Research Topics in GIS and Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing is a practice of collecting information of long-distance objects (like earth) and let to analyze collected data for achieving meaningful information. Similarly, geographical information system (GIS) helps to sense, process, modify and manage different types of geographical-based information. Further, it is also capable to represent the energy pattern in the form of digital data. Overall, it enables measurement, record, and interpreting remote sensing images.

This page is prepared to highlight the important Research Topics in GIS and Remote Sensing with Latest Research Areas, Issues, Techniques, and Datasets!!!

Now, we can see the significant types of remote sensing sensors. These sensors are used to sense and capture environmental information from a remote location. Based on the needs of the application, we need to choose the appropriate sensors. Since, each sensor has unique characteristics, functionalities, and purposes. So, one should know the various sensor types before creating the simulation infrastructure. Our developers help you to select the optimal one for your project based on the application requirements.

Types of Remote Sensing Sensors

  • Static Sensors 
    • Capture data based on fixed geostationary platforms
  • Scanning Sensors 
    • Capture and Generate sensed images
  • Active Sensors 
    • Capture own source of own energy. For instance: radar
  • Dynamic Sensors 
    • Capture data on run-time moving around the platform
  • Passive Sensors 
    • Capture natural energy type
  • Non-scanning Sensors 
    • Capture and measure radiation to generate profiles (passive sensor type)

Once you select the appropriate sensors, build the simulation infrastructure by deploying the required sensors and other entities for remote sensing. Then, implement your proposed techniques to fulfil your application needs. The primary operations involved in remote sensing models are data collection, feature identification, feature extraction, processing, and classification. Further, it may vary depending on the handpicked research topic. Here, we have given you the general working process of the remote sensing model.

Innovative PhD Research Topics in GIS and Remote Sensing

Basic Outline for Remote Sensing 

  • At first, the image archive collects geospatial information
  • Then, extract the essential features from collected data
  • Next, pass over the extracted image features as input for classification
  • At last, perform any satellite image operations (search, classification, and retrieval)
  • If you attempting for classification then classify the data based on dry land, pasture, fruit trees, green urban areas, water bodies/course, port areas, etc.

Next, we can see the different ranges of spectral bands used for remote sensing and GIS developments. These ranges are incorporated with sensors used for remote data capturing. Also, it will help in selecting the sensors for application. Here, we have given you some commonly used sensor ranges with their purposes and real-time examples. Similarly, we also assist you in the sensor selection process.  

Spectral Bands for Remote Sensing Sensors 

  • Visible green (0.53 μm – 0.6μm)
    • Utilized for agricultural assessment
    • For instance – plant growth estimation, crop yield prediction, cultural representation
    • Utilized for urban zone characterization
    • For instance – Identification of buildings, roads, etc.
  • Panchromatic band (0.5 μm – 0.9 μm)
    • Gather data at a high spatial resolution
  • Visible blue (0.45 μm – 0.5 μm)
    • Utilized for inspecting features of water
    • For instance – water quality analysis, coastal area mapping, water depth identification
    • Utilized for examining features of soil
    • For instance – soil type detection, cultural feature identification, geology analysis
  • Visible red (0.63 μm – 0.68 μm)
    • Utilized for water quality inspection and chlorophyll absorption band
    • For instance – health crop detection, plant type representation, plant state evaluation, outlining geologic and soil boundaries

Furthermore, the resource team has given you the list of remote sensing and GIS research areas. Here, we have classified the areas based on the application fields. And, it not only includes research areas but also important research ideas with the information of algorithm, sensors, GIS, satellite, and model. Further, if you are seeking other important research notions in your interested areas then create a bond with us. We are ready to share our latest collections of Research Topics in GIS and Remote Sensing.

Innovative Research Ideas in GIS and Remote Sensing 

  • Design Storm and Measure Rainfall
    • Modeling of Strom and Flood in Urban Area – SWMM, Huff curve, GIS data preprocessing and imagining
    • Measuring of Rainfall – GPM, TRMM, and GIS data analysis and visualization
  • Flood and Water bodies Mapping
    • Flash Flood Identification – CT, JFI, CDFs, GIS analysis, and TMPA real-time 3B2RT
  • Water Resources Mapping and Management
    • Soil Water Content Detection – GIS spatial analysis, GPR, FO, and CMP
    • Irrigation Plan – GIS visualization, HTM image categorization, and UAV
    • Glacier Mapping – GIS, TIN 3D model, Landsat, and ASTER GDEM
    • Groundwater and Subsiding Analysis – GPS and GIS spatial analysis
  • Flood and Rainfall-Runoff Prediction 
    • Rainfall-Runoff Simulation – CoLM, LSM, CoLM+LF, GIS data preprocess and RCM
    • Flood Design – GPM IMERG, GIS visualization, and GSSHA
    • Flood Prediction – GIS visualization, MOGA scheme, and ARX regressor

Now, we can see the general steps involved in the GIS and remote sensing model. In the above section, we have already specified the outline of working processes involved in the GIS and remote sensing model. Similar to that, here, we have given you the general 3-step procedure to develop a simple remote sensing model.

Simulation steps for GIS and remote sensing

  • Monitor and collect the remote sensing data and store them in server
  • Next, get the user requests from the user domain
  • Then, provide the requested data from the server to respective users in the form of applications/services

Although GIS and Remote Sensing field has met several research growths, it is also equipped with different scientific challenges in execution. These make scholars choose this field for identifying effective problem-solving solutions. In order to find the recent research challenges, issues, and research gaps, we will analyze several current research papers.

Research Issues in Remote Sensing 

  • Automated Machine Learning in Neural Network Design
  • Distributed DL architecture for Massive storage, GPUs and VMs
  • Training and testing of large-scale Geospatial datasets
  • For instance: Data Source – OpenStreetMap
  • Efficient Development of New DNN architectures in Remote Sensing

In addition, we can see the latest techniques that are widely used for solving recent problem Research Topics in GIS and remote sensing. Beyond this list of techniques, we also support you in other advanced algorithms. In the case of a complex issue, we design a new algorithm or combine two or more techniques as hybrid techniques. So, we are capable to crack any kind of complex problem. Also, we are smart in selecting appropriate techniques/algorithms based on project needs.  

Algorithms for GIS and Remote Sensing 

  • Swarm Intelligence
  • Self‐Organizing Map
  • Knowledge‐Based Model
  • Bayesian Belief Network
  • Reinforcement Learning (RL)
  • Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
  • Support Vector Machine (SVM)
  • Auto-encoder and Neurocomputing
  • Genetic Programming and Algorithm
  • Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
  • Naive Bayes and Bayesian Network
  • Feedforward Neural Network (FNN)
  • Multi‐Agent and Smart Agent System
  • Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

For any kind of Research Topics in GIS and remote sensing, the platform is more important which holds the remote sensors. Generally, satellites and aircraft are well-known for remote sensing. Then, balloons and helicopters are used in some of the real-time cases. For real-time scenarios, one should consider the orbit, attitude, load, altitude of the platform. But the real-world development and deployment are very expensive. So, everyone is moving towards the simulation for analyzing the real behavior of the system with direct implementation. Here, we have given some extensively preferred platforms for GIS and remote sensing development and data storage. 

What are the platforms used for GIS and remote sensing? 

  • MPI
  • Hadoop
  • SciDB
  • Spark
  • Rasdaman
  • OpenMP
  • Paradigm4
  • SciQL / MonetDB

Additionally, we have given you the developer-friendly programming languages which are supported in the above-specified platforms. Our developers are skillful to import any external modules, libraries and packages depending on project needs. And also, we are unique in handpicking solving techniques. Since we always choose advanced techniques and algorithms to yield the best and accurate results. 

Programming Languages for GIS and Remote Sensing 

  • GIS heavy-weight Development
  • C#, C++/C, and Java
  • MapServers
  • .NET, Java, C++, and C#
  • Mobile Apps Implementation
  • iOS, Javascript, and Android
  • Libraries for Geospatial Data
  • R, Java, C++, JavaScript, C, and Python
  • Databases for Geospatial Data
  • Structural Query Language (SQL)
  • Mapping of Web Services
  • Python and JavaScript
  • Data Modeling, Handling, and Investigating
  • P and Python
  • Scripting and Applications for Geographical Information System
  • R and Python

Next, we see the top-demanding research notions of the GIS and remote sensing field. Already we have seen the important research areas with ideas in the above section. Here, we have itemized a few significant topics that currently scholars are requesting for their research. From these topics, you can get an idea about the current research direction of GIS and remote sensing. More than these topics, we also give you other interesting topics in the latest and emerging research areas. And also, we assure you that our topics will surely meet the future research scope for further study. 

Latest PhD Research Topics in GIS and Remote Sensing

Latest Research Topics in GIS and Remote Sensing 

  • Observation of Dynamic Climate Variation
  • Remote-Sensing based Moving Object Detection
  • Scene Classification in Remote Sensed Image
  • Prediction and Evaluation of Natural Disasters
  • Accurate Indication of Ground Object Mobility
  • Monitoring of Earth State using DL techniques
  • 3D or 4D Data Collection, Analysis, and Classification
  • Geographical Data-Intensive based Urban Applications
    • Urban Design and Plan
    • Vehicle Mobility in Urban Area Transport
    • Monitoring Environmental Status
  • Mapping and Semantic Segmentation using Remote Sensing Images
  • Urban Area Classification based on Climatic Conditions

Performance Analysis of GIS and Remote sensing  

There are different ways to enhance the efficiency of GSI. For that, one can wisely use geospatial information to improve efficiency in all the phases. Our developers are proficient to elevate the different parameters of the system which is sure to increase the performance. Further, we also suggest you employ best-fitting parameters in the designing phase itself. So, we can obtain effective results after execution.

  • At first, we collect the sensed image
  • Then, perform pre-processing over sensed data
  • Next, extract the useful image features and classify them based on certain conditions
  • After that, select the sensitivity factor and apply correlation analysis
  • Then, build the model for regression analysis
  • At last, assess the performance of the developed model

GIS and Remote Sensing Datasets Description 

Most probably, the remotely sensed data are very precise with the top-quality feature. In some cases, the remotely sensed data may fall under specific faults and inaccuracies due to certain factors. And they are distributed environment, automatic or random failures of sensors (For instance- stripping based on the uncalibrated detector), and incorrect pre-processing (For instance – imprecise A-D conversion).

Here, our developers have given you some key points that you need to follow while selecting and employing geospatial data. We assure you that the following characteristics will help you to attain high-quality of datasets for any kind of application.

  • Data (scale, length, and quality)
  • Shape (length, area, and width)
  • Techniques (collection, sampling, analysis, interpolation, classification)
  • Mapping Units (shape and size)
  • Position (distance to neighbors, distance to features, spatial location, and border)
  • Categorical (majority and proportion)
  • Image statistics (maximum, median, minimum, mean, count, sum, standard deviation)

The dataset plays a major role in achieving desired experimental results. So, consider the above-specified tips to choose your dataset. Further, we also assist you in selecting suitable datasets and tools for your project development. Here, we have listed a few globally demanded datasets for GIS and Remote Sensing projects.

List of Datasets on GIS and Remote Sensing 

  • SAR-harbor-dataset
    • Contains sufficient libraries and functionalities
    • Allow to design and model harbor detection schemes
  • Sentinel-1 P-SBAS
    • Comprises 3 multiple looks interferometric series via P-SBAS processing chain
    • Further, include 230 Sentinel-1 images of Sicily ascending orbits
    • Also, addressed as medium-time, long-time, and short-time interferometric dataset
    • Encloses guidelines to handle dataset in pdf format
  • BigEarthNet Archive
    • Along with multi-land cover observations
    • Include land information in CORINE that covers 19 classes
    • Comprises 590,326 image patches of Sentinel-2
  • Urb3DCD
    • Urban-based cloud simulated datasets
    • Intended for 3D change identification in urban developments
    • Most probably, the changes happen on the vertical axis
    • Until now, there are no datasets with 3D point clouds (for identifying point-level changes)

Overall, we support you in every step of geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing research ranges from topic selection to thesis/dissertation submission. In particular, we support you in the research question and answer identification, dataset selection, and development tool/technologies selection. On the whole, we assure you that we satisfy your demands to formulate novel research topics in GIS and Remote Sensing in your stipulated period.



How deal with significant issues ?

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Novelty is essential for a PhD degree. Our experts are bringing quality of being novel ideas in the particular research area. It can be only determined by after thorough literature search (state-of-the-art works published in IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, ACM, ScienceDirect, Inderscience, and so on). SCI and SCOPUS journals reviewers and editors will always demand “Novelty” for each publishing work. Our experts have in-depth knowledge in all major and sub-research fields to introduce New Methods and Ideas. MAKING NOVEL IDEAS IS THE ONLY WAY OF WINNING PHD.

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To improve the quality and originality of works, we are strictly avoiding plagiarism since plagiarism is not allowed and acceptable for any type journals (SCI, SCI-E, or Scopus) in editorial and reviewer point of view. We have software named as “Anti-Plagiarism Software” that examines the similarity score for documents with good accuracy. We consist of various plagiarism tools like Viper, Turnitin, Students and scholars can get your work in Zero Tolerance to Plagiarism. DONT WORRY ABOUT PHD, WE WILL TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING.

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  • Technical Info: We never share your technical details to any other scholar since we know the importance of time and resources that are giving us by scholars.
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4. Publication

Most of the PhD consultancy services will end their services in Paper Writing, but our is different from others by giving guarantee for both paper writing and publication in reputed journals. With our 18+ year of experience in delivering PhD services, we meet all requirements of journals (reviewers, editors, and editor-in-chief) for rapid publications. From the beginning of paper writing, we lay our smart works. PUBLICATION IS A ROOT FOR PHD DEGREE. WE LIKE A FRUIT FOR GIVING SWEET FEELING FOR ALL SCHOLARS.

5. No Duplication

After completion of your work, it does not available in our library i.e. we erased after completion of your PhD work so we avoid of giving duplicate contents for scholars. This step makes our experts to bringing new ideas, applications, methodologies and algorithms. Our work is more standard, quality and universal. Everything we make it as a new for all scholars. INNOVATION IS THE ABILITY TO SEE THE ORIGINALITY. EXPLORATION IS OUR ENGINE THAT DRIVES INNOVATION SO LET’S ALL GO EXPLORING.

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