VANET Thesis Research Issues & Solutions

Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) are generally known for their mobile and dynamic characters, which exhibit numerous research problems. Scholars who are facing challenges in their project areas can receive assistance with VANET thesis research issues and solutions. Our team utilizes extensive resources to ensure timely completion of your work. Relevant to VANET, we list out a few major research issues, including possible solutions that could be implemented for every issue: 

  1. Routing Protocols in High Mobility Environments


  • Consistent topology transformations might be resulted through the extensive mobility of vehicles, which makes higher overhead in handling routes and causes route disruptions.

Possible Solutions:

  • Development of Hybrid Routing Protocols: To stabilize route finding latency and overhead, we suggest integrating the benefits of responsive and efficient routing protocols.
  • Position-Based Routing: In order to make routing choices on the basis of nodes’ geographic positions, utilize GPS or other significant positioning solutions. Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) is one of the general instances.
  • Cluster-Based Routing: Enhance stability and minimize overhead by creating groups of vehicles. When dealing with inter-cluster interaction, a cluster head can handle intra-cluster interaction.
  1. Efficient Data Dissemination


  • In terms of irregular connectivity, it is difficult to distribute information (for instance: safety alerts, traffic details) through the network in an effective and convenient way.

Possible Solutions:

  • Broadcasting Techniques: As a means to assure messages are delivered to their targeted receivers without generating any network congestion, our project employs methods like adaptive broadcasting or multi-hop broadcasting.
  • Data Aggregation: To preserve bandwidth and minimize redundancy, combine identical messages. To focus on important information, apply techniques.
  • Opportunistic Communication: Improve data distribution through the use of vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) interaction.
  1. Security and Privacy


  • On the basis of possible cyber hazards and vulnerability of shared details, securing user confidentiality and assuring safer interaction in VANETs is challenging.

Possible Solutions:

  • Encryption and Authentication: To authenticate nodes and protect interaction channels, we utilize efficient cryptographic techniques.
  • Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS): Track network traffic and identify malicious actions by applying IDS. IDS based on machine learning have the ability to adjust to novel hazards.
  • Privacy-Preserving Schemes: For enabling vehicles to interact without depicting their characteristics, create robust techniques. In preserving confidentiality, methods such as pseudonym change protocols can offer support.
  1. Scalability


  • It is highly complicated to assure that the network has the ability to adapt with the expanding number of vehicles without causing any major performance breakdown.

Possible Solutions:

  • Hierarchical Network Structures: As a means to enhance scalability and minimize management expenses, hierarchical frameworks have to be applied, in which the nodes are arranged into sectors or groups.
  • Load Balancing: To obstruct congestion in specific regions, the network load must be shared through the network uniformly.
  • Distributed Algorithms: Plan to create distributed methods, which help to improve the entire network performance by enabling nodes to make particular decisions.
  1. Quality of Service (QoS)


  • For various applications like infotainment services, emergency alerts, and traffic updates, preserving coherent QoS is difficult, because the network states are changing periodically.

Possible Solutions:

  • QoS-Aware Routing Protocols: For focusing on QoS metrics like packet loss rate, bandwidth, and latency, model efficient routing protocols.
  • Resource Allocation: To assure that the major applications obtain less latency and required bandwidth, apply dynamic resource allocation policies.
  • Cross-Layer Optimization: Concentrate on interactions among various network layers like MAC, physical, and network layers for enhancing communication.
  1. Interoperability


  • Assuring efficient interaction among vehicles is challenging, which are created with various mechanisms and from diverse companies.

Possible Solutions:

  • Standardization: To assure interoperability in vehicular interaction, follow industry principles like IEEE 802.11p.
  • Middleware Solutions: In order to offer an even interface for application creation, build middleware which outlines fundamental interaction protocols and hardware.
  • Protocol Translation: For enabling various interaction protocols to function in a consistent manner, we plan to apply protocol translation techniques.
  1. Energy Efficiency


  • Regarding battery-powered devices and sensors in the network, energy effectiveness in vehicles is still considered as a major issue, even though they have higher energy than mobile devices.

Possible Solutions:

  • Energy-Efficient Protocols: To reduce energy utilization, our project aims to model protocols like energy-aware routing protocols and duty-cycling MAC protocols.
  • Energy Harvesting: Intend to investigate energy harvesting approaches, which energize network devices through the use of ecological energy sources like kinetic, solar, etc.
  • Sleep Scheduling: For enabling nodes to move in low-power conditions in the absence of efficient interaction, apply sleep scheduling techniques.

Research Techniques

  • Simulation-Based Studies: Based on different contexts, we design and examine the performance of suggested systems through the utilization of various simulation tools such as SUMO, NS-3, and OMNeT++.
  • Analytical Modeling: Forecast and examine the activity of VANET applications and protocols by creating mathematical frameworks.
  • Prototype Development: To check conceptual discoveries in realistic platforms, develop models with the aid of actual hardware (like onboard units, Raspberry Pi).
  • Field Trials: In practical conditions, assess and enhance suggested systems by carrying out experiments with real road setting and vehicles.

How to simulate vanet projects using sumo?

The simulation of VANET projects with the aid of SUMO includes various procedures such as arranging vehicle motion, establishing a traffic simulation platform, and others. For communication simulation, the combination of network simulators such as NS-3 or OMNeT++ could be encompassed. To simulate VANET projects with SUMO, we provide a procedural instruction in an explicit manner:  

Procedural Instruction to Simulating VANET Projects with SUMO

  1. Install SUMO
  • Download SUMO:
    • Download the current version of SUMO through exploring the SUMO website.
  • Install SUMO:
    • The installation guidelines that are offered by the SUMO website have to be considered. SUMO installation is possible in specific OS such as Linux, macOS, and Windows.
  1. Arrange the Road Network
  • Develop a Road Network:
    • Utilize XML files for developing a road network in a physical manner. To build a network collaboratively, employ tools such as netedit that is a graphical network editor including SUMO.
  • Generate the Network File:
    • Use netconvert to change the map into a SUMO network file, if the map is in OpenStreetMap (OSM) format.

netconvert –osm-files map.osm -o

  1. Set up Vehicle Routes
  • Specify Routes:
    • By defining the routes vehicles will carry across the network, develop a routes file (.rou.xml).

Example myRoutes.rou.xml:


    <vType id=”car” accel=”1.0″ decel=”4.5″ sigma=”0.5″ length=”5″ maxSpeed=”25″ color=”1,0,0″/>

    <route id=”route0″ edges=”edge1 edge2 edge3 edge4″/>

    <vehicle id=”vehicle0″ type=”car” route=”route0″ depart=”0″/>


  1. Develop the Simulation Configuration File
  • Configure SUMO:
    • By describing the major simulation parameters like route, network and others, develop a configuration file (.sumocfg).

Example mySimulation.sumocfg:



        <net-file value=””/>

        <route-files value=”myRoutes.rou.xml”/>



        <begin value=”0″/>

        <end value=”3600″/>



  1. Execute the Simulation
  • Run SUMO:
    • Consider the below specified command to execute the SUMO simulation:

sumo-gui -c mySimulation.sumocfg

  • This command will initiate the simulation process by opening the SUMO GUI. Through this, the motion of the vehicles can be visualized.
  1. Combine with Network Simulators (Optional)

It is approachable to combine SUMO with various network simulators such as NS-3 or OMNeT++ for a highly extensive VANET simulation, which encompasses interaction as well as traffic factors. This combination process can be done through the utilization of architectures such as Veins. 

  • Install OMNeT++ and Veins:
    • For Veins and OMNeT++, adhere to the installation guidelines.
  • Set up Veins:
    • In OMNeT++, configure a Veins project. Along with your SUMO simulation, connect this configuration.
  • Synchronize SUMO and OMNeT++:
    • For facilitating interaction among OMNeT++ and SUMO, utilize the TraCI (Traffic Control Interface) module that is offered by Veins.
  • Execute the Combined Simulation:
    • The combined simulation has to be executed that employs OMNeT++ for network interaction and SUMO for traffic motion.

Instance: Basic VANET Simulation with SUMO and Veins

  1. Develop SUMO Network and Routes:
  • To develop the SUMO network ( and routes (myRoutes.rou.xml), adhere to the above specified procedures.
  1. Configure Veins in OMNeT++:
  • Import the Veins architecture after developing a novel OMNeT++ project.
  1. Set up OMNeT++ Simulation:
  • To encompass Veins modules, your OMNeT++ simulation configuration (omnetpp.ini) has to be arranged.

Example omnetpp.ini:


network = veins_example

*.manager.sumo-launchd-executable = “”

*.manager.configFile = “mySimulation.sumocfg”

  1. Execute the Simulation:
  • The OMNeT++ simulation must be created and executed that will integrate the two simulations by initiating SUMO in an automatic manner.
  1. Analysis and Visualization
  • Gather Data:
    • In order to gather data based on interaction performance, vehicle motion, and other aspects, employ SUMO and Veins/OMNeT++ tools.
  • Visualize Outcomes:
    • For further investigation, export data or utilize built-in simulation tools of SUMO in exterior tools such as Python or MATLAB.
  • Create Reports:
    • The gathered data has to be examined. To depict your discoveries, create documentation.
VANET Thesis Topics

VANET Thesis Topics & Ideas

VANET Thesis Topics & Ideas are shared guaranteeing meticulous attention in assisting you to select the most appropriate subject for your research, tailored to your specific interests.

  1. A vehicle control system using a time synchronized Hybrid VANET to reduce road accidents caused by human error
  2. A data dissemination scheme based on clustering and probabilistic broadcasting in VANETs
  3. A robust and efficient password-based conditional privacy preserving authentication and group-key agreement protocol for VANETs
  4. An adaptive relay nodes selection scheme for multi-hop broadcast in VANETs
  5. An asynchronous multi-channel MAC for improving channel utilization in VANET
  6. Determining vehicles’ radio transmission range for increasing cognitive radio VANET (CR-VANET) reliability using a trust management system
  7. Efficient dissemination based on passive approach and dynamic clustering for VANET
  8. Hindering false event dissemination in VANETs with proof-of-work mechanisms
  9. Privacy-preserving authentication scheme with full aggregation in VANET
  10. PIaaS: Cloud-oriented secure and privacy-conscious parking information as a service using VANETs
  11. Forward link quality estimation in VANETs for sender-oriented alert messages broadcast
  12. A new cooperative communication algorithm for improving connectivity in the event of network failure in VANETs
  13. Investigating VANET dissemination protocols performance under high throughput conditions
  14. ASAP-V: A privacy-preserving authentication and sybil detection protocol for VANETs
  15. Distributed cross layer duplicate address handling for safety critical VANET communication
  16. A distributed beaconless routing protocol for real-time video dissemination in multimedia VANETs
  17. Cooperative mobile edge computing system for VANET-based software-defined content delivery
  18. Trade-off between accuracy, cost, and QoS using a beacon-on-demand strategy and Kalman filtering over a VANET
  19. A hierarchical location service architecture for VANET with aggregated location update
  20. UAV-assisted technique for the detection of malicious and selfish nodes in VANETs


How deal with significant issues ?

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Most of the PhD consultancy services will end their services in Paper Writing, but our is different from others by giving guarantee for both paper writing and publication in reputed journals. With our 18+ year of experience in delivering PhD services, we meet all requirements of journals (reviewers, editors, and editor-in-chief) for rapid publications. From the beginning of paper writing, we lay our smart works. PUBLICATION IS A ROOT FOR PHD DEGREE. WE LIKE A FRUIT FOR GIVING SWEET FEELING FOR ALL SCHOLARS.

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