Best SCI Journals for Building and Construction are mentioned below, you may not an trained expert in all fields of your research, it is advisable to get in touch with we guide you with 100% novel paper free from AI tool. Here are several project ideas and details for performance analysis which we carried out in building and construction using Python:
List of High Impact Factor Building and Construction Journals which we guide you in fast publication are listed below. We guide you with well aligned topics on your areas of interest. Drop to we will give you best guidance. | Title | Subject Area | Print ISSN |
1. | Structural Control and Health Monitoring | Building and Construction | 15452255 |
2. | Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control | Building and Construction | 14613484 02630923 |
3. | Construction History | Building and Construction | 2677768 |
4. | Construction Management and Economics | Building and Construction | 1446193 |
5. | Advances in Structural Engineering | Building and Construction | 13694332 |
6. | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology | Building and Construction | 8867798 |
7. | Journal of Information Technology in Construction | Building and Construction | 18744753 |
8. | Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management | Building and Construction | 9699988 |
9. | ASHRAE Journal | Building and Construction | 12491 |
10. | ENR (Engineering News-Record) | Building and Construction | 8919526 |
11. | Engineering Journal | Building and Construction | 138029 |
12. | Heron | Building and Construction | 467316 |
13. | Engineered Systems | Building and Construction | 8919976 |
14. | International Journal of Refrigeration | Building and Construction | 1407007 |
15. | Highways | Building and Construction | 1426168 |
16. | Indian Concrete Journal | Building and Construction | 194565 |
17. | Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings | Building and Construction | 9650911 |
18. | Journal of Composites for Construction | Building and Construction | 10900268 |
19. | Journal of Construction Engineering and Management – ASCE | Building and Construction | 7339364 |
20. | Journal of Constructional Steel Research | Building and Construction | 0143974X |
21. | Journal of Earthquake Engineering | Building and Construction | 13632469 |
22. | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | Building and Construction | 8991561 |
23. | Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities | Building and Construction | 8873828 |
24. | Journal of Structural Engineering (Madras) | Building and Construction | 9700137 |
25. | Journal of Structural Engineering | Building and Construction | 7339445 |
26. | Jianzhu Cailiao Xuebao/Journal of Building Materials | Building and Construction | 10079629 |
27. | Jianzhu Jiegou Xuebao/Journal of Building Structures | Building and Construction | 10006869 |
28. | Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology | Building and Construction | 13468014 |
29. | Journal of Bridge Engineering | Building and Construction | 10840702 |
30. | Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction | Building and Construction | 10840680 |
31. | Magazine of Concrete Research | Building and Construction | 249831 |
32. | Materiales de Construccion | Building and Construction | 4652746 |
33. | Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions | Building and Construction | 13595997 |
34. | Stahlbau | Building and Construction | 389145 |
35. | Structural Concrete | Building and Construction | 14644177 |
36. | Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings | Building and Construction | 15417794 |
37. | Structural Engineer | Building and Construction | 14665123 |
38. | Structural Engineering International: Journal of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) | Building and Construction | 10168664 |
39. | Structural Safety | Building and Construction | 1674730 |
40. | Teknik Dergi/Technical Journal of Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers | Building and Construction | 13003453 |
41. | Tumu Gongcheng Xuebao/China Civil Engineering Journal | Building and Construction | 1000131X |
42. | Tunnels and Tunnelling International | Building and Construction | 20541236 13693999 |
43. | Wind and Structures, An International Journal | Building and Construction | 12266116 |
44. | World Dredging, Mining and Constructions | Building and Construction | 10450343 |
45. | Indoor Air | Building and Construction | 9056947 |
46. | Noise Control Engineering Journal | Building and Construction | 7362501 |
47. | Structural Engineering and Mechanics | Building and Construction | 12254568 |
48. | Thin-Walled Structures | Building and Construction | 2638231 |
49. | Diqiu Kexue – Zhongguo Dizhi Daxue Xuebao/Earth Science – Journal of China University of Geosciences | Building and Construction | 10002383 |
50. | Cement and Concrete Composites | Building and Construction | 9589465 |
51. | Cement and Concrete Research | Building and Construction | 88846 |
52. | Construction and Building Materials | Building and Construction | 9500618 |
53. | Automation in Construction | Building and Construction | 9265805 |
54. | ACI Materials Journal | Building and Construction | 0889325X |
55. | ACI Structural Journal | Building and Construction | 8893241 |
56. | Advances in Cement Research | Building and Construction | 9517197 |
57. | Bauingenieur | Building and Construction | 56650 |
58. | Bauphysik | Building and Construction | 1715445 |
59. | Bautechnik | Building and Construction | 09328351 03405044 |
60. | Beton- und Stahlbetonbau | Building and Construction | 59900 |
61. | Betonwerk und Fertigteil-Technik/Concrete Precasting Plant and Technology | Building and Construction | 3734331 |
62. | International Journal of Ambient Energy | Building and Construction | 1430750 |
63. | Building and Environment | Building and Construction | 3601323 |
64. | Building Engineer | Building and Construction | 9698213 |
65. | Building Research and Information | Building and Construction | 9613218 |
66. | Building Services Engineering Research and Technology | Building and Construction | 1436244 |
67. | Buildings | Building and Construction |
68. | Geotechnical Special Publication | Building and Construction | 8950563 |
69. | Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | Building and Construction | 16713664 |
70. | Steel and Composite Structures | Building and Construction | 12299367 |
71. | Applied Energy | Building and Construction | 3062619 |
72. | Energy | Building and Construction | 3605442 |
73. | Energy and Buildings | Building and Construction | 3787788 |
74. | Energy Engineering: Journal of the Association of Energy Engineers | Building and Construction | 1998595 |
75. | Xi’an Jianzhu Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology | Building and Construction | 10067930 |
76. | Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures | Building and Construction | 1028365X |
77. | International Journal of Space Structures | Building and Construction | 02663511 09560599 |
78. | Chang’an Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Chang’an University (Natural Science Edition) | Building and Construction | 16718879 |
79. | Journal of Architectural Engineering | Building and Construction | 10760431 |
80. | International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics | Building and Construction | 2194554 |
81. | ASHRAE Transactions | Building and Construction | 12505 |
82. | Facilities | Building and Construction | 2632772 |
83. | International Journal of Construction Education and Research | Building and Construction | 15503984 |
84. | Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Bridge Engineering | Building and Construction | 14784637 |
85. | Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering | Building and Construction | 1570761X |
86. | Journal of Building Physics | Building and Construction | 17442591 |
87. | International Journal of Ventilation | Building and Construction | 14733315 |
88. | SDHM Structural Durability and Health Monitoring | Building and Construction | 19302983 |
89. | Journal of Architectural Conservation | Building and Construction | 13556207 |
90. | WIT Transactions on the Built Environment | Building and Construction | 17433509 |
91. | Structure and Infrastructure Engineering | Building and Construction | 15732479 |
92. | Georisk | Building and Construction | 17499518 |
93. | Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Ground Improvement | Building and Construction | 17550750 |
94. | Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering | Building and Construction | 13467581 |
95. | Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering | Building and Construction | 1822427X |
96. | Informes de la Construccion | Building and Construction | 200883 |
97. | Revista de la Construccion | Building and Construction | 7177925 |
98. | Journal of Building Performance Simulation | Building and Construction | 19401493 |
99. | International Journal of Construction Management | Building and Construction | 15623599 |
100. | Advances in Building Energy Research | Building and Construction | 17512549 |
101. | Building Simulation | Building and Construction | 19963599 |
102. | Cement, Wapno, Beton | Building and Construction | 14258129 |
103. | Architectural Engineering and Design Management | Building and Construction | 17452007 |
104. | Ingenieria e Investigacion | Building and Construction | 1205609 |
105. | Advanced Steel Construction | Building and Construction | 1816112X |
106. | Journal of Green Building | Building and Construction | 15526100 |
107. | Open Construction and Building Technology Journal | Building and Construction | 18748368 |
108. | Micro and Nanosystems | Building and Construction | 18764029 |
109. | Intelligent Buildings International | Building and Construction | 17508975 |
110. | Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering | Building and Construction | 13404202 |
111. | AIJ Journal of Technology and Design | Building and Construction | 13419463 |
112. | Construction Innovation | Building and Construction | 14714175 |
113. | Advances in Acoustics and Vibration | Building and Construction | 16876261 |
114. | International Journal of Architectural Computing | Building and Construction | 14780771 |
115. | Ingegneria Sismica | Building and Construction | 3931420 |
116. | Building Acoustics | Building and Construction | 1351010X |
117. | Journal of Construction in Developing Countries | Building and Construction | 18236499 |
118. | International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment | Building and Construction | 17595908 |
119. | Bridge Structures | Building and Construction | 15732487 |
120. | Malaysian Construction Research Journal | Building and Construction | 19853807 |
121. | CTBUH Journal | Building and Construction | 19461186 |
122. | Masonry International | Building and Construction | 9502289 |
123. | Revista Ingenieria de Construccion | Building and Construction | 7162952 |
124. | RILEM Bookseries | Building and Construction | 22110844 |
125. | Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica | Building and Construction | 22135812 |
126. | International Journal of Protective Structures | Building and Construction | 20414196 |
127. | Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences | Building and Construction | 17329353 |
128. | Bridge Construction | Building and Construction | 10034722 |
129. | International Journal of GEOMATE | Building and Construction | 21862982 |
130. | International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development | Building and Construction | 2093761X |
131. | Vytapeni, Vetrani, Instalace | Building and Construction | 12101389 |
132. | Structures | Building and Construction |
133. | Smart and Sustainable Built Environment | Building and Construction | 20466099 |
134. | Journal of Building Engineering | Building and Construction |
135. | Construction Economics and Building | Building and Construction |
136. | Science and Technology for the Built Environment | Building and Construction | 23744731 |
137. | Frontiers of Architectural Research | Building and Construction |
138. | Journal of Design and Built Environment | Building and Construction | 18234208 |
139. | Journal of Accessibility and Design for All | Building and Construction | 20137087 |
140. | TECHNE | Building and Construction |
141. | Lean Construction Journal | Building and Construction |
142. | International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management | Building and Construction | 11790776 |
143. | International Review of Civil Engineering | Building and Construction | 20369913 |
144. | RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports | Building and Construction | 2213204X |
145. | Magazine of Civil Engineering | Building and Construction | 20714726 |
146. | International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation | Building and Construction |
147. | Progress in Steel Building Structures | Building and Construction | 16719379 |
148. | Advances in Concrete Construction | Building and Construction | 22875301 |
149. | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A | Building and Construction | 22502149 |
150. | Journal of Thermal Engineering | Building and Construction |
151. | Steel Construction | Building and Construction | 18670520 |
152. | Curved and Layered Structures | Building and Construction |
153. | Journal of Facade Design and Engineering | Building and Construction | 2213302X |
154. | ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering | Building and Construction |
155. | International Journal of High-Rise Buildings | Building and Construction | 22347224 |
156. | Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions | Building and Construction | 20690509 |
157. | Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute | Building and Construction | 12295515 |
158. | Innovative Infrastructure Solutions | Building and Construction | 23644176 |
159. | Glass Structures and Engineering | Building and Construction | 23635142 |
160. | SpringerBriefs in Architectural Design and Technology | Building and Construction | 2199580X |
161. | Frontiers in Built Environment | Building and Construction |
162. | Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance | Building and Construction | 24705314 |
163. | International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology | Building and Construction | 21803242 |
164. | International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation | Building and Construction | 20569459 |
165. | Tumu yu Huanjing Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Building and Construction | 20966717 |
166. | Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering | Building and Construction | 20299990 |
167. | Underground Space (China) | Building and Construction | 20962754 |
168. | In_Bo | Building and Construction |
169. | Infrastructures | Building and Construction |
170. | Sustainable Mediterranean Construction | Building and Construction | 23851546 |
171. | Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure | Building and Construction | 23789689 |
172. | Architecture and Engineering | Building and Construction |
173. | Structural Integrity | Building and Construction | 2522560X |
174. | Habitat Sustentable | Building and Construction |
175. | Fire | Building and Construction |
176. | Staleta Praha | Building and Construction | 2316056 |
177. | Civil Engineering Journal (Iran) | Building and Construction | 26766957 |
178. | Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering | Building and Construction | 16732049 |
179. | International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering | Building and Construction | 25879618 |
180. | Organization, Technology and Management in Construction | Building and Construction |
181. | Vitruvio | Building and Construction |
182. | Engineering Project Organization Journal | Building and Construction | 21573727 |
183. | Nanotechnologies in Construction | Building and Construction |
184. | Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea | Building and Construction | 27336239 |
185. | Journal of Rehabilitation in Civil Engineering | Building and Construction | 23454415 |