For all types of domains, we provide you with best Scopus Paper Publication Consulting. We help you find the correct format and journal for your paper. Below are 20 top publishers known for having a significant number of journals indexed in Scopus, spanning across many fields including sciences, engineering, humanities, and social sciences:
The list of Scopus paper publications across different categories is provided here. Make your writing more comprehensible so that reviewers can grasp it. For over a decade, has provided academic assistance to scholars on benchmark journals, demonstrating their organizational skills. | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | Acarina | 01328077 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
2. | Acarologia | 0044586X | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
3. | Acrocephalus | 03512851 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
4. | ACS Agricultural Science and Technology | 26921952 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
5. | ACS Food Science and Technology | 26921944 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
6. | Acta Agrestia Sinica | 10070435 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
7. | ACTA AGRIC. SCAND. | 00015121 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
8. | Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica – Section A: Animal Science | 09064702 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
9. | Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica – Section B Soil and Plant Science | 09064710 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
10. | Acta Agriculturae Slovenica | 15819175 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
11. | Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies | 22813993 | Arts and Humanities |
12. | Academic Quarter | 19040008 | Arts and Humanities |
13. | Acadiensis | 00445851 | Arts and Humanities |
14. | Accounting Historians Journal | 01484184 | Arts and Humanities |
15. | Accounting History | 10323732 | Arts and Humanities |
16. | Accounting History Review | 21552851 | Arts and Humanities |
17. | Acotaciones | 11307269 | Arts and Humanities |
18. | Across Languages and Cultures | 15851923 | Arts and Humanities |
19. | Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis | 13920316 | Arts and Humanities |
20. | Acta Academica | 05872405 | Arts and Humanities |
21. | Acta Biologica Hungarica | 02365383 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
22. | Acta Biologica Szegediensis | 1588385X | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
23. | Acta Biomaterialia | 17427061 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
24. | Acta Biomedica Scientifica | 25419420 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
25. | Acta Bioquimica Clinica Latinoamericana | 03252957 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
26. | Acta Biotechnologica | 01384988 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
27. | Acta Biotheoretica | 00015342 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
28. | Acta Botanica Sinica | 05777496 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
29. | Acta Cientifica Venezolana | 00015504 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
30. | Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances | 20532733 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
31. | Academy of Management Journal | 00014273 | Business, Management and Accounting |
32. | Academy of Management Learning and Education | 1537260X | Business, Management and Accounting |
33. | Academy of Management Perspectives | 15589080 | Business, Management and Accounting |
34. | Academy of Management Review | 03637425 | Business, Management and Accounting |
35. | Academy of Marketing Studies Journal | 10956298 | Business, Management and Accounting |
36. | Academy of Strategic Management Journal | 15441458 | Business, Management and Accounting |
37. | Accounting | 23697393 | Business, Management and Accounting |
38. | Accounting and Business Research | 00014788 | Business, Management and Accounting |
39. | Accounting and Finance | 08105391 | Business, Management and Accounting |
40. | Accounting and the Public Interest | 15309320 | Business, Management and Accounting |
41. | ACS Symposium Series | 00976156 | Chemical Engineering |
42. | Acta Academiae Medicinae Wuhan | 02533316 | Chemical Engineering |
43. | Acta Biotechnologica | 01384988 | Chemical Engineering |
44. | Acta Chemica Scandinavica | 0904213X | Chemical Engineering |
45. | Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics | 1509409X | Chemical Engineering |
46. | Acta Polymerica | 03237648 | Chemical Engineering |
47. | Acta Polymerica Sinica | 10003304 | Chemical Engineering |
48. | Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, Chemical Technology and Metallurgy Series | 07812698 | Chemical Engineering |
49. | Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, Chemical Technology Series | 12390518 | Chemical Engineering |
50. | Adhaesion Kleben und Dichten | 16191919 | Chemical Engineering |
51. | ACS Catalysis | 21555435 | Chemistry |
52. | ACS Central Science | 23747943 | Chemistry |
53. | ACS Combinatorial Science | 21568952 | Chemistry |
54. | ACS Energy Letters | 23808195 | Chemistry |
55. | ACS ES and T Water | 26900637 | Chemistry |
56. | ACS Food Science and Technology | 26921944 | Chemistry |
57. | ACS Macro Letters | 21611653 | Chemistry |
58. | ACS Measurement Science Au | 2694250X | Chemistry |
59. | ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters | 19485875 | Chemistry |
60. | ACS Nanoscience Au | 26942496 | Chemistry |
61. | Journal of Algorithms | 01966774 | Computer Science |
62. | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing | 18685137 | Computer Science |
63. | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments | 18761364 | Computer Science |
64. | Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry | 20908865 | Computer Science |
65. | Journal of Applied Analysis | 14256908 | Computer Science |
66. | Journal of Applied Biomedicine | 1214021X | Computer Science |
67. | Journal of Applied Data Sciences | 27236471 | Computer Science |
68. | Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science | 27156087 | Computer Science |
69. | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics | 27341194 | Computer Science |
70. | Journal of Artificial Intelligence | 19945450 | Computer Science |
71. | Annals of Applied Probability | 10505164 | Decision Sciences |
72. | Annals of Applied Statistics | 19326157 | Decision Sciences |
73. | Annals of Data Science | 21985804 | Decision Sciences |
74. | Annals of Economics and Statistics | 21154430 | Decision Sciences |
75. | Annals of Operations Research | 02545330 | Decision Sciences |
76. | Annals of Probability | 00911798 | Decision Sciences |
77. | Annals of Statistics | 00905364 | Decision Sciences |
78. | Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games | 24740179 | Decision Sciences |
79. | Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application | 23268298 | Decision Sciences |
80. | Applied Marketing Analytics | 20547544 | Decision Sciences |
81. | Archives of Oral Biology | 00039969 | Dentistry |
82. | Archives of Orofacial Sciences | 18238602 | Dentistry |
83. | ASDC journal of dentistry for children | 00220353 | Dentistry |
84. | Asian Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | 09156992 | Dentistry |
85. | Asthetische Zahnmedizin | 14346087 | Dentistry |
86. | Atlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America | 10613315 | Dentistry |
87. | Australasian Orthodontic Journal | 22077480 | Dentistry |
88. | Australian Dental Journal | 00450421 | Dentistry |
89. | Australian Endodontic Journal | 13291947 | Dentistry |
90. | Australian Endodontic Newsletter | 03137384 | Dentistry |
91. | Acta Entomologica Sinica | 04546296 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
92. | Acta Geochimica | 20960956 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
93. | Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica | 10011595 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
94. | Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica | 22135812 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
95. | Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica | 12178977 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
96. | Acta Geodaetica, Geophysica et Montanistica | 03741842 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
97. | Acta Geodaetica, Geophysica et Montanistica Hungarica | 02365758 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
98. | Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia | 12149705 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
99. | Acta Geographica | 00015687 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
100. | Acta Geographica Croatica | 13300466 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
101. | Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal | 09513574 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
102. | Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium | 21522820 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
103. | Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance and Fraud | 25097873 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
104. | ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation | 21678375 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
105. | ACRN Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives | 23057394 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
106. | Acta Oeconomica | 00016373 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
107. | Acta Turistica | 03534316 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
108. | Actual Problems of Economics | 19936788 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
109. | Actuel Marx | 09944524 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
110. | ADB Economics Working Paper Series | 23136537 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
111. | Advances in Bioenergy | 24680125 | Energy |
112. | Advances in Environmental Technology | 24766674 | Energy |
113. | Advances in Fluid Mechanics | 1353808X | Energy |
114. | Advances in Fuel Cells | 1752301X | Energy |
115. | Advances in Geo-Energy Research | 22079963 | Energy |
116. | Advances in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production | 2509372X | Energy |
117. | Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation | 25228714 | Energy |
118. | Advances in Solar Energy | 07318618 | Energy |
119. | Advances in Technology Innovation | 24150436 | Energy |
120. | Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal | 16821130 | Energy |
121. | A|Z ITU Journal of Faculty of Architecture | 13028324 | Engineering |
122. | A+BE Architecture and the Built Environment | 22123202 | Engineering |
123. | ABB Review | 10133119 | Engineering |
124. | Aberdeen’s Concrete Construction | 10515526 | Engineering |
125. | Abrasive Eng | 00013277 | Engineering |
126. | Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies | 22813993 | Environmental Science |
127. | Acque Sotterranee – Italian Journal of Groundwater | 1828454X | Environmental Science |
128. | ACS Environmental Au | 26942518 | Environmental Science |
129. | ACS ES and T Engineering | 26900645 | Environmental Science |
130. | ACS ES and T Water | 26900637 | Environmental Science |
131. | ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering | 21680485 | Environmental Science |
132. | ACSM Bulletin | 07479417 | Environmental Science |
133. | Acta Agrestia Sinica | 10070435 | Environmental Science |
134. | Acta Agriculturae Slovenica | 15819175 | Environmental Science |
135. | Acta Biologica Benrodis | 01779214 | Environmental Science |
136. | American Scientist | 00030996 | General |
137. | Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias | 00013765 | General |
138. | Annals of Clinical and Experimental Neurology | 20755473 | General |
139. | Applied Network Science | 23648228 | General |
140. | Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | 2193567X | General |
141. | Archives des Sciences | 1661464X | General |
142. | Archives des Sciences et Compte Rendu Seances de la Societe | 02529289 | General |
143. | Asian Journal of Applied Sciences | 19963343 | General |
144. | Asian Journal of Scientific Research | 19921454 | General |
145. | ASM Science Journal | 18236782 | General |
146. | ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare | 26911957 | Health Professions |
147. | ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal | 10915397 | Health Professions |
148. | Acta Acustica | 10224793 | Health Professions |
149. | Acta Gymnica | 23364912 | Health Professions |
150. | Acta Medica | 12114286 | Health Professions |
151. | Acta Ortopedica Brasileira | 14137852 | Health Professions |
152. | Acta Radiologica | 02841851 | Health Professions |
153. | Acta Radiologica – Series Diagnosis | 05678056 | Health Professions |
154. | Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Gymnica | 12121185 | Health Professions |
155. | Activities, Adaptation and Aging | 01924788 | Health Professions |
156. | A & A case reports | 23257237 | Health Sciences |
157. | A Journal of emergency medical services : JEMS | 01972510 | Health Sciences |
158. | A journal of Jewish medical ethics and halacha |
| Health Sciences |
159. | A&A practice | 25753126 | Health Sciences |
160. | A. M. A. archives of dermatology | 00965359 | Health Sciences |
161. | A. M. A. archives of dermatology and syphilology | 00965979 | Health Sciences |
162. | A. M. A. archives of industrial hygiene and occupational medicine | 00966703 | Health Sciences |
163. | A. M. A. archives of neurology | 03758540 | Health Sciences |
164. | A. M. A. archives of neurology and psychiatry | 00966886 | Health Sciences |
165. | A. M. A. archives of pathology | 00966711 | Health Sciences |
166. | Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica | 12178950 | Immunology and Microbiology |
167. | Acta Microbiologica Hungarica | 02314622 | Immunology and Microbiology |
168. | Acta Microbiologica Polonica | 01371320 | Immunology and Microbiology |
169. | Acta Parasitologica | 12302821 | Immunology and Microbiology |
170. | Acta Parasitologica Polonica | 00651478 | Immunology and Microbiology |
171. | Acta Pathologica Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica – Section A Pathology | 01080164 | Immunology and Microbiology |
172. | Acta Pathologica Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica – Section B Microbiology | 01080180 | Immunology and Microbiology |
173. | Acta Pathologica Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica – Section C Immunology | 01080202 | Immunology and Microbiology |
174. | Acta rheumatologica Scandinavica | 00016934 | Immunology and Microbiology |
175. | Acta Tropica | 0001706X | Immunology and Microbiology |
176. | AAPS PharmSci | 15221059 | Life Sciences |
177. | AAPS PharmSciTech | 15309932 | Life Sciences |
178. | aBIOTECH | 20966326 | Life Sciences |
179. | Abstracta Botanica | 01336215 | Life Sciences |
180. | Academic Journal of Cancer Research | 19958943 | Life Sciences |
181. | Academic Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University | 16718267 | Life Sciences |
182. | Acarina | 01328077 | Life Sciences |
183. | Acarologia | 0044586X | Life Sciences |
184. | Access Microbiology | 25168290 | Life Sciences |
185. | Accounting | 23697393 | Life Sciences |
186. | ACI Materials Journal | 0889325X | Materials Science |
187. | ACS Applied Bio Materials | 25766422 | Materials Science |
188. | ACS Applied Electronic Materials | 26376113 | Materials Science |
189. | ACS Applied Energy Materials | 25740962 | Materials Science |
190. | ACS applied materials & interfaces | 19448244 | Materials Science |
191. | ACS Applied Nano Materials | 25740970 | Materials Science |
192. | ACS Applied Polymer Materials | 26376105 | Materials Science |
193. | ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering | 23739878 | Materials Science |
194. | ACS Energy Letters | 23808195 | Materials Science |
195. | ACS Macro Letters | 21611653 | Materials Science |
196. | Accreditation and Quality Assurance | 09491775 | Engineering |
197. | ACI Materials Journal | 0889325X | Engineering |
198. | ACI Structural Journal | 08893241 | Engineering |
199. | ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems | 15504832 | Engineering |
200. | ACM SIGBED Review | 15513688 | Engineering |