Best SCI journals for Computer Science Interdisciplinary Applications are listed below by We have published over 3000+ papers in reputed journals. Read out the Key Areas of Performance Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications which we focus on, send us a mail about your project details we will help you.
Key Areas of Performance Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications
List Of High Impact Factor Computer Science Interdisciplinary Applications Journals are classified by us, we are ready to work on it. If you face any challenges let our team handle your work and get your paper published in a free and reputed journal. | Journal title | ISSN | Subject Name |
1. | ACM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING AND CULTURAL HERITAGE | 1556-4673 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
2. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MODELING AND COMPUTER SIMULATION | 1049-3301 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
3. | ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING SOFTWARE | 0965-9978 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
5. | APPLICABLE ALGEBRA IN ENGINEERING COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTING | 0938-1279 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
6. | APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING | 1568-4946 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
7. | ARCHIVES OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING | 1134-3060 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
8. | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND LAW | 0924-8463 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
9. | ASTRONOMY AND COMPUTING | 2213-1337 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
10. | BIG DATA | 2167-6461 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
11. | CIN-COMPUTERS INFORMATICS NURSING | 1538-2931 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
13. | COMPUTATIONAL AND MATHEMATICAL ORGANIZATION THEORY | 1381-298X | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
14. | COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY | 1476-9271 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
15. | COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES | 1420-0597 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
16. | COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS | 0891-2017 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
17. | COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS | 0167-9473 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
18. | COMPUTER-AIDED CIVIL AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING | 1093-9687 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
19. | COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION | 1061-3773 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
20. | COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE | 0169-2607 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
21. | COMPUTER METHODS IN BIOMECHANICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING | 1025-5842 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
22. | COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL | 0148-9267 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
23. | COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS | 0010-4655 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
24. | COMPUTERS AND CONCRETE | 1598-8198 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
25. | COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE | 0168-1699 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
26. | COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS | 0266-352X | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
27. | COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING | 0098-1354 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
28. | COMPUTERS & EDUCATION | 0360-1315 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
29. | COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING | 0045-7906 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
30. | COMPUTERS & FLUIDS | 0045-7930 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
31. | COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES | 0098-3004 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
32. | COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE | 0010-4825 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
33. | COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING | 0360-8352 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
34. | COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY | 0166-3615 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
35. | COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH | 0305-0548 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
36. | COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES | 0045-7949 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
38. | COMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERING | 1521-9615 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
39. | CONCURRENT ENGINEERING-RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS | 1063-293X | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
40. | CURRENT COMPUTER-AIDED DRUG DESIGN | 1573-4099 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
41. | EARTH SCIENCE INFORMATICS | 1865-0473 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
42. | ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS | 1567-4223 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
43. | ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS | 0264-4401 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
44. | ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS | 0177-0667 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
45. | ENTERTAINMENT COMPUTING | 1875-9521 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
46. | ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE | 1364-8152 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
| Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
48. | IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS | 1545-5963 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
49. | IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS | 2168-2194 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
50. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS | 0278-0070 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
51. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS | 1551-3203 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
52. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES | 1939-1382 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
53. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING | 0278-0062 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
54. | INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS | 0263-5577 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
55. | INFORMS JOURNAL ON COMPUTING | 1091-9856 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
56. | INTEGRATED COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING | 1069-2509 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
57. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN FLUIDS | 0271-2091 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
58. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS | 1875-6891 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
59. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING | 0951-192X | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
60. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONS | 1094-3420 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
61. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & DECISION MAKING | 0219-6220 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
62. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | 1989-1660 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
63. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS C | 0129-1831 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
64. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RF AND MICROWAVE COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING | 1096-4290 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
65. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS | 0218-2130 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
66. | JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS | 1532-0464 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
67. | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING | 1549-9596 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
68. | JOURNAL OF CHEMINFORMATICS | 1758-2946 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
69. | JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION | 1382-6905 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
70. | JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY | 1066-5277 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
71. | JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL DESIGN AND ENGINEERING | 2288-4300 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
72. | JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS | 0021-9991 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
73. | JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE | 1877-7503 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
74. | JOURNAL OF COMPUTER-AIDED MOLECULAR DESIGN | 0920-654X | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
75. | JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING | 1530-9827 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
76. | JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING | 0887-3801 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
77. | JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS | 1464-7141 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
78. | JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL INFORMATION INTEGRATION | 2467-964X | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
79. | JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS | 1751-1577 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
80. | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR GRAPHICS & MODELLING | 1093-3263 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
81. | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING | 1610-2940 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
82. | JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS | 1084-8045 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
83. | JOURNAL OF NEW MUSIC RESEARCH | 0929-8215 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
84. | JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMPUTING AND ELECTRONIC COMMERCE | 1091-9392 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
85. | JOURNAL OF SIMULATION | 1747-7778 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
86. | JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTATION AND SIMULATION | 0094-9655 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
87. | JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL SOFTWARE | 1548-7660 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
88. | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATION | 1067-5027 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
89. | JOURNAL OF VISUALIZATION | 1343-8875 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
90. | LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND EVALUATION | 1574-020X | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
91. | MACHINE LEARNING-SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 2632-2153 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
92. | MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY | 0340-6253 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
93. | MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS | 1387-3954 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
94. | MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION | 0378-4754 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
95. | MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING | 0140-0118 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
96. | MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS | 1361-8415 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
97. | MOLECULAR INFORMATICS | 1868-1743 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
98. | NATURE MACHINE INTELLIGENCE | 2522-5839 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
99. | NEUROINFORMATICS | 1539-2791 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
100. | QUEUEING SYSTEMS | 0257-0130 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
101. | R JOURNAL | 2073-4859 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
102. | ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER-INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING | 0736-5845 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
103. | SAR AND QSAR IN ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH | 1062-936X | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
104. | SCIENTOMETRICS | 0138-9130 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
105. | SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY | 1569-190X | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
106. | SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION INTERNATIONAL | 0037-5497 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
107. | SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW | 0894-4393 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
108. | SOFT COMPUTING | 1432-7643 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
109. | SPEECH COMMUNICATION | 0167-6393 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
110. | STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AND DATA MINING | 1932-1864 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
111. | STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION | 1615-147X | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
112. | VIRTUAL REALITY | 1359-4338 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |