Best Sci Journals for Computer Science Applications are shared below follow our expert’s advice to get your paper published on free journals with our extensive experience in editing and reviewing for leading international publications, our publication specialists provide complete support throughout your entire submission journey. Take advantage of our expert guidance to significantly enhance the likelihood of your paper’s acceptance.
Key Areas of Performance Analysis in Computer Science Applications
List Of High Impact Factor Computer Science Applications Journals are shared below our team is dedicated to crafting your paper in strict accordance with the submission guidelines of these journals. | Title | Subject Area | Print ISSN |
1. | Modeling, Identification and Control | Computer Science Applications | 3327353 |
2. | Simulation and Gaming | Computer Science Applications | 10468781 |
3. | International Journal of Control | Computer Science Applications | 207179 |
4. | International Journal of General Systems | Computer Science Applications | 3081079 |
5. | Photogrammetric Record | Computer Science Applications | 0031868X |
6. | MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems | Computer Science Applications | 2767783 |
7. | Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing | Computer Science Applications | 9236082 |
8. | International Journal of Systems Science | Computer Science Applications | 207721 |
9. | Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 17415977 |
10. | Real-Time Systems | Computer Science Applications | 9226443 |
11. | Information Processing and Management | Computer Science Applications | 3064573 |
12. | International Journal of Technology Management | Computer Science Applications | 2675730 |
13. | Xitong Gongcheng Lilun yu Shijian/System Engineering Theory and Practice | Computer Science Applications | 10006788 |
14. | Machine Vision and Applications | Computer Science Applications | 9328092 |
15. | RAIRO – Operations Research | Computer Science Applications | 3990559 |
16. | RAIRO – Theoretical Informatics and Applications | Computer Science Applications | 9883754 |
17. | Journal of Computational Physics | Computer Science Applications | 219991 |
18. | Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics | Computer Science Applications | 14684349 |
19. | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | Computer Science Applications | 13845810 |
20. | Xitong Fangzhen Xuebao / Journal of System Simulation | Computer Science Applications | 1004731X |
21. | Problems of Information Transmission | Computer Science Applications | 329460 |
22. | INFOR | Computer Science Applications | 3155986 |
23. | Information Processing Letters | Computer Science Applications | 200190 |
24. | International Journal of Information Technology and Management | Computer Science Applications | 14614111 |
25. | Journal of Process Control | Computer Science Applications | 9591524 |
26. | Multibody System Dynamics | Computer Science Applications | 13845640 |
27. | Information Technology for Development | Computer Science Applications | 2681102 |
28. | Proceedings of the IEEE VLSI Test Symposium | Computer Science Applications |
29. | Flow Measurement and Instrumentation | Computer Science Applications | 9555986 |
30. | Electronic Commerce Research and Applications | Computer Science Applications | 15674223 |
31. | World Patent Information | Computer Science Applications | 1722190 |
32. | Journal of Information Technology in Construction | Computer Science Applications | 18744753 |
33. | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | Computer Science Applications | 189448 |
34. | Information Sciences | Computer Science Applications | 200255 |
35. | Information Services and Use | Computer Science Applications | 1675265 |
36. | Online Information Review | Computer Science Applications | 14684527 |
37. | Electronic Library | Computer Science Applications | 2640473 |
38. | Information Systems Management | Computer Science Applications | 10580530 |
39. | IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology | Computer Science Applications | 1536125X |
40. | International Journal of Computers and Applications | Computer Science Applications | 1206212X |
41. | International Journal of Nanoscience | Computer Science Applications | 0219581X |
42. | Journal of Organizational and End User Computing | Computer Science Applications | 15462234 |
43. | International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems | Computer Science Applications | 2188430 |
44. | Journal of Management Information Systems | Computer Science Applications | 7421222 |
45. | Dongbei Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northeastern University | Computer Science Applications | 10053026 |
46. | IEEE Transactions on Multimedia | Computer Science Applications | 15209210 |
47. | International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow | Computer Science Applications | 9615539 |
48. | IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience | Computer Science Applications | 15361241 |
49. | Proceedings – Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE | Computer Science Applications | 15394565 01905848 |
50. | IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging | Computer Science Applications | 2780062 |
51. | Internet and Higher Education | Computer Science Applications | 10967516 |
52. | Journal of Digital Imaging | Computer Science Applications | 8971889 |
53. | IEEE Communications Magazine | Computer Science Applications | 1636804 |
54. | Defence Science Journal | Computer Science Applications | 0011748X |
55. | IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control | Computer Science Applications | 189286 |
56. | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 10414347 |
57. | BMC Bioinformatics | Computer Science Applications | 14712105 |
58. | Bioinformatics | Computer Science Applications | 13674803 |
59. | Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 10255842 |
60. | Computers in Biology and Medicine | Computer Science Applications | 104825 |
61. | International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications | Computer Science Applications | 989886 |
62. | Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing | Computer Science Applications | 1400118 |
63. | Advanced Robotics | Computer Science Applications | 1691864 |
64. | IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine | Computer Science Applications | 10709932 |
65. | Industrial Robot | Computer Science Applications | 0143991X |
66. | Robotica | Computer Science Applications | 2635747 |
67. | Robotics and Autonomous Systems | Computer Science Applications | 9218890 |
68. | Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing | Computer Science Applications | 7365845 |
69. | Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 11343060 |
70. | Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 10939687 |
71. | CAD Computer Aided Design | Computer Science Applications | 104485 |
72. | Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 457825 |
73. | Computers and Geotechnics | Computer Science Applications | 0266352X |
74. | Computers and Structures | Computer Science Applications | 457949 |
75. | Control Engineering Practice | Computer Science Applications | 9670661 |
76. | Engineering Computations | Computer Science Applications | 2644401 |
77. | Engineering with Computers | Computer Science Applications | 1770667 |
78. | Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 10692509 |
79. | International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing | Computer Science Applications | 0951192X |
80. | International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields | Computer Science Applications | 8943370 |
81. | International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 10964290 |
82. | Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking | Computer Science Applications | 16871472 |
83. | Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication | Computer Science Applications | 10836101 |
84. | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems | Computer Science Applications | 15249050 |
85. | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids | Computer Science Applications | 2712091 |
86. | Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 8873801 |
87. | Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management | Computer Science Applications | 1741038X |
88. | Production Planning and Control | Computer Science Applications | 9537287 |
89. | Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization | Computer Science Applications | 1615147X |
90. | ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems | Computer Science Applications | 10844309 |
91. | Proceedings – IEEE Computer Society’s International Computer Software and Applications Conference | Computer Science Applications | 07303157 07306512 |
92. | Proceedings – International Symposium on Computers and Communications | Computer Science Applications | 15301346 |
93. | Information and Software Technology | Computer Science Applications | 9505849 |
94. | Kyokai Joho Imeji Zasshi/Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers | Computer Science Applications | 13426907 |
95. | Journal of Educational Computing Research | Computer Science Applications | 7356331 |
96. | Journal of Advanced Transportation | Computer Science Applications | 1976729 |
97. | IEEE Communications Letters | Computer Science Applications | 10897798 |
98. | Social Science Computer Review | Computer Science Applications | 8944393 |
99. | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | Computer Science Applications | 15361276 |
100. | IEEE Wireless Communications | Computer Science Applications | 15361284 |
101. | User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction | Computer Science Applications | 9241868 |
102. | ITU News | Computer Science Applications | 10204148 |
103. | ACM Transactions on Information Systems | Computer Science Applications | 10468188 |
104. | Computational Economics | Computer Science Applications | 9277099 |
105. | IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics | Computer Science Applications | 10834435 |
106. | Queueing Systems | Computer Science Applications | 2570130 |
107. | Industrial Management and Data Systems | Computer Science Applications | 2635577 |
108. | International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology | Computer Science Applications | 9528091 |
109. | International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction | Computer Science Applications | 10447318 |
110. | International Journal of Network Management | Computer Science Applications | 10557148 |
111. | International Journal of Services, Technology and Management | Computer Science Applications | 14606720 |
112. | Journal of High Technology Management Research | Computer Science Applications | 10478310 |
113. | Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce | Computer Science Applications | 10919392 |
114. | Scientific Programming | Computer Science Applications | 10589244 |
115. | CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and Lectures | Computer Science Applications | 2541971 |
116. | International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology | Computer Science Applications | 2683768 |
117. | International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management | Computer Science Applications | 13682148 |
118. | Journal of Forecasting | Computer Science Applications | 2776693 |
119. | Journal of Global Information Management | Computer Science Applications | 10627375 |
120. | Wireless Personal Communications | Computer Science Applications | 9296212 |
121. | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | Computer Science Applications | 0968090X |
122. | Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 5776686 |
123. | Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 15309827 |
124. | Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing | Computer Science Applications | 10653090 |
125. | Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME | Computer Science Applications | 10871357 |
126. | Journal of Materials Processing Technology | Computer Science Applications | 9240136 |
127. | Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions Of the ASME | Computer Science Applications | 10500472 |
128. | Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments | Computer Science Applications | 10241752 |
129. | Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing | Computer Science Applications | 8883270 |
130. | Mechanism and Machine Theory | Computer Science Applications | 0094114X 03741052 |
131. | Mechatronics | Computer Science Applications | 9574158 |
132. | Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME | Computer Science Applications | 220434 |
133. | Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals | Computer Science Applications | 10407790 |
134. | Mathematics of Operations Research | Computer Science Applications | 0364765X |
135. | Natural Computing | Computer Science Applications | 15677818 |
136. | Operations Research | Computer Science Applications | 0030364X |
137. | Personal and Ubiquitous Computing | Computer Science Applications | 16174909 |
138. | Informacion Tecnologica | Computer Science Applications | 7168756 |
139. | Diqiu Kexue – Zhongguo Dizhi Daxue Xuebao/Earth Science – Journal of China University of Geosciences | Computer Science Applications | 10002383 |
140. | Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong/Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS | Computer Science Applications | 10065911 |
141. | Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University | Computer Science Applications | 10000054 |
142. | Logos (Netherlands) | Computer Science Applications | 9579656 |
143. | ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation | Computer Science Applications | 10493301 |
144. | Algorithmica | Computer Science Applications | 1784617 |
145. | Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening | Computer Science Applications | 13862073 |
146. | BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making | Computer Science Applications | 14726947 |
147. | Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine | Computer Science Applications | 1692607 |
148. | Speech Communication | Computer Science Applications | 1676393 |
149. | Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems | Computer Science Applications | 10637125 |
150. | Journal of Biomedical Informatics | Computer Science Applications | 15320464 |
151. | Journal of Cryptology | Computer Science Applications | 9332790 |
152. | IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference | Computer Science Applications | 15502252 07400551 |
153. | Expert Systems with Applications | Computer Science Applications | 9574174 |
154. | Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines | Computer Science Applications | 13892576 |
155. | Scientometrics | Computer Science Applications | 1389130 |
156. | Computers, Materials and Continua | Computer Science Applications | 15462218 |
157. | Computing (Vienna/New York) | Computer Science Applications | 0010485X |
158. | Computational Geosciences | Computer Science Applications | 14200597 |
159. | Calphad: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry | Computer Science Applications | 3645916 |
160. | Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems | Computer Science Applications | 1697439 |
161. | Computers and Chemical Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 981354 |
162. | Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design | Computer Science Applications | 0920654X |
163. | Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry | Computer Science Applications | 2196336 |
164. | Match | Computer Science Applications | 3406253 |
165. | Neurocomputing | Computer Science Applications | 9252312 |
166. | Dynamical Systems | Computer Science Applications | 14689367 |
167. | Automatisierungstechnik | Computer Science Applications | 1782312 |
168. | IEEE Pervasive Computing | Computer Science Applications | 15361268 |
169. | INFORMS Journal on Computing | Computer Science Applications | 10919856 |
170. | IT Professional | Computer Science Applications | 15209202 |
171. | Dianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systems | Computer Science Applications | 10001026 |
172. | International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems | Computer Science Applications | 15986446 |
173. | Journal Europeen des Systemes Automatises | Computer Science Applications | 12696935 |
174. | Informatica (Slovenia) | Computer Science Applications | 3505596 |
175. | Information and Computation | Computer Science Applications | 8905401 |
176. | IEEE Multimedia | Computer Science Applications | 1070986X |
177. | New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia | Computer Science Applications | 13614568 |
178. | Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization | Computer Science Applications | 1630563 |
179. | Designs, Codes, and Cryptography | Computer Science Applications | 9251022 |
180. | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | Computer Science Applications | 16616596 |
181. | Journal of Electronic Imaging | Computer Science Applications | 10179909 |
182. | IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine | Computer Science Applications | 1531636X |
183. | Journal of Computer Science and Technology | Computer Science Applications | 10009000 |
184. | Journal of Computer Assisted Learning | Computer Science Applications | 2664909 |
185. | Computer Music Journal | Computer Science Applications | 1489267 |
186. | Journal of Electronic Packaging, Transactions of the ASME | Computer Science Applications | 10437398 |
187. | Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications | Computer Science Applications | 1063293X |
188. | International Journal for Engineering Modelling | Computer Science Applications | 13301365 |
189. | Computational Linguistics | Computer Science Applications | 8912017 |
190. | Theory and Decision | Computer Science Applications | 405833 |
191. | Kinetics and Catalysis | Computer Science Applications | 231584 |
192. | Language Learning and Technology | Computer Science Applications | 10943501 |
193. | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking | Computer Science Applications | 10636692 |
194. | Journal of Network and Computer Applications | Computer Science Applications | 10848045 |
195. | Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems | Computer Science Applications | 2196867 |
196. | Xi’an Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xidian University | Computer Science Applications | 10012400 |
197. | Digital Investigation | Computer Science Applications | 17422876 |
198. | Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience | Computer Science Applications | 15320626 |
199. | International Journal of Modern Physics C | Computer Science Applications | 1291831 |
200. | Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications | Computer Science Applications | 15261719 |
201. | COMPEL – The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 3321649 |
202. | Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications | Computer Science Applications | 9257721 |
203. | International Journal of Computer Mathematics | Computer Science Applications | 207160 |
204. | Inverse Problems | Computer Science Applications | 2665611 |
205. | Journal of Combinatorial Optimization | Computer Science Applications | 13826905 |
206. | Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems | Computer Science Applications | 13873954 |
207. | CMES – Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences | Computer Science Applications | 15261492 |
208. | Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 9650393 |
209. | Engineering Optimization | Computer Science Applications | 0305215X |
210. | ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing | Computer Science Applications | 9242716 |
211. | Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology | Computer Science Applications | 2197200 |
212. | ISA Transactions | Computer Science Applications | 190578 |
213. | Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research | Computer Science Applications | 0424267X |
214. | Computers and Electronics in Agriculture | Computer Science Applications | 1681699 |
215. | IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON | Computer Science Applications | 21593442 |
216. | Design Studies | Computer Science Applications | 0142694X |
217. | Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 0277786X |
218. | NTT Technical Review | Computer Science Applications | 13483447 |
219. | IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Digest of Technical Papers | Computer Science Applications | 10923152 |
220. | International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations | Computer Science Applications | 14709503 |
221. | International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies | Computer Science Applications |
222. | Journal of Cultural Heritage | Computer Science Applications | 12962074 |
223. | Journal of Molecular Modeling | Computer Science Applications | 16102940 |
224. | Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | Computer Science Applications | 16711793 |
225. | IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems | Computer Science Applications |
226. | International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) | Computer Science Applications |
227. | Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology | Computer Science Applications |
228. | Journal of Global Optimization | Computer Science Applications | 9255001 |
229. | IEEE AFRICON Conference | Computer Science Applications | 21530025 |
230. | Journal of Cases on Information Technology | Computer Science Applications | 15487717 |
231. | IEEE Transactions on Robotics | Computer Science Applications | 15523098 |
232. | Journal of Imaging Science and Technology | Computer Science Applications | 10623701 |
233. | IETE Journal of Research | Computer Science Applications | 3772063 |
234. | Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling | Computer Science Applications | 15499596 |
235. | Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations | Computer Science Applications | 15392937 |
236. | Information Technology and People | Computer Science Applications | 9593845 |
237. | International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition | Computer Science Applications | 14332833 |
238. | International Journal of Simulation Modelling | Computer Science Applications | 17264529 |
239. | Computer Assisted Language Learning | Computer Science Applications | 9588221 |
240. | International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems | Computer Science Applications | 17298806 |
241. | Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems | Computer Science Applications | 15472450 |
242. | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | Computer Science Applications | 15513203 |
243. | Multiscale Modeling and Simulation | Computer Science Applications | 15403459 |
244. | Revue Francaise de Photogrammetrie et de Teledetection | Computer Science Applications | 17689791 |
245. | Mondo Digitale | Computer Science Applications | 1720898X |
246. | Informatik-Spektrum | Computer Science Applications | 1706012 |
247. | International Journal of Distance Education Technologies | Computer Science Applications | 15393100 |
248. | Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference | Computer Science Applications | 8917736 |
249. | Australian Educational Computing | Computer Science Applications | 8169020 |
250. | Cognition, Technology and Work | Computer Science Applications | 14355558 |
251. | ITNOW | Computer Science Applications | 17465702 |
252. | Interactive Learning Environments | Computer Science Applications | 10494820 |
253. | Journal of Interactive Learning Research | Computer Science Applications | 1093023X |
254. | Ethics and Information Technology | Computer Science Applications | 13881957 |
255. | Ecological Informatics | Computer Science Applications | 15749541 |
256. | Electronic Government | Computer Science Applications | 17407494 |
257. | Pervasive and Mobile Computing | Computer Science Applications | 15741192 |
258. | Informatics in Education | Computer Science Applications | 16485831 |
259. | Journal of Field Robotics | Computer Science Applications | 15564959 |
260. | International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery | Computer Science Applications | 18616410 |
261. | TechTrends | Computer Science Applications | 87563894 |
262. | Technical Services Quarterly | Computer Science Applications | 7317131 |
263. | Data Science Journal | Computer Science Applications | 16831470 |
264. | International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery | Computer Science Applications | 1478596X |
265. | Mathematical Structures in Computer Science | Computer Science Applications | 9601295 |
266. | Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation | Computer Science Applications | 15499618 |
267. | IET Control Theory and Applications | Computer Science Applications | 17518644 |
268. | Journal of Informetrics | Computer Science Applications | 17511577 |
269. | International Journal of Automation and Computing | Computer Science Applications | 14768186 |
270. | Advances in Data Analysis and Classification | Computer Science Applications | 18625347 |
271. | IET Communications | Computer Science Applications | 17518628 |
272. | Smart Structures and Systems | Computer Science Applications | 17381584 |
273. | Publishing Research Quarterly | Computer Science Applications | 10538801 |
274. | WIT Transactions on the Built Environment | Computer Science Applications | 17433509 |
275. | Technology, Pedagogy and Education | Computer Science Applications | 1475939X |
276. | International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control | Computer Science Applications | 17466172 |
277. | ReCALL | Computer Science Applications | 9583440 |
278. | Information and Communications Technology Law | Computer Science Applications | 13600834 |
279. | Leonardo | Computer Science Applications | 0024094X |
280. | Leonardo Music Journal | Computer Science Applications | 9611215 |
281. | Technoetic Arts | Computer Science Applications | 1477965X |
282. | International Journal of Value Chain Management | Computer Science Applications | 17415357 |
283. | Dianji yu Kongzhi Xuebao/Electric Machines and Control | Computer Science Applications | 1007449X |
284. | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research | Computer Science Applications | 7181876 |
285. | Source Code for Biology and Medicine | Computer Science Applications | 17510473 |
286. | Modelling and Simulation in Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 16875591 |
287. | Journal of Control Science and Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 16875249 |
288. | International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics | Computer Science Applications | 1741539X |
289. | BMC Systems Biology | Computer Science Applications | 17520509 |
290. | Journal of Environmental Informatics | Computer Science Applications | 17262135 |
291. | Pollack Periodica | Computer Science Applications | 17881994 |
292. | International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling | Computer Science Applications | 17402123 |
293. | International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies | Computer Science Applications | 17442621 |
294. | Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction | Computer Science Applications | 15513955 |
295. | Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems | Computer Science Applications | 1751570X |
296. | International Transactions in Operational Research | Computer Science Applications | 9696016 |
297. | Enterprise Information Systems | Computer Science Applications | 17517575 |
298. | International Journal of Manufacturing Research | Computer Science Applications | 17500591 |
299. | Computer Aided Chemical Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 15707946 |
300. | Data Handling in Science and Technology | Computer Science Applications | 9223487 |
301. | Evolutionary Bioinformatics | Computer Science Applications |
302. | IEEE Systems Journal | Computer Science Applications | 19328184 |
303. | International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control | Computer Science Applications | 18419836 |
304. | International Journal of e-Collaboration | Computer Science Applications | 15483673 |
305. | International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education | Computer Science Applications | 15501876 |
306. | International Journal of Knowledge Management | Computer Science Applications | 15480666 |
307. | IEEE Transactions on Haptics | Computer Science Applications | 19391412 |
308. | International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems | Computer Science Applications | 15481115 |
309. | International Journal of e-Business Research | Computer Science Applications | 15481131 |
310. | Transport and Telecommunication | Computer Science Applications | 14076160 |
311. | Jiaotong Yunshu Xitong Gongcheng Yu Xinxi/ Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology | Computer Science Applications | 10096744 |
312. | Networks and Heterogeneous Media | Computer Science Applications | 15561801 |
313. | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Computer Science Applications | 15369323 |
314. | Language Documentation and Conservation | Computer Science Applications | 19345275 |
315. | International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing | Computer Science Applications | 1741847X |
316. | International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications | Computer Science Applications | 14690268 |
317. | Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 14727978 |
318. | Statistical Analysis and Data Mining | Computer Science Applications | 19321864 |
319. | Bioinformatics and Biology Insights | Computer Science Applications | 11779322 |
320. | International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection | Computer Science Applications | 18745482 |
321. | BioData Mining | Computer Science Applications | 17560381 |
322. | International Journal of Computer Science and Applications | Computer Science Applications | 9729038 |
323. | E-Learning | Computer Science Applications | 17418887 |
324. | International Journal of Biometrics | Computer Science Applications | 17558301 |
325. | International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 17533465 |
326. | Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society | Computer Science Applications | 18266223 |
327. | International Journal of Information and Communication Technology | Computer Science Applications | 14666642 |
328. | International Review of Law, Computers and Technology | Computer Science Applications | 13600869 |
329. | Journal of Building Performance Simulation | Computer Science Applications | 19401493 |
330. | IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine | Computer Science Applications | 19391390 |
331. | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing | Computer Science Applications | 19391374 |
332. | International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems | Computer Science Applications | 14710242 |
333. | Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy | Computer Science Applications | 17506166 |
334. | Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage | Computer Science Applications | 15564673 |
335. | International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies | Computer Science Applications | 17438268 |
336. | International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies | Computer Science Applications | 15481093 |
337. | Journal of Web Librarianship | Computer Science Applications | 19322909 |
338. | Logistics Research | Computer Science Applications | 1865035X |
339. | Cognitive Computation | Computer Science Applications | 18669956 |
340. | International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research | Computer Science Applications | 18688659 |
341. | Journal of Cheminformatics | Computer Science Applications | 17582946 |
342. | Electronic Markets | Computer Science Applications | 10196781 |
343. | International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design | Computer Science Applications | 17560756 |
344. | Journal of Internet Services and Applications | Computer Science Applications | 18674828 |
345. | IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies | Computer Science Applications | 19391382 |
346. | Organised Sound | Computer Science Applications | 13557718 |
347. | Information Technology and Control | Computer Science Applications | 1392124X |
348. | Mobile Information Systems | Computer Science Applications | 1574017X |
349. | Frontiers in Neuroinformatics | Computer Science Applications | 16625196 |
350. | Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems | Computer Science Applications | 17350654 |
351. | Evolving Systems | Computer Science Applications | 18686478 |
352. | Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking | Computer Science Applications | 21522715 |
353. | Artnodes | Computer Science Applications | 16955951 |
354. | Social Network Analysis and Mining | Computer Science Applications | 18695450 |
355. | Dynamic Games and Applications | Computer Science Applications | 21530785 |
356. | Interdisciplinary sciences, computational life sciences | Computer Science Applications | 19132751 |
357. | OPSEARCH | Computer Science Applications | 303887 |
358. | Advances in Bioinformatics | Computer Science Applications | 16878027 |
359. | Egyptian Informatics Journal | Computer Science Applications | 11108665 |
360. | TripleC | Computer Science Applications | 1726670X |
361. | International Journal of Web Portals | Computer Science Applications | 19380194 |
362. | ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing | Computer Science Applications | 19367228 |
363. | International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations | Computer Science Applications | 19423888 |
364. | International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies | Computer Science Applications | 17510589 |
365. | International Journal of Digital Earth | Computer Science Applications | 17538947 |
366. | Information Security Journal | Computer Science Applications | 19393555 |
367. | International Journal of Image and Data Fusion | Computer Science Applications | 19479832 |
368. | American Journal of Distance Education | Computer Science Applications | 8923647 |
369. | Technology, Knowledge and Learning | Computer Science Applications | 22111662 |
370. | Intelligent Buildings International | Computer Science Applications | 17508975 |
371. | CALICO Journal | Computer Science Applications |
372. | Laboratory Phonology | Computer Science Applications | 18686346 |
373. | Annals of GIS | Computer Science Applications | 19475683 |
374. | IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology | Computer Science Applications |
375. | IPSJ Transactions on Bioinformatics | Computer Science Applications |
376. | Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences | Computer Science Applications | 18463312 |
377. | Argument and Computation | Computer Science Applications | 19462166 |
378. | International Journal of Sensor Networks | Computer Science Applications | 17481279 |
379. | International Journal of Architectural Computing | Computer Science Applications | 14780771 |
380. | International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing | Computer Science Applications | 17939623 |
381. | Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry | Computer Science Applications | 11786949 |
382. | Molecular Informatics | Computer Science Applications | 18681743 |
383. | Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting | Computer Science Applications | 15541908 |
384. | Journal of Multiscale Modeling | Computer Science Applications | 17569737 |
385. | International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development | Computer Science Applications | 17531942 |
386. | Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural | Computer Science Applications | 11355948 |
387. | Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences | Computer Science Applications | 19350090 |
388. | Journal of Rail Transport Planning and Management | Computer Science Applications | 22109706 |
389. | International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management | Computer Science Applications | 17591163 |
390. | Journal of Mathematical Cryptology | Computer Science Applications | 18622976 |
391. | International Journal of Arts and Technology | Computer Science Applications | 17548853 |
392. | Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series | Computer Science Applications | 12236934 |
393. | Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science | Computer Science Applications | 17590876 |
394. | Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds | Computer Science Applications | 1757191X |
395. | International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments | Computer Science Applications | 19478518 |
396. | Annals of Library and Information Studies | Computer Science Applications | 9725423 |
397. | Electronic Journal of e-Learning | Computer Science Applications | 14794403 |
398. | Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural-Resource Sciences | Computer Science Applications | 19467664 |
399. | International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and its Applications | Computer Science Applications | 20748523 |
400. | TAL Traitement Automatique des Langues | Computer Science Applications | 12489433 |
401. | Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry | Computer Science Applications | 20908865 |
402. | New Mathematics and Natural Computation | Computer Science Applications | 17930057 |
403. | International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development | Computer Science Applications | 19416253 |
404. | Policy and Internet | Computer Science Applications |
405. | Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy | Computer Science Applications | 8096724 |
406. | Journal of Electronic Commerce Research | Computer Science Applications | 19389027 |
407. | Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science | Computer Science Applications | 15593940 |
408. | Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making | Computer Science Applications | 15553434 |
409. | International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics | Computer Science Applications | 17529131 |
410. | International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP | Computer Science Applications | 13138502 |
411. | Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology | Computer Science Applications | 17579880 |
412. | International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation | Computer Science Applications | 1746725X |
413. | International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning | Computer Science Applications | 17535255 |
414. | International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology | Computer Science Applications | 17572657 |
415. | Journal of Modern Transportation | Computer Science Applications | 2095087X |
416. | Journal of Music, Technology and Education | Computer Science Applications | 17527066 |
417. | RSC Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Series | Computer Science Applications | 20413181 |
418. | International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications | Computer Science Applications | 1947315X |
419. | Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Proceedings – Series of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI) | Computer Science Applications | 16175468 |
420. | Research in Learning Technology | Computer Science Applications | 21567069 |
421. | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | Computer Science Applications | 2162237X |
422. | Journal of Information and Knowledge Management | Computer Science Applications | 2196492 |
423. | Digital Education Review | Computer Science Applications | 20139144 |
424. | Journal of Aerospace Information Systems | Computer Science Applications |
425. | Astronomy and Computing | Computer Science Applications | 22131337 |
426. | Preservation, Digital Technology and Culture | Computer Science Applications | 21952965 |
427. | International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions | Computer Science Applications | 1748569X |
428. | Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems | Computer Science Applications | 21953880 |
429. | International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies | Computer Science Applications |
430. | Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology | Computer Science Applications | 18025943 |
431. | IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics | Computer Science Applications | 21682194 |
432. | Applied Clinical Informatics | Computer Science Applications |
433. | International Journal of Technologies in Learning | Computer Science Applications | 23270144 |
434. | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems | Computer Science Applications | 21682216 |
435. | Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications | Computer Science Applications | 20935374 |
436. | CALL-EJ | Computer Science Applications | 21879036 |
437. | Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage | Computer Science Applications | 22120548 |
438. | Semantic Web | Computer Science Applications | 15700844 |
439. | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics | Computer Science Applications | 21682267 |
440. | IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems | Computer Science Applications | 21682291 |
441. | International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences | Computer Science Applications | 17567017 |
442. | Information and Control | Computer Science Applications | 10020411 |
443. | Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 22138986 |
444. | International Journal of Electronic Governance | Computer Science Applications | 17427509 |
445. | Journal of Research on Technology in Education | Computer Science Applications | 15391523 |
446. | Information Technology and Tourism | Computer Science Applications | 10983058 |
447. | Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia | Computer Science Applications | 10558896 |
448. | Journal of Biomedical Semantics | Computer Science Applications |
449. | Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal | Computer Science Applications |
450. | Komp’juternaja Lingvistika i Intellektual’nye Tehnologii | Computer Science Applications | 22217932 |
451. | IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine | Computer Science Applications | 21622248 |
452. | IEEE Internet of Things Journal | Computer Science Applications | 23274662 |
453. | IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing | Computer Science Applications | 21687161 |
454. | IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing | Computer Science Applications | 21686750 |
455. | Big Data Research | Computer Science Applications | 22145796 |
456. | IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 23274697 |
457. | Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics | Computer Science Applications | 22129391 |
458. | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies | Computer Science Applications |
459. | International Journal of Electronic Finance | Computer Science Applications | 17460069 |
460. | Algorithmic Finance | Computer Science Applications | 21585571 |
461. | EPJ Data Science | Computer Science Applications |
462. | International Journal of Information and Learning Technology | Computer Science Applications | 20564880 |
463. | GigaScience | Computer Science Applications |
464. | Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation | Computer Science Applications | 21954968 |
465. | SoftwareX | Computer Science Applications |
466. | International Journal of Electronic Business | Computer Science Applications | 14706067 |
467. | Sovremennye Problemy Distantsionnogo Zondirovaniya Zemli iz Kosmosa | Computer Science Applications | 20707401 |
468. | International Series in Operations Research and Management Science | Computer Science Applications | 8848289 |
469. | Interaction Design and Architecture(s) | Computer Science Applications | 18269745 |
470. | JALT CALL Journal | Computer Science Applications | 18324215 |
471. | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | Computer Science Applications | 17293774 |
472. | Scientific data | Computer Science Applications |
473. | Computational Methods in Applied Sciences | Computer Science Applications | 18713033 |
474. | Development Engineering | Computer Science Applications |
475. | Journal of Computational Finance | Computer Science Applications | 14601559 |
476. | Digital Scholarship in the Humanities | Computer Science Applications | 20557671 |
477. | International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education | Computer Science Applications |
478. | Communication, Culture and Critique | Computer Science Applications | 17539129 |
479. | Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing | Computer Science Applications | 15673200 |
480. | Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization | Computer Science Applications | 21681163 |
481. | Games for health journal | Computer Science Applications | 2161783X |
482. | Big Data | Computer Science Applications | 21676461 |
483. | Journal of Machine Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 18957595 |
484. | South African Computer Journal | Computer Science Applications | 10157999 |
485. | Bulletin of TICMI | Computer Science Applications | 15120082 |
486. | International Biomechanics | Computer Science Applications |
487. | Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express | Computer Science Applications |
488. | Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts | Computer Science Applications | 16469798 |
489. | African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development | Computer Science Applications | 20421338 |
490. | African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education | Computer Science Applications | 18117295 |
491. | Computability | Computer Science Applications | 22113568 |
492. | Journal of Computing Science and Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 19764677 |
493. | Pakistan Journal of Information Management and Libraries | Computer Science Applications |
494. | Journal of Pathology Informatics | Computer Science Applications | 22295089 |
495. | Bioprinting | Computer Science Applications | 24058866 |
496. | Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy | Computer Science Applications | 22031693 |
497. | SLAS Technology | Computer Science Applications | 24726303 |
498. | Information Processing in Agriculture | Computer Science Applications |
499. | Information and Learning Science | Computer Science Applications |
500. | Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications | Computer Science Applications | 23066172 |
501. | International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing | Computer Science Applications | 22117938 |
502. | Eurasip Journal on Information Security | Computer Science Applications | 16874161 |
503. | | Computer Science Applications | 20385366 |
504. | Archeologia e Calcolatori | Computer Science Applications | 11206861 |
505. | International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control | Computer Science Applications | 22103279 |
506. | Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication | Computer Science Applications | 23221437 |
507. | Journal of Enabling Technologies | Computer Science Applications |
508. | Periodica polytechnica Electrical engineering and computer science | Computer Science Applications | 20645260 |
509. | Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing | Computer Science Applications | 16879724 |
510. | International Journal of Software Innovation | Computer Science Applications | 21667160 |
511. | International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management | Computer Science Applications | 19479638 |
512. | Virtual Archaeology Review | Computer Science Applications |
513. | Computational Toxicology | Computer Science Applications | 24681113 |
514. | Law, Innovation and Technology | Computer Science Applications | 17579961 |
515. | Internet of Things | Computer Science Applications | 21991073 |
516. | Applied Sciences (Switzerland) | Computer Science Applications |
517. | Nature Biomedical Engineering | Computer Science Applications |
518. | International Journal of Standardization Research | Computer Science Applications | 24708542 |
519. | International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems | Computer Science Applications | 15982645 |
520. | Texto Livre | Computer Science Applications |
521. | Lecture Notes in Educational Technology | Computer Science Applications | 21964963 |
522. | Publications | Computer Science Applications |
523. | International Journal of Technology Marketing | Computer Science Applications | 1741878X |
524. | Social Media and Society | Computer Science Applications |
525. | Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations | Computer Science Applications | 24096008 |
526. | mSystems | Computer Science Applications |
527. | npj Computational Materials | Computer Science Applications |
528. | Mechatronic Systems and Control | Computer Science Applications | 25611771 |
529. | Brain Informatics | Computer Science Applications | 21984018 |
530. | Quantitative Biology | Computer Science Applications | 20954689 |
531. | IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging | Computer Science Applications |
532. | Journal of Cybersecurity | Computer Science Applications |
533. | International Journal of E-Planning Research | Computer Science Applications | 21609918 |
534. | Computer Research and Modeling | Computer Science Applications | 20767633 |
535. | Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences | Computer Science Applications |
536. | International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics | Computer Science Applications | 17571170 |
537. | International Journal of Cloud Computing | Computer Science Applications | 20439989 |
538. | Systems and Control: Foundations and Applications | Computer Science Applications | 23249749 |
539. | Visualization in Engineering | Computer Science Applications |
540. | Current Opinion in Systems Biology | Computer Science Applications |
541. | International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications | Computer Science Applications | 1941627X |
542. | SCIRES-IT | Computer Science Applications |
543. | ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems | Computer Science Applications | 23740353 |
544. | International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing | Computer Science Applications | 19478283 |
545. | Applied Computing and Informatics | Computer Science Applications |
546. | Campus Virtuales | Computer Science Applications |
547. | International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching | Computer Science Applications | 21557098 |
548. | International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research | Computer Science Applications | 19479263 |
549. | Advanced Biomedical Engineering | Computer Science Applications |
550. | Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies | Computer Science Applications |
551. | International Journal on E-Learning: Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education | Computer Science Applications | 15372456 |
552. | International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies | Computer Science Applications |
553. | Engineering and Applied Science Research | Computer Science Applications | 25396161 |
554. | Frontiers in Robotics and AI | Computer Science Applications |
555. | International Journal of Image and Graphics | Computer Science Applications | 2194678 |
556. | Computational Social Networks | Computer Science Applications |
557. | Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics | Computer Science Applications | 25917285 |
558. | Cognitive Science and Technology | Computer Science Applications | 21953988 |
559. | International Journal of Vehicle Performance | Computer Science Applications | 17453194 |
560. | International Journal of Semantic Computing | Computer Science Applications | 1793351X |
561. | Foundations and Trends in Programming Languages | Computer Science Applications | 23251107 |
562. | Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling | Computer Science Applications |
563. | Computer Assisted Surgery | Computer Science Applications |
564. | npj Systems Biology and Applications | Computer Science Applications |
565. | ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing | Computer Science Applications | 23294949 |
566. | Science Robotics | Computer Science Applications |
567. | Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management | Computer Science Applications |
568. | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | Computer Science Applications | 21532974 |
569. | Smart Health | Computer Science Applications |
570. | Journal of Biomedical Informatics: X | Computer Science Applications | 2590177X |
571. | Education Sciences | Computer Science Applications |
572. | IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology | Computer Science Applications |
573. | Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science | Computer Science Applications |
574. | International Journal of Aerospace Psychology | Computer Science Applications | 24721840 |
575. | Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology | Computer Science Applications |
576. | Journal of Computational Physics: X | Computer Science Applications | 25900552 |
577. | International Journal on Engineering Applications | Computer Science Applications | 22812881 |
578. | Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion | Computer Science Applications | 11338482 |
579. | Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning | Computer Science Applications | 21998663 |
580. | IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters | Computer Science Applications |
581. | Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications | Computer Science Applications |
582. | Data Science and Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 23641185 |
583. | Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments | Computer Science Applications | 21994668 |
584. | Informatsionno-Upravliaiushchie Sistemy | Computer Science Applications | 16848853 |
585. | International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control | Computer Science Applications | 9748571 |
586. | Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia | Computer Science Applications |
587. | International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements | Computer Science Applications | 20460546 |
588. | Education in the Knowledge Society | Computer Science Applications |
589. | Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science | Computer Science Applications | 22993649 |
590. | Advances in E-Business Research Series | Computer Science Applications | 19352700 |
591. | BMJ Health and Care Informatics | Computer Science Applications |
592. | Journal of Computational Geometry | Computer Science Applications | 1920180X |
593. | IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications | Computer Science Applications |
594. | Cutter business technology journal | Computer Science Applications | 24753718 |
595. | Springer Series on Cultural Computing | Computer Science Applications | 21959056 |
596. | Journal of Special Education Technology | Computer Science Applications | 1626434 |
597. | International Journal of Telerehabilitation | Computer Science Applications |
598. | Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification | Computer Science Applications | 23772158 |
599. | International Journal of Information and Education Technology | Computer Science Applications |
600. | International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 20476841 |
601. | Expert Systems with Applications: X | Computer Science Applications |
602. | Journal of Computers in Education | Computer Science Applications | 21979987 |
603. | Digital Health | Computer Science Applications |
604. | Data | Computer Science Applications |
605. | International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age | Computer Science Applications | 23344520 |
606. | Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics | Computer Science Applications | 25424491 |
607. | Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta – Upravlenie, Vychislitel’naya Tekhnika i Informatika | Computer Science Applications | 19988605 |
608. | Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems | Computer Science Applications |
609. | Moving Image Review and Art Journal | Computer Science Applications | 20456298 |
610. | Journal of Learning Analytics | Computer Science Applications |
611. | Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching | Computer Science Applications |
612. | ASEAN Engineering Journal | Computer Science Applications |
613. | International Journal of Space Science and Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 20488459 |
614. | International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging | Computer Science Applications |
615. | Big Data and Society | Computer Science Applications |
616. | Journal of Internet Services and Information Security | Computer Science Applications | 21822069 |
617. | Caracteres | Computer Science Applications |
618. | Journal of Cryptologic Research | Computer Science Applications | 20957025 |
619. | Computer Science Journal of Moldova | Computer Science Applications | 15614042 |
620. | International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications | Computer Science Applications | 23665971 |
621. | Journal of ICT Standardization | Computer Science Applications | 2245800X |
622. | Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications | Computer Science Applications | 16135113 |
623. | Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems | Computer Science Applications | 25206478 |
624. | Journal of Education and e-Learning Research | Computer Science Applications | 25180169 |
625. | eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government | Computer Science Applications |
626. | Network Neuroscience | Computer Science Applications |
627. | Infrastructures | Computer Science Applications |
628. | Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN | Computer Science Applications | 1344889 |
629. | Journal of System and Management Sciences | Computer Science Applications | 18166075 |
630. | SiSal Journal | Computer Science Applications |
631. | Acta Informatica Pragensia | Computer Science Applications |
632. | Science and Innovation | Computer Science Applications | 24099066 |
633. | Multimodal Technologies and Interaction | Computer Science Applications |
634. | Methods, Data, Analyses | Computer Science Applications | 18646956 |
635. | Musica Tecnologia | Computer Science Applications | 19740042 |
636. | International Journal of Data and Network Science | Computer Science Applications | 25618148 |
637. | Information Sciences Letters | Computer Science Applications | 20909551 |
638. | Technology Innovation Management Review | Computer Science Applications |
639. | Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies | Computer Science Applications | 23674512 |
640. | IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence | Computer Science Applications |
641. | Railway Engineering Science | Computer Science Applications | 26624753 |
642. | Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture | Computer Science Applications | 23674253 |
643. | Smart Learning Environments | Computer Science Applications |
644. | Digital Studies/ Le Champ Numerique | Computer Science Applications |
645. | International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology | Computer Science Applications | 9766545 |
646. | Journal of Scientometric Research | Computer Science Applications | 23216654 |
647. | International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security | Computer Science Applications | 20749090 |
648. | International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science | Computer Science Applications | 20750161 |
649. | International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications | Computer Science Applications |
650. | Mekhatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie | Computer Science Applications | 16846427 |
651. | npj Digital Medicine | Computer Science Applications |
652. | Journal of Advances in Information Technology | Computer Science Applications |
653. | International Journal of Data Science and Analytics | Computer Science Applications | 2364415X |
654. | Drones | Computer Science Applications |
655. | Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research | Computer Science Applications |
656. | Journal of Biosystems Engineering | Computer Science Applications | 17381266 |
657. | Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering | Computer Science Applications |
658. | Big Earth Data | Computer Science Applications | 20964471 |
659. | Big Data and Cognitive Computing | Computer Science Applications |
660. | Corpus Pragmatics | Computer Science Applications |
661. | Applied Computer Science | Computer Science Applications | 18953735 |
662. | GI_Forum | Computer Science Applications |
663. | Journal of Finance and Data Science | Computer Science Applications |
664. | AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering | Computer Science Applications |
665. | Information Technologies and International Development | Computer Science Applications | 15447529 |
666. | Human Cognitive Processing | Computer Science Applications | 13876724 |
667. | International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) | Computer Science Applications | 25112104 |
668. | Spatial Information Research | Computer Science Applications |
669. | AGIT- Journal fur Angewandte Geoinformatik | Computer Science Applications | 23649283 |
670. | International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare | Computer Science Applications | 21609551 |
671. | Fabriksoftware | Computer Science Applications | 25697692 |
672. | Annals of Data Science | Computer Science Applications | 21985804 |
673. | Big Data Mining and Analytics | Computer Science Applications |
674. | Revista Internacional de Tecnologia, Ciencia y Sociedad | Computer Science Applications |
675. | Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications | Computer Science Applications | 15387887 |
676. | Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality | Computer Science Applications |
677. | JMIR Diabetes | Computer Science Applications |
678. | JMIR Formative Research | Computer Science Applications |
679. | JMIR Cardio | Computer Science Applications |
680. | Ledger | Computer Science Applications |
681. | JMIR Medical Education | Computer Science Applications |
682. | Journal of Network Intelligence | Computer Science Applications |
683. | Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics | Computer Science Applications | 22261494 |
684. | JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting | Computer Science Applications |
685. | JMIR Serious Games | Computer Science Applications |
686. | Scientific Bulletin of Naval Academy | Computer Science Applications | 1454864X |
687. | SpringerBriefs in Speech Technology | Computer Science Applications | 2191737X |
688. | SpringerBriefs in Open and Distance Education | Computer Science Applications | 25094335 |
689. | Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery | Computer Science Applications | 20963467 |
690. | Indian Statistical Institute Series | Computer Science Applications | 25233114 |
691. | Cryptography | Computer Science Applications |
692. | Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery | Computer Science Applications |
693. | Turkish Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | Computer Science Applications | 25871722 |