The finest SCI Journals for Applied Mathematics across different categories can be found in the list below. Contact us for exclusive guidance on the publishing process and gain essential advice on meeting reviewers’ expectations. By focusing on the essential elements highlighted below and allowing us to tailor your manuscript accordingly, you will be on the path to achieving rapid publication success.
When crafting your Applied Mathematics, it is essential to keep the following pivotal aspects in mind. By following these principles, you will achieve the most favourable results in your paper.
We have curated a complete list of prestigious applied mathematics journals with high impact factors, complemented by essential methods and tools. For optimal outcomes and expedited publication, partner with us. Alleviate your concerns by reaching out; we possess an in-depth understanding of reviewer expectations and the ideal journals for your manuscript. By adhering to these insights, you can achieve swift publication of your work. | Title | Subject Area | Print ISSN |
1. | Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference | Applied Mathematics | 3783758 |
2. | Journal of Time Series Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 1439782 |
3. | Mathematics and Computers in Simulation | Applied Mathematics | 3784754 |
4. | Journal of Optical Technology (A Translation of Opticheskii Zhurnal) | Applied Mathematics | 10709762 |
5. | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering | Applied Mathematics | 295981 |
6. | International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering | Applied Mathematics | 2181274 |
7. | Journal of Computer and System Sciences | Applied Mathematics | 220000 |
8. | Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing | Applied Mathematics | 9236082 |
9. | Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering | Applied Mathematics | 17415977 |
10. | Acta Biotheoretica | Applied Mathematics | 15342 |
11. | Jixie Qiangdu/Journal of Mechanical Strength | Applied Mathematics | 10019669 |
12. | Wave Motion | Applied Mathematics | 1652125 |
13. | Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences | Applied Mathematics | 10900578 |
14. | Lifetime Data Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 13807870 |
15. | Control and Cybernetics | Applied Mathematics | 3248569 |
16. | Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International | Applied Mathematics | 10642307 |
17. | IEEE Signal Processing Magazine | Applied Mathematics | 10535888 |
18. | Journal of Computational Physics | Applied Mathematics | 219991 |
19. | Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 0362546X |
20. | Educational and Psychological Measurement | Applied Mathematics | 131644 |
21. | BioSystems | Applied Mathematics | 3032647 |
22. | DLR Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. – Forschungsberichte | Applied Mathematics | 14348454 |
23. | Psychometrika | Applied Mathematics | 333123 |
24. | Theory in Biosciences | Applied Mathematics | 14317613 |
25. | International Journal of Solids and Structures | Applied Mathematics | 207683 |
26. | Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics | Applied Mathematics | 3770257 |
27. | Technometrics | Applied Mathematics | 401706 |
28. | Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics | Applied Mathematics | 1678442 |
29. | Stochastic Models | Applied Mathematics | 15326349 |
30. | Biometrika | Applied Mathematics | 63444 |
31. | Measurement Techniques | Applied Mathematics | 5431972 |
32. | Measurement Science and Technology | Applied Mathematics | 9570233 |
33. | Journal of Mathematical Psychology | Applied Mathematics | 222496 |
34. | Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics | Applied Mathematics | 10857117 |
35. | Behaviormetrika | Applied Mathematics | 3857417 |
36. | Dongbei Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northeastern University | Applied Mathematics | 10053026 |
37. | Electrical Engineering | Applied Mathematics | 9487921 |
38. | International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow | Applied Mathematics | 9615539 |
39. | IEEE Signal Processing Letters | Applied Mathematics | 10709908 |
40. | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | Applied Mathematics | 189545 |
41. | BMC Bioinformatics | Applied Mathematics | 14712105 |
42. | International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 989886 |
43. | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics | Applied Mathematics | 15455963 |
44. | International Journal of Robotics Research | Applied Mathematics | 2783649 |
45. | Jiqiren/Robot | Applied Mathematics | 10020446 |
46. | Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering | Applied Mathematics | 11343060 |
47. | ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software | Applied Mathematics | 983500 |
48. | Mathematical Finance | Applied Mathematics | 9601627 |
49. | Control Engineering Practice | Applied Mathematics | 9670661 |
50. | Finite Elements in Analysis and Design | Applied Mathematics | 0168874X |
51. | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids | Applied Mathematics | 2712091 |
52. | Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing | Applied Mathematics | 0278081X |
53. | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | Applied Mathematics | 15361276 |
54. | Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems | Applied Mathematics | 9324194 |
55. | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements | Applied Mathematics | 9557997 |
56. | Dalian Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Dalian University of Technology | Applied Mathematics | 10008608 |
57. | Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | Applied Mathematics | 5776686 |
58. | International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics | Applied Mathematics | 207462 |
59. | Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design | Applied Mathematics | 3093247 |
60. | Nonlinear Dynamics | Applied Mathematics | 0924090X |
61. | Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications | Applied Mathematics | 14681218 |
62. | Operations Research Letters | Applied Mathematics | 1676377 |
63. | Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University | Applied Mathematics | 10000054 |
64. | Algorithmica | Applied Mathematics | 1784617 |
65. | IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 2724960 |
66. | IMA Journal of Management Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 1471678X |
67. | IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information | Applied Mathematics | 2650754 |
68. | IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 2724979 |
69. | Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 195588 |
70. | Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics | Applied Mathematics | 2190257 |
71. | Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse Non Lineaire | Applied Mathematics | 2941449 |
72. | Integral Transforms and Special Functions | Applied Mathematics | 10652469 |
73. | International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation | Applied Mathematics | 15651339 |
74. | Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 9167005 |
75. | Journal of Scientific Computing | Applied Mathematics | 8857474 |
76. | Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation | Applied Mathematics | 949655 |
77. | Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence | Applied Mathematics | 10122443 |
78. | Journal des Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees | Applied Mathematics | 217824 |
79. | Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik | Applied Mathematics | 754102 |
80. | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing | Applied Mathematics | 15985865 |
81. | Journal of Approximation Theory | Applied Mathematics | 219045 |
82. | Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 3770427 |
83. | Journal of Cryptology | Applied Mathematics | 9332790 |
84. | Journal of Difference Equations and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 10236198 |
85. | Journal of Differential Equations | Applied Mathematics | 220396 |
86. | Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 10695869 |
87. | Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems | Applied Mathematics | 9280219 |
88. | IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference | Applied Mathematics | 15502252 07400551 |
89. | Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 0022247X |
90. | Journal of Mathematical Behavior | Applied Mathematics | 7323123 |
91. | Journal of Mathematical Chemistry | Applied Mathematics | 2599791 |
92. | Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 223239 |
93. | Journal of Chemometrics | Applied Mathematics | 8869383 |
94. | Abstract and Applied Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 10853375 |
95. | Acta Applicandae Mathematicae | Applied Mathematics | 1678019 |
96. | Chinese Journal of Electronics | Applied Mathematics | 10224653 |
97. | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | Applied Mathematics | 10636706 |
98. | IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence | Applied Mathematics | 1628828 |
99. | International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | Applied Mathematics | 0888613X |
100. | Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal | Applied Mathematics | 10512004 |
101. | Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series | Applied Mathematics | 14398516 |
102. | Advances in Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 1968858 |
103. | Mathematical Biosciences | Applied Mathematics | 255564 |
104. | Advances in Applied Probability | Applied Mathematics | 18678 |
105. | Mathematical Inequalities and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 13314343 |
106. | Aequationes Mathematicae | Applied Mathematics | 19054 |
107. | Mathematical Medicine and Biology | Applied Mathematics | 14778599 |
108. | Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences | Applied Mathematics | 2182025 |
109. | Algebra Colloquium | Applied Mathematics | 10053867 |
110. | American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences | Applied Mathematics | 1966324 |
111. | Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society | Applied Mathematics | 2730979 |
112. | Journal of the American Mathematical Society | Applied Mathematics | 8940347 |
113. | Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society | Applied Mathematics | 659266 |
114. | Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society | Applied Mathematics | 29939 |
115. | Transactions of the American Mathematical Society | Applied Mathematics | 29947 |
116. | Match | Applied Mathematics | 3406253 |
117. | Mathematics of Computation | Applied Mathematics | 255718 |
118. | Applicable Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 36811 |
119. | Applications of Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 8627940 |
120. | Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 10635203 |
121. | Applied Mathematical Finance | Applied Mathematics | 1350486X |
122. | Applied Mathematics and Computation | Applied Mathematics | 963003 |
123. | Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) | Applied Mathematics | 2534827 |
124. | Applied Mathematics and Optimization | Applied Mathematics | 954616 |
125. | Applied Mathematics E – Notes | Applied Mathematics | 16072510 |
126. | Applied Mathematics Letters | Applied Mathematics | 8939659 |
127. | Applied Sciences | Applied Mathematics | 14545101 |
128. | Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations | Applied Mathematics | 9442669 |
129. | Chaos, Solitons and Fractals | Applied Mathematics | 9600779 |
130. | Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B | Applied Mathematics | 2529599 |
131. | Informatica | Applied Mathematics | 8684952 |
132. | Optimal Control Applications and Methods | Applied Mathematics | 1432087 |
133. | IEEE International Test Conference (TC) | Applied Mathematics | 10893539 |
134. | Jisuan Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics | Applied Mathematics | 10074708 |
135. | Journal of Ship Research | Applied Mathematics | 224502 |
136. | Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 10219722 |
137. | Nonlinearity | Applied Mathematics | 9517715 |
138. | Numerical Algorithms | Applied Mathematics | 10171398 |
139. | Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications | Applied Mathematics | 10705325 |
140. | Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations | Applied Mathematics | 0749159X |
141. | UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics | Applied Mathematics | 12237027 |
142. | Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation | Applied Mathematics | 10075704 |
143. | Communications in Partial Differential Equations | Applied Mathematics | 3605302 |
144. | Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 103640 |
145. | Designs, Codes, and Cryptography | Applied Mathematics | 9251022 |
146. | Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series B | Applied Mathematics | 15313492 |
147. | Discrete Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 0166218X |
148. | Discrete Mathematics and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 9249265 |
149. | Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series A: Mathematical Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 12013390 |
150. | Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series B: Applications and Algorithms | Applied Mathematics | 14928760 |
151. | ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 0764583X |
152. | IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences | Applied Mathematics | 9168508 |
153. | Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 335614 |
154. | Quarterly of Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 0033569X |
155. | Random Structures and Algorithms | Applied Mathematics | 10429832 |
156. | Electronic Journal of Combinatorics | Applied Mathematics | 10778926 |
157. | Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations | Applied Mathematics | 14173875 |
158. | SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 361399 |
159. | SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization | Applied Mathematics | 3630129 |
160. | SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 361410 |
161. | SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 361429 |
162. | SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing | Applied Mathematics | 10648275 |
163. | SIAM Review | Applied Mathematics | 361445 |
164. | Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems | Applied Mathematics | 1433857 |
165. | European Journal of Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 9567925 |
166. | Journal of the European Mathematical Society | Applied Mathematics | 14359855 |
167. | Finite Fields and Their Applications | Applied Mathematics | 10715797 |
168. | Forum Mathematicum | Applied Mathematics | 9337741 |
169. | Functional Analysis and its Applications | Applied Mathematics | 162663 |
170. | Stochastic Analysis and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 7362994 |
171. | Stochastic Processes and their Applications | Applied Mathematics | 3044149 |
172. | Studies in Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 222526 |
173. | International Journal of Power and Energy Systems | Applied Mathematics | 10783466 |
174. | Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy | Applied Mathematics | 9232958 |
175. | Chaos | Applied Mathematics | 10541500 |
176. | BIT Numerical Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 63835 |
177. | Utilitas Mathematica | Applied Mathematics | 3153681 |
178. | Journal of the Franklin Institute | Applied Mathematics | 160032 |
179. | Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendung | Applied Mathematics | 2322064 |
180. | ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik | Applied Mathematics | 442267 |
181. | Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik | Applied Mathematics | 442275 |
182. | Optimization | Applied Mathematics | 2331934 |
183. | Advances in Computational Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 10197168 |
184. | Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing | Applied Mathematics | 9381279 |
185. | Applied Mathematical Modelling | Applied Mathematics | 0307904X |
186. | Applied Numerical Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 1689274 |
187. | Combinatorics Probability and Computing | Applied Mathematics | 9635483 |
188. | COMPEL – The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering | Applied Mathematics | 3321649 |
189. | Computational Mechanics | Applied Mathematics | 1787675 |
190. | Computational Optimization and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 9266003 |
191. | Computational Statistics and Data Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 1679473 |
192. | Discrete Optimization | Applied Mathematics | 15725286 |
193. | Foundations of Computational Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 16153375 |
194. | Fractals | Applied Mathematics | 0218348X |
195. | International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 2181959 |
196. | International Journal of Computer Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 207160 |
197. | Inverse Problems | Applied Mathematics | 2665611 |
198. | Journal of Combinatorial Optimization | Applied Mathematics | 13826905 |
199. | Journal of Complexity | Applied Mathematics | 0885064X |
200. | Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision | Applied Mathematics | 9249907 |
201. | Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems | Applied Mathematics | 13873954 |
202. | Numerische Mathematik | Applied Mathematics | 0029599X |
203. | Optimization Methods and Software | Applied Mathematics | 10556788 |
204. | Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics | Applied Mathematics | 14226928 |
205. | Biometrics | Applied Mathematics | 0006341X |
206. | Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control | Applied Mathematics | 1651889 |
207. | Journal of Mathematical Economics | Applied Mathematics | 3044068 |
208. | Hangkong Dongli Xuebao/Journal of Aerospace Power | Applied Mathematics | 10008055 |
209. | Hangkong Xuebao/Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica | Applied Mathematics | 10006893 |
210. | Engineering Optimization | Applied Mathematics | 0305215X |
211. | Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena | Applied Mathematics | 1672789 |
212. | Journal of Biological Systems | Applied Mathematics | 2183390 |
213. | Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics | Applied Mathematics | 7315090 |
214. | Journal of Mathematical Biology | Applied Mathematics | 3036812 |
215. | Journal of Theoretical Biology | Applied Mathematics | 225193 |
216. | ISA Transactions | Applied Mathematics | 190578 |
217. | Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research | Applied Mathematics | 0424267X |
218. | Microgravity Science and Technology | Applied Mathematics | 9380108 |
219. | Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering | Applied Mathematics | 0277786X |
220. | Journal of Mechanics | Applied Mathematics | 17277191 |
221. | Journal of Inequalities and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 10255834 |
222. | Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering | Applied Mathematics | 16785878 |
223. | Communications in Contemporary Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 2191997 |
224. | Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems | Applied Mathematics | 10780947 |
225. | Journal of Nonlinear Science | Applied Mathematics | 9388974 |
226. | Journal of Global Optimization | Applied Mathematics | 9255001 |
227. | Jisuan Wuli/Chinese Journal of Computational Physics | Applied Mathematics | 1001246X |
228. | International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics | Applied Mathematics | 2194554 |
229. | IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems | Applied Mathematics | 10987584 |
230. | IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory – Proceedings | Applied Mathematics | 21578095 |
231. | Journal of Mathematical Sciences | Applied Mathematics | 10723374 |
232. | Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association | Applied Mathematics | 13422618 |
233. | Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica | Applied Mathematics | 1689673 |
234. | WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 11092769 |
235. | Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems | Applied Mathematics | 15472450 |
236. | Journal of Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 1110757X |
237. | Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico | Applied Mathematics | 3731243 |
238. | Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory | Applied Mathematics | 1381298X |
239. | Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 15340392 |
240. | International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology | Applied Mathematics | 0020739X |
241. | Tamkang Journal of Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 492930 |
242. | Ecological Informatics | Applied Mathematics | 15749541 |
243. | International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing | Applied Mathematics | 2196913 |
244. | Advances in Difference Equations | Applied Mathematics | 16871839 |
245. | Fixed Point Theory and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 16871820 |
246. | Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory | Applied Mathematics | 15672190 |
247. | Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education | Applied Mathematics | 13058215 |
248. | Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics | Applied Mathematics | 4591879 |
249. | International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science | Applied Mathematics | 1641876X |
250. | Molecular Systems Biology | Applied Mathematics | 17444292 |
251. | Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 15710653 |
252. | Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras | Applied Mathematics | 1887009 |
253. | Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics | Applied Mathematics | 15551423 |
254. | Computational and Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 22383603 |
255. | Results in Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 14226383 |
256. | International Journal of Automation and Computing | Applied Mathematics | 14768186 |
257. | Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering | Applied Mathematics | 15471063 |
258. | Advances in Data Analysis and Classification | Applied Mathematics | 18625347 |
259. | Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 10051031 |
260. | Communications in Mathematical Sciences | Applied Mathematics | 15396746 |
261. | Collectanea Mathematica | Applied Mathematics | 100757 |
262. | Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 16617738 |
263. | Complex Analysis and Operator Theory | Applied Mathematics | 16618254 |
264. | Biology Direct | Applied Mathematics | 17456150 |
265. | Algorithms for Molecular Biology | Applied Mathematics | 17487188 |
266. | SOCAR Proceedings | Applied Mathematics | 22186867 |
267. | International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control | Applied Mathematics | 17466172 |
268. | Games | Applied Mathematics | 20734336 |
269. | Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata | Applied Mathematics | 3733114 |
270. | Logica Universalis | Applied Mathematics | 16618297 |
271. | Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 19904789 |
272. | Asian Journal of Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 10936106 |
273. | BMC Systems Biology | Applied Mathematics | 17520509 |
274. | Model Assisted Statistics and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 15741699 |
275. | Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society | Applied Mathematics | 12251763 |
276. | Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures | Applied Mathematics | 15593959 |
277. | Kyungpook Mathematical Journal | Applied Mathematics | 12256951 |
278. | International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling | Applied Mathematics | 17402123 |
279. | Ricerche di Matematica | Applied Mathematics | 355038 |
280. | Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations | Applied Mathematics | 1548159X |
281. | Mathematics in Computer Science | Applied Mathematics | 16618270 |
282. | Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine | Applied Mathematics | 1748670X |
283. | Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 1074133X |
284. | Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory | Applied Mathematics | 15628353 |
285. | Journal of Mathematics and Music | Applied Mathematics | 17459737 |
286. | Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 14495910 |
287. | Journal of Algebra and its Applications | Applied Mathematics | 2194988 |
288. | AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 18638171 |
289. | Shuidonglixue Yanjiu yu Jinzhan/Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics Ser. A | Applied Mathematics | 10004874 |
290. | Networks and Heterogeneous Media | Applied Mathematics | 15561801 |
291. | Journal for Geometry and Graphics | Applied Mathematics | 14338157 |
292. | Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization | Applied Mathematics | 15475816 |
293. | International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing | Applied Mathematics | 1741847X |
294. | IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 19929978 |
295. | Bioinformatics and Biology Insights | Applied Mathematics | 11779322 |
296. | Glottometrics | Applied Mathematics | 16178351 |
297. | International Journal of Biometrics | Applied Mathematics | 17558301 |
298. | Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control | Applied Mathematics | 13925113 |
299. | Handbook of Numerical Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 15708659 |
300. | Handbook of Statistics | Applied Mathematics | 1697161 |
301. | Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 17908140 |
302. | Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations | Applied Mathematics | 17476933 |
303. | Set-Valued and Variational Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 18770533 |
304. | International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 17525055 |
305. | Advances in Mathematics of Communications | Applied Mathematics | 19305346 |
306. | Journal of Modern Dynamics | Applied Mathematics | 19305311 |
307. | Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales – Serie A: Matematicas | Applied Mathematics | 15787303 |
308. | Fixed Point Theory | Applied Mathematics | 15835022 |
309. | Mathematical Communications | Applied Mathematics | 13310623 |
310. | Cryptography and Communications | Applied Mathematics | 19362447 |
311. | GAMM Mitteilungen | Applied Mathematics | 9367195 |
312. | International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research | Applied Mathematics | 18688659 |
313. | Scientific Annals of Computer Science | Applied Mathematics | 18438121 |
314. | Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems | Applied Mathematics | 15755460 |
315. | Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 16629981 |
316. | Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems | Applied Mathematics | 9713514 |
317. | Analysis and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 2195305 |
318. | Journal of Grey System | Applied Mathematics | 9573720 |
319. | Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 10683623 |
320. | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering | Applied Mathematics | 20407939 |
321. | Nano Communication Networks | Applied Mathematics | 18787789 |
322. | Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Matematica | Applied Mathematics | 12241784 |
323. | Revista Internacional de Metodos Numericos para Calculo y Diseno en Ingenieria | Applied Mathematics | 2131315 |
324. | Dynamic Games and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 21530785 |
325. | Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 12303429 |
326. | Discussiones Mathematicae – Graph Theory | Applied Mathematics | 12343099 |
327. | Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum | Applied Mathematics | 16969 |
328. | International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences | Applied Mathematics | 9731903 |
329. | Journal of Analysis and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 9725954 |
330. | Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 14528630 |
331. | Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 9720502 |
332. | Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography | Applied Mathematics | 9720529 |
333. | SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences | Applied Mathematics | 19364954 |
334. | Electronics and Communications in Japan | Applied Mathematics | 19429533 |
335. | Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology | Applied Mathematics | 17483018 |
336. | Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 16094840 |
337. | Bayesian Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 19360975 |
338. | Communications in Mathematical Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 19389787 |
339. | Fundamental and Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 15605159 |
340. | Advances in Mathematical Physics | Applied Mathematics | 16879120 |
341. | Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena | Applied Mathematics | 9735348 |
342. | Advances in Decision Sciences | Applied Mathematics | 20903359 |
343. | Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 13110454 |
344. | Numerical Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 10048979 |
345. | International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms | Applied Mathematics | 17550386 |
346. | Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences | Applied Mathematics | 19350090 |
347. | International Journal of Biomathematics | Applied Mathematics | 17935245 |
348. | International Journal of Applied Cryptography | Applied Mathematics | 17530563 |
349. | Journal of Applied Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 14256908 |
350. | Advances in Calculus of Variations | Applied Mathematics | 18648258 |
351. | Monte Carlo Methods and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 9299629 |
352. | Groups, Complexity, Cryptology | Applied Mathematics | 18671144 |
353. | International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation | Applied Mathematics | 20403607 |
354. | Journal of Mathematical Cryptology | Applied Mathematics | 18622976 |
355. | Recta | Applied Mathematics | 1575605X |
356. | Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics | Applied Mathematics | 20700733 |
357. | Journal of Mathematics in Industry | Applied Mathematics | 21905983 |
358. | Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems | Applied Mathematics | 19765622 |
359. | Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural-Resource Sciences | Applied Mathematics | 19467664 |
360. | Nonlinear Studies | Applied Mathematics | 13598678 |
361. | Journal of Singularities | Applied Mathematics | 19492006 |
362. | International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies | Applied Mathematics | 17558050 |
363. | Computational Methods and Function Theory | Applied Mathematics | 16179447 |
364. | European Journal of Remote Sensing | Applied Mathematics | 11298596 |
365. | New Mathematics and Natural Computation | Applied Mathematics | 17930057 |
366. | Statistics and its Interface | Applied Mathematics | 19387989 |
367. | Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series S | Applied Mathematics | 19371632 |
368. | Journal of Integral Equations and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 8973962 |
369. | Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science | Applied Mathematics | 15593940 |
370. | Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics | Applied Mathematics | 19946538 |
371. | Journal of Geometric Mechanics | Applied Mathematics | 19414889 |
372. | Investigacion Operacional | Applied Mathematics | 2574306 |
373. | St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal | Applied Mathematics | 10610022 |
374. | SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 1945497X |
375. | Modeling, Simulation and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 20375255 |
376. | Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics | Applied Mathematics | 19306792 |
377. | Markov Processes and Related Fields | Applied Mathematics | 10242953 |
378. | International Journal of Differential Equations | Applied Mathematics | 16879643 |
379. | Analysis and PDE | Applied Mathematics | 21575045 |
380. | Advances in Differential Equations | Applied Mathematics | 10799389 |
381. | Mathematical Control and Related Fields | Applied Mathematics | 21568472 |
382. | Mathematical Engineering | Applied Mathematics | 21924732 |
383. | Mathematical Reports | Applied Mathematics | 15823067 |
384. | Differential and Integral Equations | Applied Mathematics | 8934983 |
385. | Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization | Applied Mathematics | 21553289 |
386. | Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation | Applied Mathematics | 20356803 |
387. | Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 13454773 |
388. | East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 20797362 |
389. | Journal of the Operations Research Society of China | Applied Mathematics | 2194668X |
390. | Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics | Applied Mathematics | 15120015 |
391. | Mathematics and Visualization | Applied Mathematics | 16123786 |
392. | Theory of Stochastic Processes | Applied Mathematics | 3213900 |
393. | Internet Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 15427951 |
394. | Theoretical and Mathematical Physics(United States) | Applied Mathematics | 18645879 |
395. | Journal of Algebra and Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 23197234 |
396. | Journal of Complex Networks | Applied Mathematics | 20511310 |
397. | Epidemiologic Methods | Applied Mathematics | 21949263 |
398. | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport | Applied Mathematics | 23324309 |
399. | International Series in Operations Research and Management Science | Applied Mathematics | 8848289 |
400. | Analysis (Germany) | Applied Mathematics | 1744747 |
401. | Evolution Equations and Control Theory | Applied Mathematics | 21632472 |
402. | Austrian Journal of Statistics | Applied Mathematics |
403. | Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies | Applied Mathematics | 21967326 |
404. | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | Applied Mathematics | 17293774 |
405. | Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics | Applied Mathematics |
406. | Journal of Computational Finance | Applied Mathematics | 14601559 |
407. | Communications in Mathematics and Statistics | Applied Mathematics | 21946701 |
408. | Journal of Risk Model Validation | Applied Mathematics | 17539579 |
409. | Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces | Applied Mathematics |
410. | Informatika i ee Primeneniya | Applied Mathematics | 19922264 |
411. | Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika | Applied Mathematics | 20710410 |
412. | SPIIRAS Proceedings | Applied Mathematics | 20789181 |
413. | Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology | Applied Mathematics | 23250984 |
414. | Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications | Applied Mathematics | 23066172 |
415. | Problemy Analiza | Applied Mathematics | 23063424 |
416. | Theoretical and Applied Mechanics | Applied Mathematics | 14505584 |
417. | Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 23382287 |
418. | Fuzzy Information and Engineering | Applied Mathematics | 16168658 |
419. | Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics |
420. | IIUM Engineering Journal | Applied Mathematics | 1511788X |
421. | Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences | Applied Mathematics | 17931355 |
422. | SIAM-ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification | Applied Mathematics |
423. | Series on Knots and Everything | Applied Mathematics | 2199769 |
424. | Confluentes Mathematici | Applied Mathematics | 17937442 |
425. | Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Prikladnaya Matematika, Informatika, Protsessy Upravleniya | Applied Mathematics | 18119905 |
426. | SEMA SIMAI Springer Series | Applied Mathematics | 21993041 |
427. | Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics | Applied Mathematics | 20800886 |
428. | Sankhya B | Applied Mathematics | 9768386 |
429. | Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Application | Applied Mathematics | 14211750 |
430. | Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 12291595 |
431. | Stochastics and Quality Control | Applied Mathematics | 23672390 |
432. | Communications in Mathematical Biology and Neuroscience | Applied Mathematics |
433. | Matematiche | Applied Mathematics | 3733505 |
435. | Quantitative Biology | Applied Mathematics | 20954689 |
436. | International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science | Applied Mathematics | 18140424 |
437. | Dependence Modeling | Applied Mathematics |
438. | Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods | Applied Mathematics | 22877843 |
439. | Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences | Applied Mathematics |
440. | Journal of Dynamics and Games | Applied Mathematics |
441. | Rendiconti di Matematica e delle Sue Applicazioni | Applied Mathematics | 11207183 |
442. | Computation | Applied Mathematics |
443. | Current Opinion in Systems Biology | Applied Mathematics |
444. | Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications | Applied Mathematics | 23455853 |
445. | Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics and Statistics | Applied Mathematics | 19381743 |
446. | Croatian Operational Research Review | Applied Mathematics | 18480225 |
447. | International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 21460957 |
448. | Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 22965009 |
449. | Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications | Applied Mathematics | 18437265 |
450. | Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems | Applied Mathematics | 23690739 |
451. | Neutrosophic Sets and Systems | Applied Mathematics | 23316055 |
452. | Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Prikladnaya Nelineynaya Dinamika | Applied Mathematics | 8696632 |
453. | Research in Mathematical Sciences | Applied Mathematics | 25220144 |
454. | Turkish World Mathematical Society Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 21461147 |
455. | Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics | Applied Mathematics | 25917285 |
456. | Progress in Fractional Differentiation and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 23569336 |
457. | Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics | Applied Mathematics | 20757905 |
458. | Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling | Applied Mathematics |
459. | International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications | Applied Mathematics |
460. | Static and Dynamic Game Theory: Foundations and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 23638516 |
461. | Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games | Applied Mathematics | 24740179 |
462. | npj Systems Biology and Applications | Applied Mathematics |
463. | Geometry, Integrability and Quantization | Applied Mathematics | 13143247 |
464. | Journal of Mathematical Control Science and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 9740570 |
465. | Letters in Biomathematics | Applied Mathematics |
466. | Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace | Applied Mathematics | 20413165 |
467. | Trends in the History of Science | Applied Mathematics | 22972951 |
468. | Poincare Journal of Analysis and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 23496789 |
469. | IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology | Applied Mathematics |
470. | Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations | Applied Mathematics | 21940401 |
471. | International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 23495103 |
472. | Journal of Mathematical Modeling | Applied Mathematics | 2345394X |
473. | EURO Journal on Decision Processes | Applied Mathematics | 21939438 |
474. | International Series of Numerical Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 3733149 |
475. | Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia | Applied Mathematics |
476. | Applied Mathematics and Mechanics | Applied Mathematics | 10000887 |
477. | Measurement | Applied Mathematics | 15366367 |
478. | International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements | Applied Mathematics | 20460546 |
479. | lnternational Journal of Differential Equations and Applications | Applied Mathematics |
480. | Results in Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics |
481. | Applied Mathematical Sciences (Switzerland) | Applied Mathematics | 665452 |
482. | Biomath | Applied Mathematics | 1314684X |
483. | Infectious Disease Modelling | Applied Mathematics | 24682152 |
484. | Statistical Theory and Related Fields | Applied Mathematics | 24754269 |
485. | Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations | Applied Mathematics | 22969020 |
486. | Journal of Applied Logics | Applied Mathematics | 26319810 |
487. | Discussiones Mathematicae – General Algebra and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 15099415 |
488. | Information and Inference | Applied Mathematics |
489. | Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography | Applied Mathematics | 23643579 |
490. | Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki | Applied Mathematics | 25417746 |
491. | Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta, Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki | Applied Mathematics | 19918615 |
492. | Concrete Operators | Applied Mathematics |
493. | Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | 23646748 |
494. | Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 23225807 |
495. | Journal of Econometric Methods | Applied Mathematics |
496. | Journal of Fractal Geometry | Applied Mathematics | 23081309 |
497. | Journal of Cryptologic Research | Applied Mathematics | 20957025 |
498. | Network Neuroscience | Applied Mathematics |
499. | Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics | Applied Mathematics |
500. | Statistics and Public Policy | Applied Mathematics |
501. | Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN | Applied Mathematics | 1344889 |
502. | Journal of Numerical Cognition | Applied Mathematics |
503. | Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering | Applied Mathematics | 23224576 |
504. | Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and its Applications | Applied Mathematics |
505. | Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea | Applied Mathematics | 12254428 |
506. | Algebraic Structures and their Applications | Applied Mathematics |
507. | Methods, Data, Analyses | Applied Mathematics | 18646956 |
508. | Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 25606921 |
509. | Journal of Computational Technologies | Applied Mathematics | 15607534 |
510. | Communications in Statistics Case Studies Data Analysis and Applications | Applied Mathematics |
511. | Proceedings of the International Geometry Center | Applied Mathematics | 20729812 |
512. | Journal of Algebra and Related Topics | Applied Mathematics | 23453931 |
513. | Information Sciences Letters | Applied Mathematics | 20909551 |
514. | European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics |
515. | Applicationes Mathematicae | Applied Mathematics | 12337234 |
516. | Bruno Pini Mathematical Analysis Seminar | Applied Mathematics |
517. | International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security | Applied Mathematics | 20749090 |
518. | Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 9735321 |
519. | International Journal of Difference Equations | Applied Mathematics | 9736069 |
520. | International Journal of Data Science and Analytics | Applied Mathematics | 2364415X |
521. | International Journal of Combinatorial Graph Theory and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 9737421 |
522. | SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry | Applied Mathematics |
523. | Annals of PDE | Applied Mathematics | 25245317 |
524. | Journal of Finance and Data Science | Applied Mathematics |
525. | Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences | Applied Mathematics |
526. | Annales Mathematiques Blaise Pascal | Applied Mathematics | 12591734 |
527. | International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) | Applied Mathematics | 25112104 |
528. | Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design | Applied Mathematics |
529. | Revista Brasileira de Biometria | Applied Mathematics |
530. | Journal of Geodetic Science | Applied Mathematics |
531. | Applied System Innovation | Applied Mathematics |
532. | Moroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 26056364 |
533. | Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications | Applied Mathematics | 15387887 |
534. | Journal of Optimization, Differential Equations and their Applications | Applied Mathematics | 26170108 |
535. | Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics |
536. | Statistica Applicata | Applied Mathematics | 11251964 |
537. | Mathematics for Applications | Applied Mathematics | 18053610 |
538. | Results in Nonlinear Analysis | Applied Mathematics |
539. | Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry | Applied Mathematics | 22286489 |
540. | Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications | Applied Mathematics | 11831278 |
541. | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics | Applied Mathematics | 27341194 |
542. | Indian Statistical Institute Series | Applied Mathematics | 25233114 |
543. | Cryptography | Applied Mathematics |
544. | Engineered Science | Applied Mathematics | 2576988X |
545. | Mathematics In Engineering | Applied Mathematics |
546. | Constructive Mathematical Analysis | Applied Mathematics |
547. | Journal of Analysis | Applied Mathematics | 9713611 |
548. | SeMA Journal | Applied Mathematics | 22543902 |