Cyber Security Attacks Topics

Cyber security attacks are the biggest threats to the developing technical world. Attackers who steal are state-backed. It became very easy with the upcoming new Technologies. Cyber Security is a day-to-day threat, to analyze this area and finding a proper measure to retrieve from this danger is the only way. It happens to get unauthorized permission to the data or the system or the information they stored up. To make use of money behind each program and system, these attackers take advantage of cyber security attacks for their profit.

This article supports in researching this interesting topic further. This source is Reliable and contains In-depth research. We give the best guidance for Cyber Security Attacks Topics!!!

So the work is carried out by state actors and cybercriminals. Thus this is a worldwide problem. Mostly these attacks move from a particular victim to a generalized one. Many computer networks and systems feel that it does not safe due to the stealing of their data. Here in this article, we have given aspects, challenges faced in this Cyber Security.

Why Choose us for Cyber Security Attacks Topics

What we best in Cyber Security?

  • Physical System Modeling and Simulation
  • Critical Infrastructure modeling
  • Adversary-based vulnerability Assessment
  • Simulation and Analysis, Network and control system emulation.
  • Threat Modeling and attack model definition

Overview of Cyber Security Attacks

Cyber Security attacks may happen in numerous ways. They may use some techniques like sending malicious links to our Mail, by clicking the link we got trapped with our account details by the installation of dangerous software in our devices. This technique is Phishing. Like this attackers use enormous tricks to make use of the data. Attacks are mainly concerned with communication and devices. The following list provides detailed information which helps to formulate cyber security attacks topics.

Attack Techniques

  • Attack Initialization
    • Social Networks Interaction
    • Social Engineering Reverse
    • Spear Phishing
    • Embedded Web Content
    • Man in the Middle
    • Interactive Voice Response
    • Spoofed mobile web browsers
    • Spoofing Website
    • Email Spoofing
    • Spoofing URL
    • Social context exploiting
    • Attachments
  • System Penetration
    • Scripting Cross site
    • Fast Flux
    • Cross site request forgery
  • Data Collection
    • Human Deception
    • Key Loggers
    • Social Networking
    • Recorded Messages
    • Fake Web Forms

Communication Media

  • Online social networks
  • Website
  • MIM and Mobile apps
  • Instant Messenger
  • Email
  • Blogs and Forums
  • VoIP

Target Devices

  • Smart Phones
  • Wi-Fi Devices
  • Personal PC
  • Voice Devices
  • VoIP devices
  • Phones

There are many challenges we face when we jump into the research of Cyber Security. There are many risks when we explore this field. It needs an organized plan due to technology development there are many challenges that arise in researching Cyber Security Attacks Topics. There are many restrictions in this area. There is some framework for Cyber Security. They are listed below.

Research Challenges of Cyber Security

  • Identifying threats
  • Permission to access risk explore
  • Respond to Cyber Security accident
  • Establishing Contingency plans
  • Vulnerability identifying

Important Factors for Cyber Security

There are few more impossible factors that need to be identified while we research Cyber Security. They are arranged below

  • Deterministic Packet transmission helps in tracing back but it needs enough packets.
  • In Input Debugging, tracing back is impossible.
  • It is very difficult and takes more time.
  • Malicious attackers cannot be found.
  • When it has low rate it cannot attacked.
  • Parts- Per Notation include High Computer work.
  • FDPM Packet Eats Memory and Computer Capacity.
  • Detecting attacks fastly is impossible.
  • Flooding Control is of Service Attack.
  • In the point of Logging more resources are required.
  • Many hosts forge addresses.


  • Anti- Tamper
  • Red Teaming
  • Cryptography
  • Graph Analytic Tools
  • Threat Analysis
  • Secure System Design
  • Analyzing Vulnerability
  • Supply chain Integrity
  • Analyzing Cyber threat
  • Failure Analysis
  • H/W and S/W Security Analysis
  • Critical Infrastructure
  • Security
  • Analysis of Formal Methods
  • Security Operations
  • Communication is secure
  • Virtualization/Cloud
  • Security for Mobile Devices

The above-mentioned points are the research challenges we have to overcome to know detailed information on Cyber Security. These areas have more scope for research. One who research can make use of these massive resources for their thesis.

Innovative Research Topics in Cyber Security

  • To balance security and efficient energy, use Lightweight Cryptographic Algorithm.
  • Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, one can identify the fake news.
  • Blockchain for Cyber Security strong, shares social media
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence helps in spring back security.
  • User’s privacy can be protected in mobile devices and in other social networks on cyber, social and physical.
  • To defend the information systems against the dangerous attacks intrusion tolerance approach can be used.
  • Management of identity, authentication of device and permission to control biometric scanner and many new technologies for authentication is arrived.

          There are many creative ideas in Cyber Security. It has been explained briefly. Machine Learning is one of the important technologies for Cyber Security that helps in detecting the pattern. There is Internet Security like Intrusion Tolerance and Artificial Intelligence.

How Do We Secure Wireless Network Against Cyber Attacks?          

There are many wireless networks that help in attacks, especially in public places. The recent mechanism for protection is not enough to face the attackers. There should be intelligent research on permitting methods to control, which avoid unauthorized access. Due to this wireless network, attacks can be prevailing from days to years. To prevent the software security weakness the developer should be aware of the weakness, which is called zero-day attacks.


  • One can communicate without the router by ad hoc networks, it can be protected.
  • There is issue of connecting to worthless permission points.
  • Lack of authentication schemes.

Wireless network security is given through wireless devices. In the Internet of Things, there are modules like Smart Physical Devices and Sensor Nodes. IoT describes the physical objects networks. The process starts from monitoring the trained patterns which pass through the Learning Classifier, it is Intrusion Detection System that helps in monitoring the suspicious activity that causes network trafficking. Finally, it goes to attack response modules which leap into the action and reaches the Internet of Things module.

Techniques of attack are listed in two categories. They are:

  • Data collection
  • Attack Launching

When the sufferer faced the attacks, there are two ways of collecting data. One technique is collecting data through Manual Form which includes social networking and misdirecting Humans. Then there is Data collection through Automation which contains the key loggers, recorded messages, and forms of a fake website. There are some Alter measures for recovering the data of the sufferer from the attack. It helps in preventing and detecting attacks. These measures can be measured into four groups, they are

  • Hybrid Techniques
  • Deep Learning-based Techniques
  • Scenario-based Techniques
  • Machine Learning Techniques

Other Technique to formulate base for cyber security attacks topics are Attack Launching, there some methods like spoofing of Uniform Resource Locator and website, social setting abuse, spoofing of email, reaction to intelligent voice, social network collaboration, social engineering, Spear Phishing, Mobile Internet Browser, and Web Content Installation.

Cyber Security Attack Counter measurements

  • Hybrid Techniques
    • Stacking
    • Voting
    • Heuristic rule and logistic regression
    • EKRV model
    • Deep Learning
    • Neural-Network convolution
    • Deep Auto-Encoder
    • Neural-Network Recurrent
    • Deep Belief Network
    • Deep Neural-Network
    • Boltzmann Machine Restriction
    • Feed-Forward Deep Neural-Network
  • Scenario Based
    • Extraction of logo
    • 985 participants worked
    • Concept of Dark Traid attacker
    • Detecting Identity Process
    • Observation over six weeks of 62,000 employers
  • Machine Learning
    • 5
    • CART
    • K-NN
    • Decision Tree
    • Vector Machine Support
    • Adaboost
    • Random Forest

The above-discussed counter measurement is a process that helps in protecting confidentiality and prevents the network from risk. It helps in Risk Management. It can be varied from Hardware, Software, and other behavior. It has the control to secure the computer from the effect of threats.

Workflow for Cyber Security Attacks Detection

In the following, we gave the Cyber Security Attack model using Deep Learning Algorithm.

  • Large amount of unnamed Training data which is an approach to Machine Learning, while when small amount of labeled data is used it helps in improving accuracy of learning.
  • For the Unsupervised Learning, there are some Model Parameters. It reaches the level of Semi-Supervised Learning.
  • Initially the small amount of Labeled Training data reaches the Stacked Denoising Auto encoder, it finds the threshold by maximizing F1 score, and then the reconstruction error reaches the Threshold.
  • Final stage is a New Request which holds on the threshold of abnormal request and normal request.

With the touch of professionalism, we give the elaborated novel idea from a variety of famous journals, chapters, periodicals, and conferences. More interesting facts related to cyber security attacks topics can be gathered from the articles like Elsevier, Wiley, Taylor, Francis, Springer, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. There are many well-known publishers for reference.

Innovative Cyber Security Attack topics Research Guidance

Top 8 Cyber Security Datasets

There are 8 best Cyber Security Datasets that can help in the research of the Machine Learning Project. There are Detail explanations given below.

  • Fake News Net:
    • It is a data repository.
    • End to end system called Fake News Tracker
    • Two data sets
    • Research problems related to fake news study
  • Behavioral Biometric datasets
    • Four types:
    • Mouse dynamics- 48 users
    • Combined mouse action- 24 users
    • Mouse Gesture Dynamics- 41users
    • Mobile Keystroke Dynamics OTP- 100users
  • ISOT Fake News Dataset
    • Compilation of Fake News
    • Fake and Real news
    • Fake – com
    • Real World Source – Crawling
  • Dynamic Malware Analysis Kernel and User – Level Calls:
    • Data collected – Cuckoo and Kernel driver
    • Kernel driver –   API – Calls
  • ADFA Intrusion Detection Datasets
    • Evaluation by system call –  HIDS
    • Host Intrusion Detection System
    • Detecting anomaly – Based Intrusion
  • Malicious URL Datasets
    • 4 Million URL
    • Two types – Matlab, SVM – Light
    • Matlab – Feature types
    • SVM-Light – Real valued feature
  • ISOT Cloud Intrusion Detection Datasets
    • 8 Tb Data
    • Network Traffic
    • System Calls
    • Different Format – Memory Dump, CPU, System Log
  • ISOT Bot Net and Ransom ware Detection Datasets
    • Malicious and Non – Malicious
    • 420 GB of Ransom ware
    • Two Traffic Captures
    • Malicious 9 Bot Net
    • Non – Malicious 19 Bot Net

This article gives very detailed information about Cyber Security Attacks Topics and ways of resolving them. We provide very valuable information which provides very useful content for the researcher in the field of cyber security. We support our customers for every research for further information you can communicate with us.


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