The following list includes the best scientific journals dedicated to the field of Artificial Intelligence. Our researchers offer customized writing services, and are recognized for their ability to accurately interpret the intentions of editors and their popularity within the academic community. Discover some of the writing tips that we share for you.
List Of High Impact Factor Artificial Intelligence Journals on various Title where we focus on Scopus Sub-Subject Area are listed below. For best journal publication you can believe in our experts, talk to us once we will provide you all kinds of research services. | Title | Subject Area | Print ISSN |
1. | International Journal of Fuzzy Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 15622479 |
2. | Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing | Artificial Intelligence | 9236082 |
3. | Perception | Artificial Intelligence | 3010066 |
4. | Cognitive Psychology | Artificial Intelligence | 100285 |
5. | Cognitive Science | Artificial Intelligence | 3640213 |
6. | Cognitive Systems Research | Artificial Intelligence | 13890417 |
7. | Cybernetics and Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 1969722 |
8. | Journal of Intelligent Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 3341860 |
9. | Physics of Life Reviews | Artificial Intelligence | 15710645 |
10. | Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences | Artificial Intelligence | 2397528 |
11. | Artificial Intelligence and Law | Artificial Intelligence | 9248463 |
12. | IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 9168532 |
13. | Information Sciences | Artificial Intelligence | 200255 |
14. | Journal of Consciousness Studies | Artificial Intelligence | 13558250 |
15. | Microprocessors and Microsystems | Artificial Intelligence | 1419331 |
16. | International Journal of Information Management | Artificial Intelligence | 2684012 |
17. | Knowledge and Information Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 2191377 |
18. | Autonomous Robots | Artificial Intelligence | 9295593 |
19. | International Journal of Robotics Research | Artificial Intelligence | 2783649 |
20. | Jiqiren/Robot | Artificial Intelligence | 10020446 |
21. | Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering | Artificial Intelligence | 10692509 |
22. | International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering | Artificial Intelligence | 2181940 |
23. | Journal of Scheduling | Artificial Intelligence | 10946136 |
24. | Journal of Machine Learning Research | Artificial Intelligence | 15324435 |
25. | Journal of Memory and Language | Artificial Intelligence | 0749596X |
26. | Journal of the ACM | Artificial Intelligence | 45411 |
27. | AI and Society | Artificial Intelligence | 9515666 |
28. | AI Communications | Artificial Intelligence | 9217126 |
29. | AI Magazine | Artificial Intelligence | 7384602 |
30. | Adaptive Behavior | Artificial Intelligence | 10597123 |
31. | Advanced Engineering Informatics | Artificial Intelligence | 14740346 |
32. | Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 10122443 |
33. | Applied Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 8839514 |
34. | Applied Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 0924669X |
35. | Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 43702 |
36. | Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing: AIEDAM | Artificial Intelligence | 8900604 |
37. | Computational Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 8247935 |
38. | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 10641246 |
39. | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine | Artificial Intelligence | 9333657 |
40. | Artificial Intelligence Review | Artificial Intelligence | 2692821 |
41. | Artificial Life | Artificial Intelligence | 10645462 |
42. | Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 13872532 |
43. | Connection Science | Artificial Intelligence | 9540091 |
44. | Constraints | Artificial Intelligence | 13837133 |
45. | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 9521976 |
46. | Expert Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 2664720 |
47. | Expert Systems with Applications | Artificial Intelligence | 9574174 |
48. | Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making | Artificial Intelligence | 15684539 |
49. | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 10636706 |
50. | IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 1628828 |
51. | Inteligencia Artificial | Artificial Intelligence | 11373601 |
52. | International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | Artificial Intelligence | 0888613X |
53. | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 8848173 |
54. | Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal | Artificial Intelligence | 10512004 |
55. | International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 2180014 |
56. | International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 2184885 |
57. | Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research | Artificial Intelligence | 10769757 |
58. | Journal of Automated Reasoning | Artificial Intelligence | 1687433 |
59. | Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 0952813X |
60. | Journal of Heuristics | Artificial Intelligence | 13811231 |
61. | Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications | Artificial Intelligence | 9210296 |
62. | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 9259902 |
63. | Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing | Artificial Intelligence | 9565515 |
64. | Kybernetika | Artificial Intelligence | 235954 |
65. | Knowledge-Based Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 9507051 |
66. | Knowledge Engineering Review | Artificial Intelligence | 2698889 |
67. | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence | 8856125 |
68. | Minds and Machines | Artificial Intelligence | 9246495 |
69. | Neural Computing and Applications | Artificial Intelligence | 9410643 |
70. | Neural Network World | Artificial Intelligence | 12100552 |
71. | Neural Networks | Artificial Intelligence | 8936080 |
72. | Neural Processing Letters | Artificial Intelligence | 13704621 |
73. | Neurocomputing | Artificial Intelligence | 9252312 |
74. | Pattern Analysis and Applications | Artificial Intelligence | 14337541 |
75. | Pattern Recognition | Artificial Intelligence | 313203 |
76. | Pattern Recognition Letters | Artificial Intelligence | 1678655 |
77. | Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle | Artificial Intelligence | 0992499X |
78. | Proceedings – IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation | Artificial Intelligence | 10504729 |
79. | Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing | Artificial Intelligence | 10798587 |
80. | International Journal of Robotics and Automation | Artificial Intelligence | 8268185 |
81. | Informatica (Slovenia) | Artificial Intelligence | 3505596 |
82. | Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing | Artificial Intelligence | 7437315 |
83. | Parallel Computing | Artificial Intelligence | 1678191 |
84. | Fuzzy Sets and Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 1650114 |
85. | Computational Linguistics | Artificial Intelligence | 8912017 |
86. | Journal of Pragmatics | Artificial Intelligence | 3782166 |
87. | Machine Translation | Artificial Intelligence | 9226567 |
88. | Natural Language Engineering | Artificial Intelligence | 13513249 |
89. | Theory and Practice of Logic Programming | Artificial Intelligence | 14710684 |
90. | Design Studies | Artificial Intelligence | 0142694X |
91. | International Journal of Computer Vision | Artificial Intelligence | 9205691 |
92. | Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decision | Artificial Intelligence | 10010920 |
93. | Moshi Shibie yu Rengong Zhineng/Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 10036059 |
94. | Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks | Artificial Intelligence |
95. | IEEE Intelligent Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 15411672 |
96. | IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 10987584 |
97. | Cognitive Processing | Artificial Intelligence | 16124782 |
98. | Artificial Life and Robotics | Artificial Intelligence | 14335298 |
99. | International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 17298806 |
100. | Networks and Spatial Economics | Artificial Intelligence | 1566113X |
101. | Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 13460714 |
102. | Journal of Semantics | Artificial Intelligence | 1675133 |
103. | IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine | Artificial Intelligence | 1556603X |
104. | International Journal of Humanoid Robotics | Artificial Intelligence | 2198436 |
105. | International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools | Artificial Intelligence | 2182130 |
106. | Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics | Artificial Intelligence | 16107438 |
107. | Studies in Computational Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 1860949X |
108. | Understanding Complex Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 18600840 |
109. | Linguistica | Artificial Intelligence | 11320214 |
110. | International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation | Artificial Intelligence | 17442869 |
111. | Intelligent Service Robotics | Artificial Intelligence | 18612776 |
112. | Intelligent Data Analysis | Artificial Intelligence | 1088467X |
113. | Journal of Computer Science | Artificial Intelligence | 15493636 |
114. | Swarm Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 19353812 |
115. | Evolutionary Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 18645909 |
116. | Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence | 19394608 |
117. | Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence | 19358237 |
118. | Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications | Artificial Intelligence | 9226389 |
119. | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 9740635 |
120. | Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics | Artificial Intelligence | 13430130 |
121. | Cognitive Technologies | Artificial Intelligence | 16112482 |
122. | Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 17350654 |
123. | International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics | Artificial Intelligence | 18688071 |
124. | Constructivist Foundations | Artificial Intelligence | 1782348X |
125. | International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 15573958 |
126. | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology | Artificial Intelligence | 21576904 |
127. | Argument and Computation | Artificial Intelligence | 19462166 |
128. | Topics in Cognitive Science | Artificial Intelligence | 17568757 |
129. | Journal of Uncertain Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 17528909 |
130. | International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 13272314 |
131. | Frontiers in Neurorobotics | Artificial Intelligence | 16625218 |
132. | Sistemi Intelligenti | Artificial Intelligence | 11209550 |
133. | i-Perception | Artificial Intelligence | 20416695 |
134. | Intelligent Decision Technologies | Artificial Intelligence | 18724981 |
135. | International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP | Artificial Intelligence | 13138502 |
136. | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 2162237X |
137. | Mendel | Artificial Intelligence | 18033814 |
138. | IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 21682291 |
139. | Information and Control | Artificial Intelligence | 10020411 |
140. | ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 21606455 |
141. | International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation | Artificial Intelligence | 20451059 |
142. | International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology | Artificial Intelligence |
143. | IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica | Artificial Intelligence | 23299266 |
144. | Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition | Artificial Intelligence | 21916586 |
145. | Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics | Artificial Intelligence | 22129391 |
146. | Web Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 24056456 |
147. | Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing | Artificial Intelligence | 16103947 |
148. | International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications | Artificial Intelligence |
149. | Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 18978649 |
150. | Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing | Artificial Intelligence | 2311004X |
151. | Journal on Data Semantics | Artificial Intelligence | 18612032 |
152. | Soft Robotics | Artificial Intelligence | 21695172 |
153. | Progress in Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 21926352 |
154. | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 23798920 |
155. | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research | Artificial Intelligence |
156. | Computability | Artificial Intelligence | 22113568 |
157. | Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research | Artificial Intelligence | 20832567 |
158. | Journal of Cognitive Science | Artificial Intelligence | 15982327 |
159. | SPIIRAS Proceedings | Artificial Intelligence | 20789181 |
160. | Systems Science and Control Engineering | Artificial Intelligence |
161. | Paladyn | Artificial Intelligence |
162. | Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication | Artificial Intelligence | 23221437 |
163. | Cybernetics and Physics | Artificial Intelligence | 22237038 |
164. | Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing | Artificial Intelligence | 16879724 |
165. | International Journal of Software Innovation | Artificial Intelligence | 21667160 |
166. | Law, Innovation and Technology | Artificial Intelligence | 17579961 |
167. | Computer Science | Artificial Intelligence | 15082806 |
168. | Fuzzy Information and Engineering | Artificial Intelligence | 16168658 |
169. | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics | Artificial Intelligence |
170. | Internet of Things | Artificial Intelligence | 21991073 |
171. | Biosystems and Biorobotics | Artificial Intelligence | 21953562 |
172. | International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 15982645 |
173. | Robotics | Artificial Intelligence |
174. | ICT Express | Artificial Intelligence |
175. | ROBOMECH Journal | Artificial Intelligence |
176. | International Journal of Systematic Innovation | Artificial Intelligence | 20777973 |
177. | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking | Artificial Intelligence |
178. | SpringerBriefs in Control, Automation and Robotics | Artificial Intelligence | 21926786 |
179. | International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science | Artificial Intelligence | 19478208 |
180. | International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research | Artificial Intelligence | 19479263 |
181. | Frontiers in Robotics and AI | Artificial Intelligence |
182. | Computational Visual Media | Artificial Intelligence | 20960433 |
183. | Cognitive Science and Technology | Artificial Intelligence | 21953988 |
184. | International Journal of Semantic Computing | Artificial Intelligence | 1793351X |
185. | Journal of Control and Decision | Artificial Intelligence | 23307706 |
186. | Science Robotics | Artificial Intelligence |
187. | International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems | Artificial Intelligence |
188. | International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics | Artificial Intelligence | 24426571 |
189. | Frontiers in ICT | Artificial Intelligence |
190. | Intelligenza Artificiale | Artificial Intelligence | 17248035 |
191. | IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters | Artificial Intelligence |
192. | Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments | Artificial Intelligence | 21994668 |
193. | IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | 20894872 |
194. | International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control | Artificial Intelligence | 9748571 |
195. | IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications | Artificial Intelligence |
196. | Expert Systems with Applications: X | Artificial Intelligence |
197. | ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems | Artificial Intelligence | 2378962X |
198. | Computer Science Journal of Moldova | Artificial Intelligence | 15614042 |
199. | International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications | Artificial Intelligence | 23665971 |
200. | Network Neuroscience | Artificial Intelligence |
201. | International Journal of Data and Network Science | Artificial Intelligence | 25618148 |
202. | CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology | Artificial Intelligence | 24686557 |
203. | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles | Artificial Intelligence |
204. | IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence |
205. | ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction | Artificial Intelligence |
206. | Mekhatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie | Artificial Intelligence | 16846427 |
207. | Nature Machine Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence |
208. | IEEE Transactions on Games | Artificial Intelligence | 24751502 |
209. | Journal of Advances in Information Technology | Artificial Intelligence |
210. | KI – Kunstliche Intelligenz | Artificial Intelligence | 9331875 |
211. | Drones | Artificial Intelligence |
212. | Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research | Artificial Intelligence |
213. | Cybersecurity | Artificial Intelligence | 20964862 |
214. | Big Data and Cognitive Computing | Artificial Intelligence |
215. | Applied Computer Science | Artificial Intelligence | 18953735 |
216. | Journal of Image and Graphics | Artificial Intelligence | 10068961 |
217. | International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering | Artificial Intelligence |
218. | International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) | Artificial Intelligence | 25112104 |
219. | Spatial Information Research | Artificial Intelligence |
220. | International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration | Artificial Intelligence | 23945443 |
221. | Annals of Data Science | Artificial Intelligence | 21985804 |
222. | Big Data Mining and Analytics | Artificial Intelligence |
223. | Applied System Innovation | Artificial Intelligence |
224. | Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life | Artificial Intelligence | 24059021 |
225. | Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi | Artificial Intelligence | 25030477 |
226. | Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery | Artificial Intelligence | 20963467 |
227. | Engineered Science | Artificial Intelligence | 2576988X |