Cloud Computing Security Research Topics

Cloud Computing Security is a hi-tech solution to guarantee data protection over web-based services and resources through standard security protocols. The main motive of this field is to ensure cloud security against web attackers and hackers.  This article gives you dedicated information about the latest Cloud Computing Security Research Topics!!!

Due to the strong security policies, cloud computing has become the modern technology that is highly used in the majority of research sectors. Taking everything into account, it helps the cloud users to manage the sensitive user and data securely through centralized ‘remote servers’. Even though, it has some encounters that occur in the time. 

Research Challenges in Cloud Computing Security

  • Workload Profiling and Management System
  • Dependable Cloud Computing Architecture Design
  • Secure Cloud Collaboration in Data-Centric Security
  • Run-Time Sensitive Data Protection and Privacy
  • SLA/QoS driven Dynamic Service/Resource Allocation
  • Access Anonymity and Data Hiding in Multi-clouds
  • Cloud-based Identity and Fraud Analytics Solutions
  • Data Leak / Loss Prevention and Detection
  • Transparent Auditing on Autonomous Databases and Logs
  • Data Privacy, Accountability and Obfuscation
  • Cyber Incident Response: Triage and Penetration Analysis
  • Forensic Data Search and Investigation for Digital Evidence

To precisely stand on the cloud security problems, we need to know the essential compound security challenges. Specifically, we need to familiarize with the following:

  • Detect internal users with their role in the attack-defense cycle (CSP, customers, insiders, and outsiders)
  • Explore the various security elements (threat, attacks, weaknesses, and risks)
  • A thorough study on issues over the cloud components, stakeholders, and network layers. And they are,
    • Cloud components (computing environs, data centers, networking, APIs, etc.)
    • Cloud stakeholders (clients, service providers, third-party contractors, etc.)
    • Network layers (IP, transportation, application, etc.)
  • Recognize the security effect on different deployment models (private, community, public, and hybrid)
  • Find the need for security (transparency, privacy, accessibility, reliability, and many more) 

Cloud Computing Categories

Now, let’s see about the basic classifications of cloud computing. Based on the cloud type and its services, the cloud security process will be decided. Usually, there are four major types of cloud computing which are given below,

  • Hybrid cloud services — Integrate public and private cloud computing. Here, the operations take place with both internal employees and public CSP
  • Public cloud services (functioned by a public CSP) — Composed with services as platform-as-a-service (PaaS), infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), and Software-as-a-service (SaaS) and open to all
  • Private cloud services (functioned by the internal employee) — These services are also specifically designed for the private sector but allow the internal employee to operate/control their virtual environment
  • Private cloud services (functioned by a public CSP) — These services are specially provisioned for the single client which let the third party access (no sharing)

In generalcloud computing has three levels of security which represents the type of cloud users. Since each user has different access rights for availing the services. The levels are Service provider level (CSP), Trusted Computing level (Third-party), and Data-centric Security level (Data owner). Based on the level of security, the techniques that protect the system also vary. And, we have listed out few fundamental security practices in cloud systems. 

Techniques for Cloud Security

  • Cyber Data Masking Scheme
  • Data Access Control Model
  • Secure and Assured Data Deletion
  • Symmetric Cloud Encryption Standards
  • Intrusion Prevention / Intrusion Detection System (IPS / IDS)
  • One-Time Password (OTP) Verification Service
  • Identity-based Integrity Checking (in local/remote area)

Beyond the above-specified techniques, numerous methodologies have been designed to assure cloud security. These approaches secure valuable information in the open network.   

Security Algorithms in Cloud

  • Homomorphic Encryption
  • RSA Encryption Algorithm
  • Twofish Encryption Algorithm
  • Secure Hash Algorithm 1(SHA-1)
  • Blowfish Encryption Algorithm
  • Message-Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5)
  • Data Encryption Standard Algorithm (DES)
  • Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm (AES)
  • Triple Data Encryption Standard Algorithm (3-DES)

When you looking for Cloud Computing Security Research Topics, notice that any one of the following attacks is focused on your topic. Since these attacks are largely discussed in recent cloud security research. Cloud users are demanding for more advanced solutions to overcome these attacks. 

Cloud Computing Security Research Topics

Cloud Computing Security Attacks
  • Cache Poisoning / DNS Spoofing
  • Side-Channel Attacks
  • Man-in-the-Middle (MitM)Attacks
  • Authentication / Password Attacks
  • Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
  • IP Address Spoofing / IP Spoofing
  • Registrar Hijacking / Domain Hijacking
  • DNS Amplification / Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) 
Cloud Computing Security Issues 
  • Attack Dependencies
  • Well-known Vulnerabilities and Attacks
  • Multi-level Attack Classifications
  • Advance Security to address unsettled Challenges
  • Comparative Analysis of Security Methodologies 

Cloud Computing Security Research Topics 

  • No common standard to ensure integrity
    • Blockchain Security Scheme
    • Trust Evaluation model
  • Specifically for Security and Privacy
    • Data Truthfulness (prevent data alteration by unauthorized users)

In addition, we have also given information about the top-demanding cloud computing development tools and technologies. Before selecting the tool, one should analyze the handpicked problem to know which is best and suitable for the project. 

Simulation Tools for Cloud Computing Security 

  • Apache Mesos – Well-suited for APIs / applications to implement scheduling and resource tasks on datacenter
  • CloudAuction – Perform auction-based approaches like resource provisioning in the cloud (Cloudsim)
  • CloudSim – Build the cloud environment and simulate their services
  • CloudStack – Cloud-based Open source solutions used to develop, install and analyze computing services
  • Cloud9 – Cloud development software that supports various 20+ programming languages such as CSS, PHP, HTML, Ruby, Python cloud computing, etc.
  • CloudReports – GUI based simulation tool to model the distributed cloud computing system
  • Netflix – Open source platform to support media server which known as Internet-based television network
  • CloudAnalyst – Utilizing network performance metrics, analyze the cloud network behavior and operations
  • CloudMIG Xpress – In cloud migration, it supports planning and assessment of phases
  • Eclipse Orion – A cloud-based IDE tool that supports dynamic languages and JavaScript
  • Puppet – Open-source software for managing the configuration that executes on all OS like MS Windows and Unix
  • Monaca – Facilitate to work with hybrid / cross-platform mobile app development services
  • Eclipse Flux – Assure the cooperation among cloud simulation tools and desktop OpenStack – Open source framework specially meant for heterogeneous cloud network
  • Convertigo – Securely deliver the scalable disruptive solution
  • Codeanywhere – Provide a user-friendly environment to program with PHP, CSS, HTML, Javascript, MySQL, etc.
  • Eclipse Che – Enables the SaaS developers to create and share large-scale projects into wide-range cloud infrastructure
  • Cloudera – Apache Hadoop distributed framework (open-software) designated to deploy enterprise-class technology
  • Coderun Studio – Cross-language supporting tool for developing C#, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and ASP.NET applications
  • Eclipse Dirigible – Solution to develop the whole life-cycle of demand-based software
  • eXo Cloud IDE – IDE to work on languages like Groovy, Java, HTML, and Ruby
  • Python Fiddle – User-friendly and Flexible tool for developing web-based applications
  • Neutron IDE – Editing tool to modify code through a browser on any development servers
  • Kodingen – Launched to support shared cloud platforms and also developed in Perl, Javascript, Python, and PHP
  • Collide – Started as Google Code project (as Cloud IDE) which run on Java 7 JRE
  • Sourcekit – Offer web-based interactive cloud infrastructure for developers. Also, it uses Dropbox-like Textmate IDE for storage purposes

Further, if you want to know more about Cloud Computing Security Research Topics, then contact us. We have plentiful novel cloud computing security project ideas from different aspects of security in the cloud computing field.


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