Best SCI journals for Computer Science listed below. We provide complete support from start to finish during your journal submission journey. With our expert guidance, you can significantly enhance the likelihood of your paper’s acceptance. Our team will craft your manuscript in strict accordance with the journal’s submission guidelines. Our publication specialists possess extensive experience in editing and reviewing for leading international journals.
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List Of High Impact Factor Computer Science Journals is available, featuring well-crafted manuscripts that meet the standards of the editor-in-chief. With over 19 years of publishing experience, our team invites you to engage with our publishing department to address any research-related inquiries you may have. | Title | Subject Area | Print ISSN |
1. | Mathematics and Computers in Simulation | Computer Science (all) | 3784754 |
2. | ACM Transactions on Computer Systems | Computer Science (all) | 7342071 |
3. | Nonlinear Optics Quantum Optics | Computer Science (all) | 15430537 |
4. | Computer Systems Science and Engineering | Computer Science (all) | 2676192 |
5. | International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering | Computer Science (all) | 2185393 |
6. | International Game Theory Review | Computer Science (all) | 2191989 |
7. | Cybernetics and Systems Analysis | Computer Science (all) | 10600396 |
8. | Computing in Science and Engineering | Computer Science (all) | 15219615 |
9. | Ecological Psychology | Computer Science (all) | 10407413 |
10. | Communications of the ACM | Computer Science (all) | 10782 |
11. | IBM Journal of Research and Development | Computer Science (all) | 188646 |
12. | Computers in Libraries | Computer Science (all) | 10417915 |
13. | Computers and Education | Computer Science (all) | 3601315 |
14. | Proceedings of the IEEE | Computer Science (all) | 189219 |
15. | Biological Cybernetics | Computer Science (all) | 3401200 |
16. | Computer Applications in Engineering Education | Computer Science (all) | 10613773 |
17. | Computers and Electrical Engineering | Computer Science (all) | 457906 |
18. | Computers and Fluids | Computer Science (all) | 457930 |
19. | Computers and Industrial Engineering | Computer Science (all) | 3608352 |
20. | Proceedings – IEEE INFOCOM | Computer Science (all) | 0743166X |
21. | Computers in Education Journal | Computer Science (all) | 10693769 |
22. | Computers in Industry | Computer Science (all) | 1663615 |
23. | Research Reports on Information Science and Electrical Engineering of Kyushu University | Computer Science (all) | 13423819 |
24. | Proceedings of the International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping | Computer Science (all) | 10746005 |
25. | Computational Materials Science | Computer Science (all) | 9270256 |
26. | Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science | Computer Science (all) | 15710661 |
27. | Theoretical Computer Science | Computer Science (all) | 3043975 |
28. | International Journal of Health Geographics | Computer Science (all) | 1476072X |
29. | Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition) | Computer Science (all) | 16714512 |
30. | Informacion Tecnologica | Computer Science (all) | 7168756 |
31. | European Journal of Operational Research | Computer Science (all) | 3772217 |
32. | Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | Computer Science (all) | 13000632 |
33. | Iraqi Journal of Science | Computer Science (all) | 672904 |
34. | ACM Computing Surveys | Computer Science (all) | 3600300 |
35. | ACM Transactions on Computational Logic | Computer Science (all) | 15293785 |
36. | Advances in Computers | Computer Science (all) | 652458 |
37. | Algorithmica | Computer Science (all) | 1784617 |
38. | Computer | Computer Science (all) | 189162 |
39. | Computer Journal | Computer Science (all) | 104620 |
40. | Biometric Technology Today | Computer Science (all) | 9694765 |
41. | Computer Supported Cooperative Work | Computer Science (all) | 9259724 |
42. | Computers and Operations Research | Computer Science (all) | 3050548 |
43. | ETRI Journal | Computer Science (all) | 12256463 |
44. | IEEE Annals of the History of Computing | Computer Science (all) | 10586180 |
45. | Systems and Control Letters | Computer Science (all) | 1676911 |
46. | Lecture Notes in Computer Science | Computer Science (all) | 3029743 |
47. | Complexity | Computer Science (all) | 10762787 |
48. | Computers and Composition | Computer Science (all) | 87554615 |
49. | Concurrent Systems Engineering Series | Computer Science (all) | 13837575 |
50. | Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic | Computer Science (all) | 0195623X |
51. | Journal of Energy in Southern Africa | Computer Science (all) | 1021447X |
52. | Applied Categorical Structures | Computer Science (all) | 9272852 |
53. | Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications | Computer Science (all) | 15261719 |
54. | SIAM Journal on Computing | Computer Science (all) | 975397 |
55. | Computer Fraud and Security | Computer Science (all) | 13613723 |
56. | Computers and Security | Computer Science (all) | 1674048 |
57. | IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing | Computer Science (all) | 15455971 |
58. | Journal of Information Processing | Computer Science (all) | 3876101 |
59. | Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing | Computer Science (all) |
60. | Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science | Computer Science (all) | 13658050 |
61. | Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society | Computer Science (all) | 1046500 |
62. | Journal of Universal Computer Science | Computer Science (all) | 0948695X |
63. | Pragmatics and Cognition | Computer Science (all) | 9290907 |
64. | Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory | Computer Science (all) | 1381298X |
65. | Computers in the Schools | Computer Science (all) | 7380569 |
66. | Eurasip Journal on Embedded Systems | Computer Science (all) | 16873955 |
67. | RIAI – Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial | Computer Science (all) | 16977912 |
68. | ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data | Computer Science (all) | 15564681 |
69. | Advances in Multimedia | Computer Science (all) | 16875680 |
70. | Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience | Computer Science (all) | 16875265 |
71. | Malaysian Journal of Computer Science | Computer Science (all) | 1279084 |
72. | Computer Science Review | Computer Science (all) | 15740137 |
73. | International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering | Computer Science (all) | 15541045 |
74. | International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing | Computer Science (all) | 17411084 |
75. | ACM Transactions on Applied Perception | Computer Science (all) | 15443558 |
76. | IAENG International Journal of Computer Science | Computer Science (all) | 1819656X |
77. | ICIC Express Letters | Computer Science (all) | 1881803X |
78. | Memetic Computing | Computer Science (all) | 18659284 |
79. | Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) | Computer Science (all) | 1060992X |
80. | Communications in Computer and Information Science | Computer Science (all) | 18650929 |
81. | International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems | Computer Science (all) | 18756891 |
82. | Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering | Computer Science (all) | 15827445 |
83. | Acta Scientiarum – Technology | Computer Science (all) | 18062563 |
84. | Computer Science and Information Systems | Computer Science (all) | 18200214 |
85. | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing | Computer Science (all) | 18685137 |
86. | International Journal of Social Robotics | Computer Science (all) | 18754791 |
87. | International Arab Journal of Information Technology | Computer Science (all) | 16833198 |
88. | Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae | Computer Science (all) | 17875021 |
89. | Scientific Annals of Computer Science | Computer Science (all) | 18438121 |
90. | Science China Information Sciences | Computer Science (all) | 1674733X |
91. | Journal of Information Technology and Politics | Computer Science (all) | 19331681 |
92. | IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid | Computer Science (all) | 19493053 |
93. | Yingyong Kexue Xuebao/Journal of Applied Sciences | Computer Science (all) | 2558297 |
94. | Journal of Cellular Automata | Computer Science (all) | 15575969 |
95. | International Journal of Unconventional Computing | Computer Science (all) | 15487199 |
96. | Journal of Computational Science | Computer Science (all) | 18777503 |
97. | Automatika | Computer Science (all) | 51144 |
98. | Logical Methods in Computer Science | Computer Science (all) | 18605974 |
99. | IEEE Embedded Systems Letters | Computer Science (all) | 19430663 |
100. | Advances in Parallel Computing | Computer Science (all) | 9275452 |
101. | ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications | Computer Science (all) | 21852766 |
102. | IEEE Latin America Transactions | Computer Science (all) | 15480992 |
103. | International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics | Computer Science (all) | 1756378X |
104. | Procedia Computer Science | Computer Science (all) |
105. | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Computer Science (all) | 19928645 |
106. | ACM Transactions on Computing Education | Computer Science (all) |
107. | Ad-Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks | Computer Science (all) | 15519899 |
108. | Queue | Computer Science (all) | 15427730 |
109. | Scientific and Technical Information Processing | Computer Science (all) | 1476882 |
110. | Foundations and Trends in Databases | Computer Science (all) | 19317883 |
111. | Journal of Electrical Systems | Computer Science (all) | 11125209 |
112. | Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology | Computer Science (all) | 1287680 |
113. | Gyroscopy and Navigation | Computer Science (all) | 20751087 |
114. | ACM Inroads | Computer Science (all) | 21532184 |
115. | Global Journal of Engineering Education | Computer Science (all) | 13283154 |
116. | Computer Science Education | Computer Science (all) | 8993408 |
117. | Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics | Computer Science (all) | 19942060 |
118. | Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems | Computer Science (all) | 22105379 |
119. | Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management | Computer Science (all) | 15551229 |
120. | Construction Innovation | Computer Science (all) | 14714175 |
121. | Studies in Informatics and Control | Computer Science (all) | 12201766 |
122. | Control Engineering and Applied Informatics | Computer Science (all) | 14548658 |
123. | Infocommunications Journal | Computer Science (all) | 20612079 |
124. | Swarm and Evolutionary Computation | Computer Science (all) | 22106502 |
125. | Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science | Computer Science (all) | 13449443 |
126. | Applied Ontology | Computer Science (all) | 15705838 |
127. | International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms | Computer Science (all) | 17550386 |
128. | International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems | Computer Science (all) | 17548632 |
129. | International Journal of Computers and their Applications | Computer Science (all) | 10765204 |
130. | Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics | Computer Science (all) | 9153942 |
131. | Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Computer Science (all) | 20900147 |
132. | RISTI – Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao | Computer Science (all) | 16469895 |
133. | International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems | Computer Science (all) | 17550556 |
134. | International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications | Computer Science (all) | 17408865 |
135. | AAPP Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali | Computer Science (all) | 3650359 |
136. | Journal of Computing and Information Technology | Computer Science (all) | 13301136 |
137. | Multiagent and Grid Systems | Computer Science (all) | 15741702 |
138. | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems | Computer Science (all) | 2185310X |
139. | Cybernetics and Information Technologies | Computer Science (all) | 13119702 |
140. | Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment | Computer Science (all) | 21508097 |
141. | Journal of Information Technology Education:Research | Computer Science (all) | 15479714 |
142. | Frontiers of Computer Science | Computer Science (all) | 20952228 |
143. | Journal of Information and Communication Technology | Computer Science (all) | 1675414X |
144. | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems | Computer Science (all) | 2158656X |
145. | International Journal of Decision Support System Technology | Computer Science (all) | 19416296 |
146. | International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning | Computer Science (all) | 19418647 |
147. | Journal of Systems and Information Technology | Computer Science (all) | 13287265 |
148. | International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation | Computer Science (all) | 17580366 |
149. | Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies | Computer Science (all) | 21903018 |
150. | Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics | Computer Science (all) | 19408676 |
151. | Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences | Computer Science (all) | 8676356 |
152. | Scalable Computing | Computer Science (all) | 18951767 |
153. | Internetworking Indonesia Journal | Computer Science (all) | 19429703 |
154. | Iranian Journal of Information Processing Management | Computer Science (all) | 22518223 |
155. | ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems | Computer Science (all) | 19367406 |
156. | CEUR Workshop Proceedings | Computer Science (all) | 16130073 |
157. | Operations Research/ Computer Science Interfaces Series | Computer Science (all) | 1387666X |
158. | Intelligent Systems Reference Library | Computer Science (all) | 18684394 |
159. | Cognitive Systems Monographs | Computer Science (all) | 18674925 |
160. | Adaptation, Learning, and Optimization | Computer Science (all) | 18674534 |
161. | Computacion y Sistemas | Computer Science (all) | 14055546 |
162. | International Journal of Computer Science in Sport | Computer Science (all) | 16844769 |
163. | International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems | Computer Science (all) | 19473176 |
164. | Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | Computer Science (all) | 19424787 |
165. | Complex Systems | Computer Science (all) | 8912513 |
166. | Computing in Cardiology | Computer Science (all) | 23258861 |
167. | Ubiquitous Learning | Computer Science (all) | 18359795 |
168. | International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach | Computer Science (all) | 1935570X |
169. | Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Series A – Mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information Science | Computer Science (all) | 14549069 |
170. | Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology | Computer Science (all) | 14538245 |
171. | International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems | Computer Science (all) | 17578779 |
172. | International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications | Computer Science (all) | 17427371 |
173. | Mendel | Computer Science (all) | 18033814 |
174. | Journal of ICT Research and Applications | Computer Science (all) | 23375787 |
175. | International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications | Computer Science (all) | 2156177X |
176. | Journal of Robotics | Computer Science (all) | 16879600 |
177. | IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine | Computer Science (all) | 21686831 |
178. | Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences | Computer Science (all) |
179. | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Computer Science (all) |
180. | IEEE Access | Computer Science (all) | 21693536 |
181. | Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences | Computer Science (all) | 13191578 |
182. | International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology | Computer Science (all) | 20885334 |
183. | Cogent Engineering | Computer Science (all) | 23311916 |
184. | Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences | Computer Science (all) | 18123368 |
185. | Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology | Computer Science (all) |
186. | Engineering | Computer Science (all) | 20958099 |
187. | ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing | Computer Science (all) | 23754699 |
188. | Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems | Computer Science (all) | 18959091 |
189. | Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta: Matematika, Mekhanika, Komp’yuternye Nauki | Computer Science (all) | 19949197 |
190. | Information Discovery and Delivery | Computer Science (all) | 23986247 |
191. | IIUM Engineering Journal | Computer Science (all) | 1511788X |
192. | PeerJ Computer Science | Computer Science (all) |
193. | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B | Computer Science (all) | 22502106 |
194. | ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security | Computer Science (all) | 24712566 |
195. | Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Prikladnaya Matematika, Informatika, Protsessy Upravleniya | Computer Science (all) | 18119905 |
196. | Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences | Computer Science (all) | 19951302 |
197. | Baghdad Science Journal | Computer Science (all) | 20788665 |
198. | Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences | Computer Science (all) |
199. | SpringerBriefs in Computer Science | Computer Science (all) | 21915768 |
200. | Computation | Computer Science (all) |
201. | International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications | Computer Science (all) | 2158107X |
202. | International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences | Computer Science (all) |
203. | Open Computer Science | Computer Science (all) |
204. | Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology | Computer Science (all) | 25281410 |
205. | International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology | Computer Science (all) | 1947959X |
206. | International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing | Computer Science (all) | 17538548 |
207. | Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: Part A | Computer Science (all) | 25184245 |
208. | International Journal on Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering | Computer Science (all) |
209. | Revista de Informatica Teorica e Aplicada | Computer Science (all) | 1034308 |
210. | Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering | Computer Science (all) | 9765166 |
211. | IT – Information Technology | Computer Science (all) | 16112776 |
212. | Uniciencia | Computer Science (all) |
213. | Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology | Computer Science (all) | 24139351 |
214. | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (Netherlands) | Computer Science (all) |
215. | Applied Science and Engineering Progress | Computer Science (all) | 26729156 |
216. | Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications | Computer Science (all) | 26662558 |
217. | PoliTO Springer Series | Computer Science (all) | 25096796 |
218. | Advances in Technology Innovation | Computer Science (all) | 24150436 |
219. | Scientia Sinica Informationis | Computer Science (all) | 16747267 |
220. | Baltic Journal of Modern Computing | Computer Science (all) | 22558942 |
221. | Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing | Computer Science (all) | 25160281 |
222. | Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics | Computer Science (all) | 18169791 |
223. | Revista Colombiana de Computacion | Computer Science (all) | 16572831 |
224. | AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering | Computer Science (all) | 16083679 |
225. | Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences | Computer Science (all) |
226. | El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering | Computer Science (all) |