Are you struggling How to Publish your Control and Optimization Paper in SCI Journals? Allow our experts to guide you in fast publication of your paper.
Key Areas of Performance Analysis in Control and Optimization
List of high impact factor Control and Optimization journals are shared below, we polish your paper that it is in perfect format and gets accepted within a short duration. | Title | Subject Area | Print ISSN |
1. | Real-Time Systems | Control and Optimization | 9226443 |
2. | Multibody System Dynamics | Control and Optimization | 13845640 |
3. | Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization | Control and Optimization | 1615147X |
4. | Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems | Control and Optimization | 10792724 |
5. | Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems | Control and Optimization | 9324194 |
6. | IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information | Control and Optimization | 2650754 |
7. | Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications | Control and Optimization | 223239 |
8. | Journal of Heuristics | Control and Optimization | 13811231 |
9. | Applied Mathematics and Optimization | Control and Optimization | 954616 |
10. | Optimal Control Applications and Methods | Control and Optimization | 1432087 |
11. | Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization | Control and Optimization | 1630563 |
12. | ESAIM – Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations | Control and Optimization | 12928119 |
13. | SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization | Control and Optimization | 3630129 |
14. | Optimization | Control and Optimization | 2331934 |
15. | Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications | Control and Optimization | 9257721 |
16. | Computational Optimization and Applications | Control and Optimization | 9266003 |
17. | Journal of Combinatorial Optimization | Control and Optimization | 13826905 |
18. | Journal of Complexity | Control and Optimization | 0885064X |
19. | Optimization Methods and Software | Control and Optimization | 10556788 |
20. | Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control | Control and Optimization | 1651889 |
21. | Engineering Optimization | Control and Optimization | 0305215X |
22. | Energies | Control and Optimization | 19961073 |
23. | Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decision | Control and Optimization | 10010920 |
24. | Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control | Control and Optimization | 1912216 |
25. | Journal of Global Optimization | Control and Optimization | 9255001 |
26. | Optimization and Engineering | Control and Optimization | 13894420 |
27. | WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics | Control and Optimization | 11092769 |
28. | IET Control Theory and Applications | Control and Optimization | 17518644 |
29. | Optimization Letters | Control and Optimization | 18624472 |
30. | International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations | Control and Optimization | 17523583 |
31. | Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization | Control and Optimization | 15475816 |
32. | Memetic Computing | Control and Optimization | 18659284 |
33. | Advances in Fuzzy Systems | Control and Optimization | 16877101 |
34. | WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control | Control and Optimization | 19918763 |
35. | Inverse Problems and Imaging | Control and Optimization | 19308337 |
36. | Archives of Control Sciences | Control and Optimization | 12302384 |
37. | Journal of Grey System | Control and Optimization | 9573720 |
38. | Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis | Control and Optimization | 10683623 |
39. | Evolving Systems | Control and Optimization | 18686478 |
40. | Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering | Control and Optimization | 14397358 |
41. | Miskolc Mathematical Notes | Control and Optimization | 17872405 |
42. | Journal of Uncertain Systems | Control and Optimization | 17528909 |
43. | Numerical Mathematics | Control and Optimization | 10048979 |
44. | Journal of Geometric Mechanics | Control and Optimization | 19414889 |
45. | Mathematical Control and Related Fields | Control and Optimization | 21568472 |
46. | Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization | Control and Optimization | 21553289 |
47. | Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis | Control and Optimization | 13454773 |
48. | Information and Control | Control and Optimization | 10020411 |
49. | Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering | Control and Optimization | 22138986 |
50. | Control Theory and Technology | Control and Optimization | 20956983 |
51. | IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems | Control and Optimization | 23255870 |
52. | Operations Research Perspectives | Control and Optimization |
53. | IET Networks | Control and Optimization | 20474954 |
54. | Journal of Complex Networks | Control and Optimization | 20511310 |
55. | International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification | Control and Optimization | 21525080 |
56. | Evolution Equations and Control Theory | Control and Optimization | 21632472 |
57. | International Journal of Dynamics and Control | Control and Optimization | 2195268X |
58. | Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing | Control and Optimization | 2311004X |
59. | Springer Optimization and Its Applications | Control and Optimization | 19316828 |
60. | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | Control and Optimization | 25024752 |
61. | Systems Science and Control Engineering | Control and Optimization |
62. | International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control | Control and Optimization | 22103279 |
63. | Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity | Control and Optimization | 21646376 |
64. | Cybernetics and Physics | Control and Optimization | 22237038 |
65. | International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering | Control and Optimization | 17272394 |
66. | Series on Number Theory and Its Applications | Control and Optimization | 17933161 |
67. | Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics | Control and Optimization | 20893191 |
68. | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics | Control and Optimization |
69. | Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology | Control and Optimization | 19853157 |
70. | EURO Journal on Computational Optimization | Control and Optimization | 21924406 |
71. | Unmanned Systems | Control and Optimization | 23013850 |
72. | International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization | Control and Optimization |
73. | Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis | Control and Optimization |
74. | Studies in Systems, Decision and Control | Control and Optimization | 21984182 |
75. | Journal of Dynamics and Control | Control and Optimization | 16726553 |
76. | Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks | Control and Optimization |
77. | Robotics | Control and Optimization |
78. | Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Prikladnaya Matematika, Informatika, Protsessy Upravleniya | Control and Optimization | 18119905 |
79. | Actuators | Control and Optimization |
80. | Minimax Theory and its Applications | Control and Optimization | 21991413 |
81. | Machines | Control and Optimization |
82. | Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Application | Control and Optimization | 14211750 |
83. | Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications | Control and Optimization | 12291595 |
84. | ROBOMECH Journal | Control and Optimization |
85. | Communications and Control Engineering | Control and Optimization | 1785354 |
86. | Systems and Control: Foundations and Applications | Control and Optimization | 23249749 |
87. | International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing | Control and Optimization | 19478283 |
88. | International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories and Applications | Control and Optimization | 21460957 |
89. | Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control | Control and Optimization | 23256818 |
90. | Turkish World Mathematical Society Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics | Control and Optimization | 21461147 |
91. | Journal of Control and Decision | Control and Optimization | 23307706 |
92. | Journal of Mathematical Control Science and Applications | Control and Optimization | 9740570 |
93. | IEEE Control Systems Letters | Control and Optimization |
94. | Science Robotics | Control and Optimization |
95. | IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters | Control and Optimization |
96. | International Series of Numerical Mathematics | Control and Optimization | 3733149 |
97. | Informatsionno-Upravliaiushchie Sistemy | Control and Optimization | 16848853 |
98. | Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia | Control and Optimization |
99. | Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems | Control and Optimization |
100. | ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems | Control and Optimization | 2378962X |
101. | Computer Science Journal of Moldova | Control and Optimization | 15614042 |
102. | IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing | Control and Optimization |
103. | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles | Control and Optimization |
104. | IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence | Control and Optimization |
105. | Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications | Control and Optimization | 9735321 |
106. | SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH | Control and Optimization | 23802162 |
107. | Iranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization | Control and Optimization | 24236977 |
108. | Moroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis | Control and Optimization | 26056364 |
109. | Journal of Optimization, Differential Equations and their Applications | Control and Optimization | 26170108 |
110. | Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization | Control and Optimization | 25382128 |
111. | SeMA Journal | Control and Optimization | 22543902 |