Best SCI Journals for Automotive Engineering are presented below we present a complete solution for your research paper publication, encompassing Journal Selection, Simulated Peer Review, Plagiarism Check, Editing, Journal Formatting, Editing, and Journal Submission. We serve as your all-in-one resource for all publication-related tasks. will guide you in selecting the benchmark journal that boost up your career, looking for best research solution then we are the leading publication company who give you end to end support.
Powertrain and Engine Systems
Vehicle Dynamics and Control
Safety and Crashworthiness
Emissions and Environmental Impact
Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
Thermal Management
List of High Impact Factor Automotive Engineering Journals ,we guarantee adherence to the submission guidelines established by each journal. At, we provide a full suite of journal publication services aimed at facilitating the publication of your manuscript in high-impact factor journals. Our expert assistance is designed to improve your chances of acceptance. Our dedicated team of writers is available to offer unlimited revisions throughout the journal’s peer review process. | Title | Subject Area | Print ISSN |
1. | International Journal of Impact Engineering | Automotive Engineering | 0734743X |
2. | JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control | Automotive Engineering | 10775463 |
3. | Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering | Automotive Engineering | 3037800 |
4. | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | Automotive Engineering | 189545 |
5. | Neiranji Gongcheng/Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Engineering | Automotive Engineering | 10000925 |
6. | Tire Science and Technology | Automotive Engineering | 908657 |
7. | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems | Automotive Engineering | 15249050 |
8. | International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems | Automotive Engineering | 14710226 |
9. | International Journal of Vehicle Design | Automotive Engineering | 1433369 |
10. | Journal of Advanced Transportation | Automotive Engineering | 1976729 |
11. | International Journal of Engine Research | Automotive Engineering | 14680874 |
12. | Transport | Automotive Engineering | 16484142 |
13. | Automotive Industries AI | Automotive Engineering | 10994130 00051527 |
14. | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | Automotive Engineering | 0968090X |
15. | Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour | Automotive Engineering | 13698478 |
16. | Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering | Automotive Engineering | 14281511 |
17. | Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines | Automotive Engineering | 15397734 |
18. | Neiranji Xuebao/Transactions of CSICE (Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines) | Automotive Engineering | 10000909 |
19. | Noise Control Engineering Journal | Automotive Engineering | 7362501 |
20. | Vehicle System Dynamics | Automotive Engineering | 423114 |
21. | International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management | Automotive Engineering | 14709511 |
22. | eb – Elektrische Bahnen | Automotive Engineering | 135437 |
23. | Computer Aided Geometric Design | Automotive Engineering | 1678396 |
24. | Qiche Gongcheng/Automotive Engineering | Automotive Engineering | 1000680X |
25. | ITE Journal (Institute of Transportation Engineers) | Automotive Engineering | 1628178 |
26. | Metal Powder Report | Automotive Engineering | 260657 |
27. | Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering | Automotive Engineering | 16785878 |
28. | International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems | Automotive Engineering | 1744232X |
29. | Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering | Automotive Engineering | 16711637 |
30. | Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems | Automotive Engineering | 15472450 |
31. | International Journal of Automotive Technology | Automotive Engineering | 12299138 |
32. | IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine | Automotive Engineering | 15566072 |
33. | WIT Transactions on the Built Environment | Automotive Engineering | 17433509 |
34. | International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing | Automotive Engineering | 17456436 |
35. | International Journal of Vehicle Safety | Automotive Engineering | 14793105 |
36. | International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration | Automotive Engineering | 14791471 |
37. | International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles | Automotive Engineering | 17514088 |
38. | Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures | Automotive Engineering | 16797817 |
39. | IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine | Automotive Engineering | 19391390 |
40. | International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems | Automotive Engineering | 14710242 |
41. | International Journal of Sustainable Transportation | Automotive Engineering | 15568318 |
42. | European Transport Research Review | Automotive Engineering | 18670717 |
43. | International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research | Automotive Engineering | 18688659 |
44. | SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles | Automotive Engineering | 1946391X |
45. | SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars – Mechanical Systems | Automotive Engineering | 19463995 |
46. | SAE International Journal of Engines | Automotive Engineering | 19463936 |
47. | SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars – Electronic and Electrical Systems | Automotive Engineering | 19464614 |
48. | Advances in Military Technology | Automotive Engineering | 18022308 |
49. | Advances in Transportation Studies | Automotive Engineering | 18245463 |
50. | World Electric Vehicle Journal | Automotive Engineering |
51. | International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics | Automotive Engineering | 17568277 |
52. | European Transport – Trasporti Europei | Automotive Engineering | 18253997 |
53. | International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment | Automotive Engineering | 21503621 |
54. | Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal | Automotive Engineering | 16821130 |
55. | Archives of Transport | Automotive Engineering | 8669546 |
56. | IUTAM Bookseries | Automotive Engineering | 18753507 |
57. | Transport Problems | Automotive Engineering | 18960596 |
58. | International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering | Automotive Engineering | 22298649 |
59. | SAE Technical Papers | Automotive Engineering | 1487191 |
60. | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly | Automotive Engineering | 20483430 |
61. | Vehicular Communications | Automotive Engineering |
62. | MM Science Journal | Automotive Engineering | 18031269 |
63. | International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems | Automotive Engineering | 20496427 |
64. | Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering | Automotive Engineering | 21954356 |
65. | International Journal of Automotive Engineering | Automotive Engineering | 21850984 |
66. | International Journal of Rail Transportation | Automotive Engineering | 23248378 |
67. | Advances in Industrial Control | Automotive Engineering | 14309491 |
68. | IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications | Automotive Engineering | 21871094 |
69. | Propulsion and Power Research | Automotive Engineering |
70. | Ocean Systems Engineering | Automotive Engineering | 20936702 |
71. | WT Werkstattstechnik | Automotive Engineering |
72. | Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering | Automotive Engineering | 21959862 |
73. | Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology | Automotive Engineering | 19853157 |
74. | Unmanned Systems | Automotive Engineering | 23013850 |
75. | Studies in Systems, Decision and Control | Automotive Engineering | 21984182 |
76. | Journal of the Korean Society for Railway | Automotive Engineering | 17386225 |
77. | Emission Control Science and Technology | Automotive Engineering | 21993629 |
78. | International Journal of Powertrains | Automotive Engineering | 17424267 |
79. | Transactions on Maritime Science | Automotive Engineering | 18483305 |
80. | Urban Rail Transit | Automotive Engineering | 21996687 |
81. | IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification | Automotive Engineering |
82. | Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers | Automotive Engineering | 12256382 |
83. | International Journal of Vehicle Performance | Automotive Engineering | 17453194 |
84. | International Journal of Transport Development and Integration | Automotive Engineering | 20588305 |
85. | Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems | Automotive Engineering |
86. | International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology | Automotive Engineering | 20460430 |
87. | Transactions on Transport Sciences | Automotive Engineering |
88. | Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives | Automotive Engineering |
89. | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles | Automotive Engineering |
90. | SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH | Automotive Engineering | 23802162 |
91. | eTransportation | Automotive Engineering |
92. | Automotive Innovation | Automotive Engineering | 20964250 |
93. | SAE International Journal of Electrified Vehicles | Automotive Engineering | 26913747 |
94. | Global Energy Interconnection | Automotive Engineering | 20965117 |
95. | Automotive Experiences | Automotive Engineering | 26156202 |