Thomson Reuters Journal are highly preferable among all scholar we know the rules to write your paper perfectly. After writing you may be confused to select the right journal so contact for best results. Most of the current impact factors and journal rankings, across various categories are listed in this page. Refer to the latest edition of the Journal Citation Reports from Clarivate Analytics.
Notable Journals Across Various Disciplines (Names without Impact Factors)
Get in touch with our team we share with you some benchmark journal across Philosophy, Law, Finance, History and much more. Abide by our writing pattern you can get valuable publication quickly done by our experts. | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | Communio Viatorum | 103713 | Philosophy |
2. | Communio Viatorum | 103713 | History |
3. | Communio Viatorum | 103713 | Religious Studies |
4. | Journal of International and Comparative Law | 23133775 | Law |
5. | British Tax Review | 71870 | Law |
6. | British Tax Review | 71870 | Finance |
7. | British Tax Review | 71870 | Accounting |
8. | International Arbitration Law Review | 13678272 | Law |
9. | International Arbitration Law Review | 13678272 | Political Science and International Relations |
10. | Revista de Direito Civil Contemporaneo | 23581433 | Law |
11. | Revista de Direito Civil Contemporaneo | 23581433 | Sociology and Political Science |
12. | DRUGS OF THE FUTURE | 0377-8282 | Pharmacology & Pharmacy |
13. | DRUGS OF TODAY | 1699-3993 | Pharmacology & Pharmacy |
14. | British Tax Review | 00071870 | Social Sciences |
15. | Communio Viatorum | 00103713 | Social Sciences |
16. | International Arbitration Law Review | 13678272 | Social Sciences |
17. | Journal of International and Comparative Law | 23133775 | Social Sciences |
18. | Public law | 00333565 | Social Sciences |
19. | Communio Viatorum | 00103713 | Arts and Humanities |
20. | British Tax Review | 00071870 | Business, Management and Accounting |
21. | British Tax Review | 00071870 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
22. | JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICINE | 1320-159X | Law |
23. | Innovar | 1215051 | Accounting |
24. | Accounting Perspectives | 1911382X | Accounting |
25. | Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting | 17516447 | Accounting |
26. | Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis |
| Accounting |
27. | Intangible Capital | 16979818 | Accounting |
28. | NOISE CONTROL ENGINEERING JOURNAL | 0736-2501 | Acoustics |
29. | PHONETICA | 0031-8388 | Acoustics |
30. | SHOCK AND VIBRATION | 1070-9622 | Acoustics |
31. | SPEECH COMMUNICATION | 0167-6393 | Acoustics |
32. | ULTRASCHALL IN DER MEDIZIN | 0172-4614 | Acoustics |
33. | Contemporary Accounting Research | 8239150 | Accounting |
34. | Critical Perspectives on Accounting | 10452354 | Accounting |
35. | International Journal of Accounting | 10944060 | Accounting |
36. | Echo Research and Practice |
| Advanced and Specialized Nursing |
37. | Vascular Access | 19136692 | Advanced and Specialized Nursing |
38. | Journal of Perioperative Nursing | 22091084 | Advanced and Specialized Nursing |
39. | Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research | 17359066 | Advanced and Specialized Nursing |
40. | Nursing and Midwifery Studies | 23221488 | Advanced and Specialized Nursing |
41. | Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines | 15397734 | Aerospace Engineering |
42. | Noise Control Engineering Journal | 7362501 | Aerospace Engineering |
43. | Nonlinear Dynamics | 0924090X | Aerospace Engineering |
44. | Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics | 2668920 | Aerospace Engineering |
45. | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering | 9544070 | Aerospace Engineering |
46. | Cosmetics |
| Aging |
47. | Geriatrics (Switzerland) |
| Aging |
48. | World Journal of Men?s Health | 22874208 | Aging |
49. | International Journal of Current Research and Review | 22312196 | Aging |
50. | Translational Medicine of Aging |
| Aging |
51. | Journal of the Textile Institute | 405000 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences (all) |
52. | Natur und Recht | 1721631 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences (all) |
53. | Caryologia | 87114 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences (all) |
54. | Rendiconti Lincei | 11206349 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences (all) |
55. | Acta Amazonica | 445967 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences (all) |
56. | Acta Protozoologica | 651583 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences (all) |
57. | Fluoride – Quarterly Reports | 154725 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences (all) |
58. | Caldasia | 3665232 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences (all) |
59. | Victorian Naturalist | 425184 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences (all) |
60. | Gesunde Pflanzen | 3674223 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences (all) |
61. | Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment | 21539553 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) |
62. | Agris On-line Papers in Economics and Informatics | 18041930 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) |
63. | German Journal of Agricultural Economics | 21121 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) |
64. | Ecosystem Services | 22120416 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) |
65. | Tobacco Science and Technology | 10020861 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) |
66. | BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF POULTRY SCIENCE | 1516-635X | Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science |
67. | BRITISH POULTRY SCIENCE | 0007-1668 | Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science |
68. | BUFFALO BULLETIN | 0125-6726 | Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science |
69. | CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE | 0008-3984 | Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science |
70. | CZECH JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE | 1212-1819 | Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science |
71. | DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY | 0739-7240 | Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science |
72. | EUROPEAN POULTRY SCIENCE | 1612-9199 | Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science |
73. | FOURRAGES | 0429-2766 | Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science |
74. | GENETICS SELECTION EVOLUTION | 0999-193X | Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science |
75. | INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL RESEARCH | 0367-6722 | Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science |
76. | COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE | 0168-1699 | Agriculture, Multidisciplinary |
77. | CROP & PASTURE SCIENCE | 1836-0947 | Agriculture, Multidisciplinary |
78. | CUADERNOS DE DESARROLLO RURAL | 0122-1450 | Agriculture, Multidisciplinary |
79. | GRASSLAND SCIENCE | 1744-6961 | Agriculture, Multidisciplinary |
80. | ICELANDIC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES | 1670-567X | Agriculture, Multidisciplinary |
81. | INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES | 0019-5022 | Agriculture, Multidisciplinary |
82. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SUSTAINABILITY | 1473-5903 | Agriculture, Multidisciplinary |
83. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES | 2452-5731 | Agriculture, Multidisciplinary |
84. | IRISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD RESEARCH | 0791-6833 | Agriculture, Multidisciplinary |
85. | JARQ-JAPAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH QUARTERLY | 0021-3551 | Agriculture, Multidisciplinary |
86. | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY | 0929-1873 | Agronomy |
87. | EXPERIMENTAL AGRICULTURE | 0014-4797 | Agronomy |
88. | FIELD CROPS RESEARCH | 0378-4290 | Agronomy |
89. | GENETIC RESOURCES AND CROP EVOLUTION | 0925-9864 | Agronomy |
90. | GENETIKA-BELGRADE | 0534-0012 | Agronomy |
91. | Plant Biotechnology Journal | 14677644 | Agronomy and Crop Science |
92. | Plant Cell Reports | 7217714 | Agronomy and Crop Science |
93. | Plant Growth Regulation | 1676903 | Agronomy and Crop Science |
94. | Plant Pathology | 320862 | Agronomy and Crop Science |
95. | Plant Production Science | 1343943X | Agronomy and Crop Science |
96. | Plant Science | 1689452 | Agronomy and Crop Science |
97. | Acta Physiologiae Plantarum | 1375881 | Agronomy and Crop Science |
98. | Allelopathy Journal | 9714693 | Agronomy and Crop Science |
99. | Seed Science and Technology | 2510952 | Agronomy and Crop Science |
100. | Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology | 7060661 | Agronomy and Crop Science |
101. | Fibonacci Quarterly | 150517 | Algebra and Number Theory |
102. | Semigroup Forum | 371912 | Algebra and Number Theory |
103. | Finite Fields and Their Applications | 10715797 | Algebra and Number Theory |
104. | Fundamenta Mathematicae | 162736 | Algebra and Number Theory |
105. | Transformation Groups | 10834362 | Algebra and Number Theory |
106. | Probability Theory and Related Fields | 1788051 | Analysis |
107. | Constructive Approximation | 1764276 | Analysis |
108. | Differential Equations | 122661 | Analysis |
109. | Differential Geometry and its Applications | 9262245 | Analysis |
110. | Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series A: Mathematical Analysis | 12013390 | Analysis |
111. | ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis | 0764583X | Analysis |
112. | Electronic Journal of Differential Equations | 10726691 | Analysis |
113. | SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems | 15360040 | Analysis |
114. | Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis | 10689613 | Analysis |
115. | SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis | 361410 | Analysis |
116. | Bunseki Kagaku | 5251931 | Analytical Chemistry |
117. | Chromatographia | 95893 | Analytical Chemistry |
118. | Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry | 10408347 | Analytical Chemistry |
119. | Electroanalysis | 10400397 | Analytical Chemistry |
120. | International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry | 3067319 | Analytical Chemistry |
121. | Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry | 2679477 | Analytical Chemistry |
122. | Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 10619348 | Analytical Chemistry |
123. | Journal of Chemometrics | 8869383 | Analytical Chemistry |
124. | Journal of Chromatographic Science | 219665 | Analytical Chemistry |
125. | Food Chemistry |
| Analytical Chemistry |
126. | Artery Research | 18729312 | Anatomy |
127. | Brain Structure and Function | 18632653 | Anatomy |
128. | Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology | 11226714 | Anatomy |
129. | Anatomical Sciences Education | 19359772 | Anatomy |
130. | Anatomical Record | 19328486 | Anatomy |
131. | JOURNAL OF THE ANATOMICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA | 0003-2778 | Anatomy & Morphology |
132. | MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE | 1059-910X | Anatomy & Morphology |
133. | SURGICAL AND RADIOLOGIC ANATOMY | 0930-1038 | Anatomy & Morphology |
134. | TISSUE & CELL | 0040-8166 | Anatomy & Morphology |
135. | ZOOMORPHOLOGY | 0720-213X | Anatomy & Morphology |
136. | MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA | 0375-9393 | Anesthesiology |
137. | PAIN | 0304-3959 | Anesthesiology |
138. | PAIN MEDICINE | 1526-2375 | Anesthesiology |
139. | PAIN PHYSICIAN | 1533-3159 | Anesthesiology |
140. | PAIN PRACTICE | 1530-7085 | Anesthesiology |
141. | Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia | 0832610X | Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine |
142. | Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology | 9527907 | Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine |
143. | Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia | 11101849 | Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine |
144. | International Anesthesiology Clinics | 205907 | Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine |
145. | Journal fur Anasthesie und Intensivbehandlung | 9414223 | Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine |
146. | Journal of Insect Conservation | 1366638X | Animal Science and Zoology |
147. | Acrocephalus | 3512851 | Animal Science and Zoology |
148. | Acta Ornithologica | 16454 | Animal Science and Zoology |
149. | Alauda | 24619 | Animal Science and Zoology |
150. | Ardea | 3732266 | Animal Science and Zoology |
151. | Social Justice Research | 8857466 | Anthropology |
152. | American Imago | 0065860X | Anthropology |
153. | Sojourn | 2179520 | Anthropology |
154. | Africa | 19720 | Anthropology |
155. | Journal of Human Evolution | 472484 | Anthropology |
156. | African Studies | 20184 | Anthropology |
157. | Archives of Natural History | 2609541 | Anthropology |
158. | Folklore | 0015587X | Anthropology |
159. | Narodna Umjetnost | 5472504 | Anthropology |
160. | Western Folklore | 0043373X | Anthropology |
161. | Jixie Qiangdu/Journal of Mechanical Strength | 10019669 | Applied Mathematics |
162. | Wave Motion | 1652125 | Applied Mathematics |
163. | Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences | 10900578 | Applied Mathematics |
164. | Lifetime Data Analysis | 13807870 | Applied Mathematics |
165. | Control and Cybernetics | 3248569 | Applied Mathematics |
166. | Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International | 10642307 | Applied Mathematics |
167. | IEEE Signal Processing Magazine | 10535888 | Applied Mathematics |
168. | Journal of Computational Physics | 219991 | Applied Mathematics |
169. | Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications | 0362546X | Applied Mathematics |
170. | Educational and Psychological Measurement | 131644 | Applied Mathematics |
171. | Critical Reviews in Biotechnology | 7388551 | Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology |
172. | Electronic Journal of Biotechnology |
| Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology |
173. | Enzyme and Microbial Technology | 1410229 | Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology |
174. | Food Biotechnology | 8905436 | Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology |
175. | Indian Journal of Biotechnology | 9725849 | Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology |
176. | Journal of Biotechnology | 1681656 | Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology |
177. | Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology | 13675435 | Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology |
178. | Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology | 10177825 | Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology |
179. | Journal of Nanobiotechnology | 14773155 | Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology |
180. | Minerva Biotecnologica | 11204826 | Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology |
181. | British Journal of Health Psychology | 1359107X | Applied Psychology |
182. | Pastoral Psychology | 312789 | Applied Psychology |
183. | Personnel Psychology | 315826 | Applied Psychology |
184. | Philosophical Psychology | 9515089 | Applied Psychology |
185. | Trauma, Violence, and Abuse | 15248380 | Applied Psychology |
186. | Fisheries Research | 1657836 | Aquatic Science |
187. | Fisheries Science | 9199268 | Aquatic Science |
188. | Fishery Bulletin | 900656 | Aquatic Science |
189. | Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan | 3878961 | Aquatic Science |
190. | Aquatic Ecology | 13862588 | Aquatic Science |
191. | Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh | 0792156X | Aquatic Science |
192. | Journal of Applied Aquaculture | 10454438 | Aquatic Science |
193. | Journal of Aquatic Animal Health | 8997659 | Aquatic Science |
194. | Journal of Fish Diseases | 1407775 | Aquatic Science |
195. | Revista de Biologia Marina y Oceanografia | 7173326 | Aquatic Science |
196. | Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | 445975 | Archeology |
197. | Britannia (Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies) | 0068113X | Archeology |
198. | Journal of Hellenic Studies | 754269 | Archeology |
199. | Journal of Historical Geography | 3057488 | Archeology |
200. | Race and Class | 3063968 | Archeology |