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List Of High Impact Factor Clinical Psychology Journals are shared we offer unparalleled research paper writing and fast publication of your paper in leading jouranals. We also adhere that you paper is in correct formatting guidelines as per the journals. | Title | Subject Area | Print ISSN |
1. | Journal of Trauma and Dissociation | Clinical Psychology | 15299732 |
2. | Journal of Traumatic Stress | Clinical Psychology | 8949867 |
3. | Anxiety, Stress and Coping | Clinical Psychology | 10615806 |
4. | Archives of Suicide Research | Clinical Psychology | 13811118 |
5. | Arts in Psychotherapy | Clinical Psychology | 1974556 |
6. | Assessment | Clinical Psychology | 10731911 |
7. | Behavior Modification | Clinical Psychology | 1454455 |
8. | Behavior Therapy | Clinical Psychology | 57894 |
9. | Behavioral Sciences and the Law | Clinical Psychology | 7353936 |
10. | Behaviour Change | Clinical Psychology | 8134839 |
11. | Behaviour Research and Therapy | Clinical Psychology | 57967 |
12. | Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy | Clinical Psychology | 13524658 |
13. | Mental Health, Religion and Culture | Clinical Psychology | 13674676 |
14. | Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology | Clinical Psychology | 13803395 |
15. | British Journal of Clinical Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 1446657 |
16. | Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment | Clinical Psychology | 7342829 |
17. | Child and Family Behavior Therapy | Clinical Psychology | 7317107 |
18. | Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review | Clinical Psychology | 10964037 |
19. | Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice | Clinical Psychology | 9695893 |
20. | Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy | Clinical Psychology | 10633995 |
21. | Clinical Psychology Review | Clinical Psychology | 2727358 |
22. | Cognitive and Behavioral Practice | Clinical Psychology | 10777229 |
23. | Cognitive Behaviour Therapy | Clinical Psychology | 16506073 |
24. | Cognitive Therapy and Research | Clinical Psychology | 1475916 |
25. | Psicologia Conductual | Clinical Psychology | 11329483 |
26. | Contemporary Family Therapy | Clinical Psychology | 8922764 |
27. | Contemporary Psychoanalysis | Clinical Psychology | 107530 |
28. | Psychoanalytic Dialogues | Clinical Psychology | 10481885 |
29. | Psychoanalytic Inquiry | Clinical Psychology | 7351690 |
30. | Psychoanalytic Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 7369735 |
31. | Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy | Clinical Psychology | 2668734 |
32. | Psychoanalytic Quarterly | Clinical Psychology | 332828 |
33. | Psychoanalytic Review | Clinical Psychology | 332836 |
34. | Psychological Assessment | Clinical Psychology | 10403590 |
35. | Counselling Psychology Quarterly | Clinical Psychology | 9515070 |
36. | Death Studies | Clinical Psychology | 7481187 |
37. | Depression and Anxiety | Clinical Psychology | 10914269 |
38. | Diagnostica | Clinical Psychology | 121924 |
39. | Eating Behaviors | Clinical Psychology | 14710153 |
40. | Eating Disorders | Clinical Psychology | 10640266 |
41. | Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice | Clinical Psychology | 14760835 |
42. | Psychotherapies | Clinical Psychology | 0251737X |
43. | Psychotherapy | Clinical Psychology | 333204 |
44. | Psychotherapy Research | Clinical Psychology | 10503307 |
45. | European Eating Disorders Review | Clinical Psychology | 10724133 |
46. | Rehabilitation Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 905550 |
47. | Family Process | Clinical Psychology | 147370 |
48. | Forum der Psychoanalyse | Clinical Psychology | 1787667 |
49. | Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology | Clinical Psychology | 8876177 |
50. | Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy | Clinical Psychology | 15092046 |
51. | Behavioral Interventions | Clinical Psychology | 10720847 |
52. | Deviant Behavior | Clinical Psychology | 1639625 |
53. | British Journal of Psychotherapy | Clinical Psychology | 2659883 |
54. | Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse | Clinical Psychology | 352942 |
55. | Sante Mentale au Quebec | Clinical Psychology | 3836320 |
56. | Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity | Clinical Psychology | 10720162 |
57. | Sexual and Relationship Therapy | Clinical Psychology | 14681994 |
58. | International Forum of Psychoanalysis | Clinical Psychology | 0803706X |
59. | International Journal of Group Psychotherapy | Clinical Psychology | 207284 |
60. | International Journal of Psychoanalysis | Clinical Psychology | 207578 |
61. | Comprehensive Psychiatry | Clinical Psychology | 0010440X |
62. | Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences | Clinical Psychology | 2530716 |
63. | Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior | Clinical Psychology | 3630234 |
64. | Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma | Clinical Psychology | 10926771 |
65. | Journal of Analytical Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 218774 |
66. | Journal of Anxiety Disorders | Clinical Psychology | 8876185 |
67. | Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research | Clinical Psychology | 10712089 |
68. | Journal of Child Psychotherapy | Clinical Psychology | 0075417X |
69. | Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 15374416 |
70. | Journal of Clinical Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 219762 |
71. | Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings | Clinical Psychology | 10689583 |
72. | Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy | Clinical Psychology | 8898391 |
73. | Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 0022006X |
74. | Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy | Clinical Psychology | 220116 |
75. | Journal of Counseling Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 220167 |
76. | Eating and Weight Disorders | Clinical Psychology | 11244909 |
77. | Journal of Family Psychotherapy | Clinical Psychology | 8975353 |
78. | Journal of Marital and Family Therapy | Clinical Psychology | 0194472X |
79. | Giornale Italiano di Psicopatologia | Clinical Psychology | 15921107 |
80. | Zeitschrift fur Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie | Clinical Psychology | 16163443 |
81. | Behaviormetrika | Clinical Psychology | 3857417 |
82. | Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society | Clinical Psychology | 13556177 |
83. | International Psychogeriatrics | Clinical Psychology | 10416102 |
84. | Journal of Affective Disorders | Clinical Psychology | 1650327 |
85. | Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease | Clinical Psychology | 13872877 |
86. | Journal of Attention Disorders | Clinical Psychology | 10870547 |
87. | Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry | Clinical Psychology | 57916 |
88. | Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders | Clinical Psychology | 10634266 |
89. | Journal of Family Therapy | Clinical Psychology | 1634445 |
90. | Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 14789949 |
91. | Journal of Rehabilitation | Clinical Psychology | 224154 |
92. | Journal of Psychosomatic Research | Clinical Psychology | 223999 |
93. | Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic | Clinical Psychology | 259284 |
94. | Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders | Clinical Psychology | 8930341 |
95. | American Journal of Psychotherapy | Clinical Psychology | 29564 |
96. | Neuropsychiatrie | Clinical Psychology | 9486259 |
97. | PPmP Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie | Clinical Psychology | 09372032 01737937 |
98. | Counseling and Values | Clinical Psychology | 1607960 |
99. | Psychodynamic Practice | Clinical Psychology | 14753634 |
100. | Psychopathology | Clinical Psychology | 2544962 |
101. | Journal of Genetic Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 221325 |
102. | Psychoterapia | Clinical Psychology | 2394170 |
103. | Psychotherapeut | Clinical Psychology | 9356185 |
104. | Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics | Clinical Psychology | 333190 |
105. | Research in Developmental Disabilities | Clinical Psychology | 8914222 |
106. | Salud Mental | Clinical Psychology | 1853325 |
107. | Sleep and Hypnosis | Clinical Psychology | 13021192 |
108. | Stress and Health | Clinical Psychology | 15322998 |
109. | Verhaltenstherapie | Clinical Psychology | 10166262 |
110. | Zeitschrift fur Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie | Clinical Psychology | 14224917 |
111. | Zeitschrift fur Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie | Clinical Psychology | 14383608 |
112. | Journal of Family Violence | Clinical Psychology | 8857482 |
113. | Journal of Interpersonal Violence | Clinical Psychology | 8862605 |
114. | Behavioral Disorders | Clinical Psychology | 1987429 |
115. | Child Language Teaching and Therapy | Clinical Psychology | 2656590 |
116. | Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties | Clinical Psychology | 13632752 |
117. | Intervention in School and Clinic | Clinical Psychology | 10534512 |
118. | Political Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 0162895X |
119. | Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry | Clinical Psychology | 13591045 |
120. | Addictive Behaviors | Clinical Psychology | 3064603 |
121. | American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse | Clinical Psychology | 952990 |
122. | American Journal on Addictions | Clinical Psychology | 10550496 |
123. | Journal of Addictive Diseases | Clinical Psychology | 10550887 |
124. | Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment | Clinical Psychology | 7405472 |
125. | Psychology of Addictive Behaviors | Clinical Psychology | 0893164X |
126. | International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis | Clinical Psychology | 207144 |
127. | Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Clinical Psychology | 0167482X |
128. | American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and other Dementias | Clinical Psychology | 15333175 |
129. | Clinical Gerontologist | Clinical Psychology | 7317115 |
130. | Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy | Clinical Psychology | 8854726 |
131. | Children’s Health Care | Clinical Psychology | 2739615 |
132. | Aggression and Violent Behavior | Clinical Psychology | 13591789 |
133. | American Journal of Psychoanalysis | Clinical Psychology | 29548 |
134. | Journal of Child Sexual Abuse | Clinical Psychology | 10538712 |
135. | Journal of Personality Assessment | Clinical Psychology | 223891 |
136. | Journal of Personality Disorders | Clinical Psychology | 0885579X |
137. | Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment | Clinical Psychology | 8822689 |
138. | Journal of Rational – Emotive and Cognitive – Behavior Therapy | Clinical Psychology | 8949085 |
139. | Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy | Clinical Psychology | 0092623X |
140. | Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 7367236 |
141. | Neurologia-Neurocirugia Psiquiatria | Clinical Psychology | 283851 |
142. | Psychology, Health and Medicine | Clinical Psychology | 13548506 |
143. | Clinical Neuropsychologist | Clinical Psychology | 13854046 |
144. | Psihoterapija | Clinical Psychology | 3503186 |
145. | Therapeutic Communities | Clinical Psychology | 9641866 |
146. | Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association | Clinical Psychology | 30651 |
147. | Clinical Case Studies | Clinical Psychology | 15346501 |
148. | Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale | Clinical Psychology | 11261072 |
149. | Journal of Psychotherapy Integration | Clinical Psychology | 10530479 |
150. | Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review | Clinical Psychology | 1062301 |
151. | Art Therapy | Clinical Psychology | 7421656 |
152. | The American Journal of Family Therapy | Clinical Psychology | 1926187 |
153. | Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry | Clinical Psychology | 15594343 |
154. | Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health | Clinical Psychology | 17280583 |
155. | Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane | Clinical Psychology | 3942864 |
156. | International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 16972600 |
157. | Palliative and Supportive Care | Clinical Psychology | 14789515 |
158. | Zeitschrift fur Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie | Clinical Psychology | 16614747 |
159. | Annual Review of Clinical Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 15485943 |
160. | Journal of College Student Psychotherapy | Clinical Psychology | 87568225 |
161. | Journal of Creativity in Mental Health | Clinical Psychology | 15401383 |
162. | Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling | Clinical Psychology | 15538605 |
163. | Advances in Special Education | Clinical Psychology | 2704013 |
164. | Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna | Clinical Psychology | 16446313 |
165. | Avances en Psicologia Latinoamericana | Clinical Psychology | 17944724 |
166. | Psychological Services | Clinical Psychology | 15411559 |
167. | Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders | Clinical Psychology | 17509467 |
168. | Connexions | Clinical Psychology | 3373126 |
169. | Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy | Clinical Psychology | 17432979 |
170. | The Clinical Supervisor | Clinical Psychology | 7325223 |
171. | Tizard Learning Disability Review | Clinical Psychology | 13595474 |
172. | Journal of Poetry Therapy | Clinical Psychology | 8893675 |
173. | Journal of Muslim Mental Health | Clinical Psychology | 15564908 |
174. | International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy | Clinical Psychology | 15777057 |
175. | Psycho-Oncologie | Clinical Psychology | 17783798 |
176. | Psicologia Clinica | Clinical Psychology | 1035665 |
177. | Psihologijske Teme | Clinical Psychology | 13320742 |
178. | Psicooncologia | Clinical Psychology | 16967240 |
179. | Addiction science & clinical practice | Clinical Psychology | 19400632 |
180. | International Journal of Art Therapy: Inscape | Clinical Psychology | 17454832 |
181. | Terapia Psicologica | Clinical Psychology | 7166184 |
182. | Clinical Psychology Forum | Clinical Psychology | 17475732 |
183. | Counselor Education and Supervision | Clinical Psychology | 110035 |
184. | Sleep Medicine Clinics | Clinical Psychology | 1556407X |
185. | Cliniques Mediterraneennes | Clinical Psychology | 7627491 |
186. | Gestalt | Clinical Psychology | 11545232 |
187. | Travailler | Clinical Psychology | 16205340 |
188. | Imaginaire et Inconscient | Clinical Psychology | 16289676 |
189. | Etudes sur la Mort | Clinical Psychology | 11570466 |
190. | Savoirs et Clinique | Clinical Psychology | 16343298 |
191. | Revue de Psychotherapie Psychanalytique de Groupe | Clinical Psychology | 2971194 |
192. | Cahiers Critiques de Therapie Familiale et de Pratiques de Reseaux | Clinical Psychology | 13728202 |
193. | Topique | Clinical Psychology | 409375 |
194. | Cahiers de Psychologie Clinique | Clinical Psychology | 1370074X |
195. | Figures de la Psychanalyse | Clinical Psychology | 16233883 |
196. | International Journal of Play Therapy | Clinical Psychology | 15556824 |
197. | Counselling and Psychotherapy Research | Clinical Psychology | 14733145 |
198. | Rorschachiana | Clinical Psychology | 11925604 |
199. | Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy | Clinical Psychology | 19429681 |
200. | Advances in Cognitive Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 18951171 |
201. | Revista Latinoamericana de Psicopatologia Fundamental | Clinical Psychology | 14154714 |
202. | Rivista Di Psicoanalisi | Clinical Psychology | 356492 |
203. | Health Psychology Review | Clinical Psychology | 17437199 |
204. | Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling | Clinical Psychology | 10553835 |
205. | ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders | Clinical Psychology | 18666116 |
206. | Clinical Psychologist | Clinical Psychology | 13284207 |
207. | Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health | Clinical Psychology | 19359705 |
208. | Postepy Psychiatrii i Neurologii | Clinical Psychology | 12302813 |
209. | Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment | Clinical Psychology | 19492715 |
210. | Partner Abuse | Clinical Psychology | 19466560 |
211. | European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling | Clinical Psychology | 13642537 |
212. | Social Psychological and Personality Science | Clinical Psychology | 19485506 |
213. | Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine | Clinical Psychology | 2537176 |
214. | Verhaltenstherapie und Verhaltensmedizin | Clinical Psychology | 10131973 |
215. | Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome | Clinical Psychology | 22398031 |
216. | Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition | Clinical Psychology | 22113681 |
217. | Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo | Clinical Psychology | 1824078X |
218. | Tempo Psicanalitico | Clinical Psychology | 1014838 |
219. | Revista de Psicopatologia y Psicologia Clinica | Clinical Psychology | 11365420 |
220. | Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders | Clinical Psychology | 22113649 |
221. | Drugs and Alcohol Today | Clinical Psychology | 17459265 |
222. | Infant Observation | Clinical Psychology | 13698036 |
223. | Psychodynamic Psychiatry | Clinical Psychology | 21622590 |
224. | Journal of Gambling Issues | Clinical Psychology | 19107595 |
225. | Depression Research and Treatment | Clinical Psychology | 20901321 |
226. | Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour | Clinical Psychology | 20508824 |
227. | Clinical Psychological Science | Clinical Psychology | 21677026 |
228. | Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy | Clinical Psychology | 15289168 |
229. | Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies | Clinical Psychology | 14779757 |
230. | Journal of Behavioral Addictions | Clinical Psychology | 20625871 |
231. | Clinica y Salud | Clinical Psychology | 11305274 |
232. | Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios | Clinical Psychology |
233. | Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies | Clinical Psychology | 23600853 |
234. | Psychology, Society and Education | Clinical Psychology | 21712085 |
235. | Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research | Clinical Psychology | 20908334 |
236. | International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction | Clinical Psychology | 22518711 |
237. | Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 22201122 |
238. | Health Psychology Open | Clinical Psychology |
239. | Nevrologiya, Neiropsikhiatriya, Psikhosomatika | Clinical Psychology | 20742711 |
240. | Existenzanalyse | Clinical Psychology | 10247033 |
241. | Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 21694826 |
242. | International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation | Clinical Psychology | 21573883 |
243. | Psychology of Consciousness: Theory Research, and Practice | Clinical Psychology | 23265523 |
244. | Spirituality in Clinical Practice | Clinical Psychology | 23264500 |
245. | Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice | Clinical Psychology | 21604096 |
246. | Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology | Clinical Psychology |
247. | Psihologia Resurselor Umane | Clinical Psychology | 15837327 |
248. | Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation | Clinical Psychology |
249. | Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology | Clinical Psychology |
250. | Kairos | Clinical Psychology | 18549373 |
251. | Neuropsychopharmacology Reports | Clinical Psychology |
252. | Perspectives on Behavior Science | Clinical Psychology | 25208969 |
253. | Revista de Psicologia de la Salud | Clinical Psychology | 2146118 |
254. | Cognitive Behaviour Therapist | Clinical Psychology |
255. | Corps and Psychisme | Clinical Psychology | 24964476 |
256. | Journal of Experimental Psychopathology | Clinical Psychology |
257. | Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy | Clinical Psychology |
258. | Language and Psychoanalysis | Clinical Psychology |
259. | Transactional Analysis Journal | Clinical Psychology | 3621537 |
260. | Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry | Clinical Psychology |
261. | Revista de Psicologia Clinica con Ninos y Adolescentes | Clinical Psychology |
262. | Psychoanalysis, Self and Context | Clinical Psychology | 24720038 |
263. | Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 17354315 |
264. | Beyond Behavior | Clinical Psychology | 10742956 |
265. | Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy | Clinical Psychology | 22976981 |
266. | Neuroscience of Consciousness | Clinical Psychology |
267. | Health Psychology Research | Clinical Psychology |
268. | Psychoterapie | Clinical Psychology | 18023983 |
269. | Counselling Psychology Review | Clinical Psychology | 17572142 |
270. | Autism and Developmental Language Impairments | Clinical Psychology |
271. | Health Psychology Report | Clinical Psychology | 23534184 |
272. | Archives of psychiatry research | Clinical Psychology | 26711079 |
273. | Current Addiction Reports | Clinical Psychology |
274. | Medico-Biological and Socio-Psychological Issues of Safety in Emergency Situations | Clinical Psychology | 19954441 |
275. | Chronic Stress | Clinical Psychology |
276. | Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy | Clinical Psychology | 20753470 |
277. | European Journal of Health Psychology | Clinical Psychology | 25128442 |
278. | Intervention | Clinical Psychology | 15718883 |
279. | Psychologie Clinique et Projective | Clinical Psychology | 12655449 |
280. | Archives of Mental Health | Clinical Psychology | 25899171 |
281. | Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities | Clinical Psychology |
282. | Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry | Clinical Psychology | 26672979 |
283. | Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy | Clinical Psychology | 26663473 |