Matter Physics | 325899 |
214. | Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics | Condensed Matter Physics | 10681302 |
215. | Praktische Metallographie/Practical Metallography | Condensed Matter Physics | 0032678X |
216. | Rare Metals | Condensed Matter Physics | 10010521 |
217. | Hyperfine Interactions | Condensed Matter Physics | 3043843 |
218. | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science | Condensed Matter Physics | 933813 |
219. | International Journal of Modern Physics B | Condensed Matter Physics | 2179792 |
220. | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience | Condensed Matter Physics | 15461955 |
221. | Revista de Metalurgia | Condensed Matter Physics | 348570 |
222. | Science and Technology of Welding and Joining | Condensed Matter Physics | 13621718 |
223. | Scripta Materialia | Condensed Matter Physics | 13596462 |
224. | Stahl und Eisen | Condensed Matter Physics | 3404803 |
225. | Steel Research International | Condensed Matter Physics | 16113683 |
226. | Steel Times International | Condensed Matter Physics | 1437798 |
227. | Surface Engineering | Condensed Matter Physics | 2670844 |
228. | Tetsu-To-Hagane/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan | Condensed Matter Physics | 211575 |
229. | Tezhong Zhuzao Ji Youse Hejin/Special Casting and Nonferrous Alloys | Condensed Matter Physics | 10012249 |
230. | Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision | Condensed Matter Physics | 9249907 |
231. | Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics | Condensed Matter Physics | 0253231X |
232. | Journal of Hydrodynamics | Condensed Matter Physics | 10016058 |
233. | Journal of Macromolecular Science – Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 222348 |
234. | Journal of Magnetic Resonance | Condensed Matter Physics | 10907807 |
235. | Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials | Condensed Matter Physics | 3048853 |
236. | Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics | Condensed Matter Physics | 14226928 |
237. | Journal of Nanoparticle Research | Condensed Matter Physics | 13880764 |
238. | Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids | Condensed Matter Physics |
239. | Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids | Condensed Matter Physics |
240. | Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 9534075 |
241. | Journal of Physics Condensed Matter | Condensed Matter Physics | 9538984 |
242. | Journal Physics D: Applied Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 223727 |
243. | Journal of Plasma Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 223778 |
244. | Radio Science | Condensed Matter Physics | 486604 |
245. | Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer | Condensed Matter Physics | 8878722 |
246. | Journal of Turbulence | Condensed Matter Physics |
247. | Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films | Condensed Matter Physics | 7342101 |
248. | Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 8953996 |
249. | Materials Letters | Condensed Matter Physics | 0167577X |
250. | Materials Science Forum | Condensed Matter Physics | 2555476 |
251. | Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering | Condensed Matter Physics | 9650393 |
252. | Tsvetnye Metally | Condensed Matter Physics | 3722929 |
253. | Zhongguo Youse Jinshu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals | Condensed Matter Physics | 10040609 |
254. | Applied Surface Science | Condensed Matter Physics | 1694332 |
255. | Modern Physics Letters B | Condensed Matter Physics | 2179849 |
256. | Nuclear Fusion | Condensed Matter Physics | 295515 |
257. | Particle and Particle Systems Characterization | Condensed Matter Physics | 9340866 |
258. | Philosophical Magazine Letters | Condensed Matter Physics | 9500839 |
259. | Nuclear Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 295450 |
260. | Photonics and Nanostructures – Fundamentals and Applications | Condensed Matter Physics | 15694410 |
261. | Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications | Condensed Matter Physics | 3784371 |
262. | Physica B: Condensed Matter | Condensed Matter Physics | 9214526 |
263. | Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications | Condensed Matter Physics | 9214534 |
264. | Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena | Condensed Matter Physics | 1672789 |
265. | Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures | Condensed Matter Physics | 13869477 |
266. | Physica Scripta | Condensed Matter Physics | 318949 |
267. | Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research | Condensed Matter Physics | 3701972 |
268. | Physics of Fluids | Condensed Matter Physics | 10706631 |
269. | Physics of Plasmas | Condensed Matter Physics | 1070664X |
270. | Physics of the Solid State | Condensed Matter Physics | 10637834 |
271. | Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | Condensed Matter Physics | 7413335 |
272. | Plasma Physics Reports | Condensed Matter Physics | 1063780X |
273. | Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids | Condensed Matter Physics | 10420150 |
274. | Soldering and Surface Mount Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 9540911 |
275. | Plasma Sources Science and Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 9630252 |
276. | Progress in Surface Science | Condensed Matter Physics | 796816 |
277. | Semiconductors | Condensed Matter Physics | 10637826 |
278. | Smart Materials and Structures | Condensed Matter Physics | 9641726 |
279. | Solid State Communications | Condensed Matter Physics | 381098 |
280. | Solid State Ionics | Condensed Matter Physics | 1672738 |
281. | Archives of Mechanics | Condensed Matter Physics | 3732029 |
282. | Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science | Condensed Matter Physics | 10735615 |
283. | Science of Sintering | Condensed Matter Physics | 0350820X |
284. | International Journal of Thermodynamics | Condensed Matter Physics | 13019724 |
285. | Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering | Condensed Matter Physics | 0277786X |
286. | International Journal of Mechanical Sciences | Condensed Matter Physics | 207403 |
287. | Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry | Condensed Matter Physics | 13883127 |
288. | Journal of Mechanics | Condensed Matter Physics | 17277191 |
289. | Journal of the Energy Institute | Condensed Matter Physics | 17439671 |
290. | Materials Physics and Mechanics | Condensed Matter Physics | 16052730 |
291. | EPJ Applied Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 12860042 |
292. | Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing | Condensed Matter Physics | 87566990 |
293. | Materials | Condensed Matter Physics | 19961944 |
294. | Multiphase Science and Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 2761459 |
295. | Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi | Condensed Matter Physics | 3871533 |
296. | Reviews on Advanced Materials Science | Condensed Matter Physics | 16065131 |
297. | International Journal of Heat and Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 3928764 |
298. | CrystEngComm | Condensed Matter Physics | 14668033 |
299. | Plasma Processes and Polymers | Condensed Matter Physics | 16128850 |
300. | Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics | Condensed Matter Physics | 10620125 |
301. | Microfluidics and Nanofluidics | Condensed Matter Physics | 16134982 |
302. | e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology | Condensed Matter Physics | 13480391 |
303. | Zhongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology) | Condensed Matter Physics | 16727207 |
304. | Plasma Science and Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 10090630 |
305. | Mechanika | Condensed Matter Physics | 13921207 |
306. | Soft Matter | Condensed Matter Physics | 1744683X |
307. | Korea Australia Rheology Journal | Condensed Matter Physics | 1226119X |
308. | Materials Research | Condensed Matter Physics | 15161439 |
309. | Condensed Matter Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 1607324X |
310. | International Journal of Materials Research | Condensed Matter Physics | 18625282 |
311. | Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism | Condensed Matter Physics | 15571939 |
312. | Nature Nanotechnology | Condensed Matter Physics | 17483387 |
313. | Nanoscale Research Letters | Condensed Matter Physics | 19317573 |
314. | IEICE Electronics Express | Condensed Matter Physics | 13492543 |
315. | Progress in Electromagnetics Research | Condensed Matter Physics | 10704698 |
316. | Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science | Condensed Matter Physics | 18626300 |
317. | Micro and Nano Letters | Condensed Matter Physics | 17500443 |
318. | Optoelectronics Letters | Condensed Matter Physics | 16731905 |
319. | Journal of Micro/ Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS | Condensed Matter Physics | 19325150 |
320. | Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal | Condensed Matter Physics | 15623920 |
321. | Laser and Photonics Reviews | Condensed Matter Physics | 18638880 |
322. | Journal of Engineering Thermophysics | Condensed Matter Physics | 18102328 |
323. | Physical Mesomechanics | Condensed Matter Physics | 10299599 |
324. | Microelectronics Journal | Condensed Matter Physics | 9598324 |
325. | Journal of Nanophotonics | Condensed Matter Physics | 19342608 |
326. | Surface Science Spectra | Condensed Matter Physics | 10555269 |
327. | Physica Status Solidi – Rapid Research Letters | Condensed Matter Physics | 18626254 |
328. | Physics and Chemistry of Glasses: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B | Condensed Matter Physics | 17533562 |
329. | Chinese Journal of Luminescence | Condensed Matter Physics | 10007032 |
330. | Nano | Condensed Matter Physics | 17932920 |
331. | Recent Patents on Nanotechnology | Condensed Matter Physics | 18722105 |
332. | Nanotechnology Perceptions | Condensed Matter Physics | 16606795 |
333. | Journal of Magnetics | Condensed Matter Physics | 12261750 |
334. | Biomicrofluidics | Condensed Matter Physics | 19321058 |
335. | Philosophical Magazine | Condensed Matter Physics | 14786435 |
336. | Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics | Condensed Matter Physics | 17353572 |
337. | Progress In Electromagnetics Research B | Condensed Matter Physics | 19376472 |
338. | Journal of Semiconductors | Condensed Matter Physics | 16744926 |
339. | Nano Research | Condensed Matter Physics | 19980124 |
340. | Advances in Condensed Matter Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 16878108 |
341. | Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves | Condensed Matter Physics | 18666892 |
342. | Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures | Condensed Matter Physics | 18423582 |
343. | International Journal of Nanoparticles | Condensed Matter Physics | 17532507 |
344. | Defect and Diffusion Forum | Condensed Matter Physics | 10120386 |
345. | Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications | Condensed Matter Physics | 19485085 |
346. | Nanotechnologies in Russia | Condensed Matter Physics | 19950780 |
347. | Progress In Electromagnetics Research M | Condensed Matter Physics |
348. | Liquid Crystals Today | Condensed Matter Physics | 1358314X |
349. | Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 19475454 |
350. | Journal of Combustion | Condensed Matter Physics | 20901968 |
351. | IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics | Condensed Matter Physics | 21563381 |
352. | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | Condensed Matter Physics | 2210271X |
353. | NPG Asia Materials | Condensed Matter Physics | 18844049 |
354. | Plasma and Fusion Research | Condensed Matter Physics | 18806821 |
355. | Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | 20776772 |
356. | NanoScience and Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 14344904 |
357. | Journal of Thermoelectricity | Condensed Matter Physics | 16078829 |
358. | Solid State Phenomena | Condensed Matter Physics | 10120394 |
359. | Crystals | Condensed Matter Physics | 20734352 |
360. | Acta crystallographica. Section C, Structural chemistry | Condensed Matter Physics |
361. | Acta Crystallographica Section F:Structural Biology Communications | Condensed Matter Physics |
362. | Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances | Condensed Matter Physics |
363. | Computational Condensed Matter | Condensed Matter Physics |
364. | Structural Dynamics | Condensed Matter Physics |
365. | 2D Materials | Condensed Matter Physics |
366. | IUCrJ | Condensed Matter Physics |
367. | Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie – Crystalline Materials | Condensed Matter Physics | 21944946 |
368. | Liquid Crystals Reviews | Condensed Matter Physics | 21680396 |
369. | Nano-Structures and Nano-Objects | Condensed Matter Physics |
370. | Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications | Condensed Matter Physics |
371. | Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, Series Thermonuclear Fusion | Condensed Matter Physics | 2023822 |
372. | Progress in Physics of Metals | Condensed Matter Physics | 16081021 |
373. | Journal of Advanced Dielectrics | Condensed Matter Physics | 2010135X |
374. | High Temperature Material Processes | Condensed Matter Physics | 10933611 |
375. | Emerging Materials Research | Condensed Matter Physics | 20460147 |
376. | Surfaces and Interfaces | Condensed Matter Physics | 24680230 |
377. | Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering | Condensed Matter Physics | 15567265 |
378. | Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science | Condensed Matter Physics |
379. | Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Gidrofizika | Condensed Matter Physics | 20736673 |
380. | MRS Advances | Condensed Matter Physics |
381. | Physical Review E | Condensed Matter Physics | 24700045 |
382. | Atoms | Condensed Matter Physics |
383. | npj Quantum Materials | Condensed Matter Physics |
384. | Physical Review B | Condensed Matter Physics | 24699950 |
385. | EPJ Quantum Technology | Condensed Matter Physics |
386. | Microsystems and Nanoengineering | Condensed Matter Physics |
387. | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanoengineering and Nanosystems | Condensed Matter Physics | 23977914 |
388. | Materials Letters: X | Condensed Matter Physics | 25901508 |
389. | Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids: X | Condensed Matter Physics | 25901591 |
390. | Micro and Nano Engineering | Condensed Matter Physics |
391. | EPJ Photovoltaics | Condensed Matter Physics |
392. | EPJ Applied Metamaterials | Condensed Matter Physics |
393. | Fluids | Condensed Matter Physics |
394. | Nanoscience and Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 25724258 |
395. | IET Nanodielectrics | Condensed Matter Physics |
396. | npj 2D Materials and Applications | Condensed Matter Physics |
397. | Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan | Condensed Matter Physics |
398. | Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta, Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki | Condensed Matter Physics | 19918615 |
399. | International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 27069885 |
400. | Materials Today Nano | Condensed Matter Physics |
401. | Condensed Matter | Condensed Matter Physics |
402. | Physics and Chemistry of Solid State | Condensed Matter Physics | 17294428 |
403. | Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Research | Condensed Matter Physics |
404. | International Journal of Thermofluids | Condensed Matter Physics |
405. | Applied Science and Convergence Technology | Condensed Matter Physics | 12258822 |
406. | Annual Review of Heat Transfer | Condensed Matter Physics | 10490787 |
407. | Plasma Research Express | Condensed Matter Physics |
408. | Heat Transfer | Condensed Matter Physics | 26884534 |
409. | Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics | Condensed Matter Physics | 22208054 |
410. | JPhys Materials | Condensed Matter Physics |
411. | Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials | Condensed Matter Physics | 25229869 |