DIP project ideas are on the rise among the actively chosen research topics among students and research scholars. Digital image processing is the method by which digital forms of input images are obtained. The images are also enhanced by algorithms used in various steps of digital image processing.

Digital image processing is nothing but the systematic manipulation of certain image characteristics to obtain an enhanced image. This is an overall explanation of digital image processing project ideas. First, let us start with understanding the purposes of image processing.



In digital image processing, the images are considered two-dimensional. Retaining the quality of images or enhancing it is the fundamental objective of DIP project ideas. The following are the major purposes of digital image processing.

  • Image recognition
  • Image retrieval
  • Virtualization
  • Restoring and sharpening of images
  • Measuring pattern

Newer technologies can be readily included in image processing methods. The purposes of digital image processing techniques can be further enlarged for which in-depth research becomes essential. You can approach us with regard to digital image processing projects. Now we will give you some insight on color models in digital image processing. 


The following are the color models in digital image processing methods.

  • Colour vision models
    • HIS or Hue Illumination Saturation
    • HLS or Hue Lightness Saturation
    • HVC or Hue Value Chroma

These models for color vision proclaim color as intensity independent property.

  • RGB color model

An image is a combination of pixels. Here, each pixel is represented by three coordinates: Red, Green, and Blue.

Image processing can be enhanced by working upon these color models. You can approach us for current developments in the field as published in reputed journals. We are here to guide you with a massive amount of reliable resources. Now let us see about some basic steps of image processing.

Research DIP Project IDeas


The basic steps involved in the process of digital image processing are listed below

  • Image acquisition (color conversion and scaling)
  • Sharpening of image (Brighten and sharpen)
  • Restore images (reducing the effect of blur and noise)
  • Processing wavelets and multiple resolutions (image represented in multiple degrees)
  • Compress an image (resolution or size)
  • Detecting and recognizing objects (characteristics of an image are studied)

You might have already been well versed in processing images under these steps. As our engineers are more experienced in handling research projects in digital image processing, you can get their help in your research. Now we will give you some recent research ideas for DIP projects.



The recent research ideas in digital image processing can be broadly divided under the following heads.

  • Remote sensing
    • Predicting dynamic land cover
    • Defection of disasters
    • Measuring LiDAR sensor
  • Medical imaging
    • Detecting facial expression (emotions)
    • Diagnosing diseases
    • Recognition of biometrics
  • Machine vision
    • Device monitor and control
    • Control production units (mills)
    • Inspecting faults(moderation)
  • Retrieval (based on content)
    • Image (from text)
    • Video (from text)
    • Image (from image)
    • Image (from video)
  • Processing of video
    • Multimedia video
    • Forest fire (detecting)
    • Motion of object

We provide your support on all these topics given above. You can check out the wide range of services that we offer for projects in digital image processing. Now let us see in detail the algorithms involved in digital image processing.



You may be familiar with the following algorithms in digital image processing. We have also done dynamic projects on these algorithms.

  • VGG16
  • ResNet101
  • ZF
  • RetinaNet
  • AlexNet
  • Custom
  • Inception v3
  • Resnet-50
  • CNN
  • Inception v2
  • VGG 19
  • LeNet 5
  • YOLO v3 + YOLO v1

Our experts can give the information about these algorithms entirely. They can help you understand anything from basics to advanced technicalities. Now let us see about software and tools used for digital image processing.



The following are some of the famous tools used for image processing.

  • Application virtual system or AVS
  • Image understanding environment or IUE
  • MATLAB image processing toolbox
  • Subroutine package for image data enhancement and recognition or SPIDER
  • Python programming

These algorithms used in DIP project ideas emphasis on making the following changes in the images.

  • Restoring images
  • Enhancing contrast
  • Edge detection
  • Segmenting
  • Corrosion detection
  • Assessing the degradation of materials
  • Identifying defects
  • Analysis
  • Filtering
  • Wavelet transform

These processes are performed using algorithms and software tools. When you learn to master these tools, you can register huge success in your research career. You can connect with us for this purpose. Our experts will guide you in the right way to work with these algorithms. Now let us see about the parameters used for evaluating the DIP projects.



  • The major function of the performance metrics is to evaluate the performance of the processes involved in DIP projects.
  • The metrics play a key role in deciding the standard of your project
  • Huge recognition is given for the projects that show greater results in performance metrics

The projects that we delivered have excelled in the standard performance metrics used to evaluate the performance of these DIP projects. You can know the technical details of those projects once you get connected with us. Now we will explain to you the datasets for image manipulation detection.

Digital Image Processing Research Topics


The following are the datasets used for detecting image manipulation

  • RTD 
    • Inserting and removing objects
    • Handles images of size 1920*1080 in TIFF format
    • Details the images that are copied and moved(annotations are also present)
    • Handles images of size 400*486 and about 200 images (authentic and tampered)
  • MFC
    • Tasks for evaluation – SDL, PF, PGB, MDL, EV
    • Challenges – verification of camera, detecting manipulation
    • Handles various images (over 100,000)
  • NC
    • Tasks – PF, MDL, SDL
    • It can handle 1000 images of various sizes


These datasets were designed and taken for use in various DIP applications. For more details on recently developed data sets, you can contact our experts. They will provide you all the necessary details that you ask for. Now let us look into some of the textbooks for digital image processing.


Books play an important role in directing your research on the proper path. They give you more insight and information than any other sources that can easily understand things. Following is the list of some standard textbooks used for reference in formulating DIP project ideas.

  • The Structure and Properties of Color Spaces and the Representation of Color Images
    • Authors – Eric Dubois
    • Pages – 129, Publisher – Morgan & Claypool, Copyright Year – 2009
    • Description – brightness, luminance, and chromatic contribution for defining subspace
  • High Dynamic Range Video
    • Authors – Karol Myszkowski ; Rafal Mantiuk ; Grzegorz Krawczyk
    • Pages – 158, Publisher – Morgan & Claypool, Copyright Year – 2008
    • Description – tone mapping for switching between LDR and HDR
  • Digital Image 
    • Authors – Chi-Wah Kok; Wing-Shan Tam
    • Pages – 17 – 70, Publisher – Wiley-IEEE Press, Copyright Year – 2019, Edition:1
    • Description – resizing images by manipulating the resolution (spatial)
  • Application of Fuzzy/Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set in Image Processing 
    • Authors – Tamalika Chaira
    • Pages – 237 – 257, Publisher – Wiley Telecom, Copyright Year – 2019, Edition: 1
    • Description – segmentation methods (thresholding)
  • Images in Social Media: Categorization and Organization of Images and Their Collections
    • Authors – Susanne Ornager; Haakon Lund; Gary Marchionini
    • Pages – 101, Publisher – Morgan & Claypool, Copyright Year – 2018, Edition: 1
    • Description – text recognition with massive database processing
  • Natural Language Processing for Historical Texts 
    • Authors – Michael Piotrowski
    • Page – 157, Publisher – Morgan and Claypool, Copyright Year – 2012
    • Description – historical texts (processing) methods
  • Hybrid Digital Optics 
    • Authors – Bernard C. Kress; Patrick Meyrueis
    • Pages – 157 – 179, Publisher – Wiley Telecom, Copyright Year – 2009, Edition: 1
    • Description – hybrid optics for optimizing cost and size
  • Introduction to Engineering: A Starter’s Guide with Hands-On Digital Multimedia and Robotics Explorations 
    • Authors – Lina Karam; Naji Mounsef
    • Pages – 166, Publisher – Morgan & Claypool, Copyright Year – 2008
    • Description – practical implementation of technologies
  • Digital Image Processing for Ophthalmology: Detection and Modeling of Retinal Vascular Architecture
    • Authors – Faraz Oloumi; Rangaraj M. Rangayyan; Anna L. Ells
    • Pages – 185, Publisher – Morgan & Claypool, Copyright Year – 2014
    • Description – proliferative diabetic retinopathy analysis
  • Digital Image Processing for Ophthalmology: Detection of the Optic Nerve Head 
    • Authors – Xiaolu Zhu; Rangaraj Rangayyan; Anna L. Ells
    • Pages – 106, Publisher – Morgan & Claypool, Copyright Year – 2011
    • Description – characteristics of the retina (identifying, treatment, and management)

We hope you are now equipped with a lot of information regarding digital image processing. For details of research projects in DIP, you can contact our experts at any time. We are very much happy to help you to formulate novel dip project ideas. Reach us to know more detailed information.



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