Operations Research Using Python

Operations Research Using Python is the application of statistics, mathematical models, and algorithms to support decision-making is encompassed in Operations Research (OR), especially for the enhancement of frameworks, resource allocation, or procedures. For operations research, Python is considered as an ideal tool because of having a wide range of frameworks and libraries. We have all the needed tools to get your work done right. As a means to employ Python for different factors of operations research, we provide an instruction in a detailed way:

  1. Linear Programming
  • Major Problem: On the basis of linear equality and inequality conditions, a linear objective function has to be enhanced.
  • Python Tools: cvxpy, SciPy, and PuLP.
  • Instance:

from pulp import LpMaximize, LpProblem, LpVariable

# Define the problem

model = LpProblem(name=”simple-maximization”, sense=LpMaximize)

# Define decision variables

x = LpVariable(name=”x”, lowBound=0)

y = LpVariable(name=”y”, lowBound=0)

# Define the objective function

model += 2 * x + 3 * y, “Objective”

# Define the constraints

model += 2 * x + y <= 20, “constraint_1”

model += 4 * x + 3 * y <= 36, “constraint_2”

model += x >= 0, “constraint_3”

model += y >= 0, “constraint_4″

# Solve the problem


print(f”Optimal value: {model.objective.value()}”)

print(f”x: {x.value()}, y: {y.value()}”)

  1. Integer Programming
  • Major Problem: Integer programming is the same as linear programming, but it is generally carried out using integer decision variables.
  • Python Tools: Google OR-Tools, Gurobi, and PuLP.
  • Instance:

from pulp import LpMaximize, LpProblem, LpVariable

# Define the problem

model = LpProblem(name=”integer-programming”, sense=LpMaximize)

# Define decision variables (integer)

x = LpVariable(name=”x”, lowBound=0, cat=’Integer’)

y = LpVariable(name=”y”, lowBound=0, cat=’Integer’)

# Define the objective function

model += 2 * x + 3 * y, “Objective”

# Define the constraints

model += 2 * x + y <= 20, “constraint_1”

model += 4 * x + 3 * y <= 36, “constraint_2″

# Solve the problem


print(f”Optimal value: {model.objective.value()}”)

print(f”x: {x.value()}, y: {y.value()}”)

  1. Network Flow Problems
  • Major Problem: By considering capacity conditions, the flow across a network must be improved.
  • Python Tools: Google OR-Tools and NetworkX.
  • Instance:

import networkx as nx

# Create a directed graph

G = nx.DiGraph()

# Add edges along with capacities

G.add_edge(‘A’, ‘B’, capacity=15.0)

G.add_edge(‘A’, ‘C’, capacity=10.0)

G.add_edge(‘B’, ‘D’, capacity=10.0)

G.add_edge(‘C’, ‘D’, capacity=10.0)

# Compute the maximum flow between A and D

flow_value, flow_dict = nx.maximum_flow(G, ‘A’, ‘D’)

print(f”Maximum flow: {flow_value}”)

print(f”Flow per edge: {flow_dict}”)

  1. Scheduling and Resource Allocation
  • Major Problem: To enhance a particular target like reducing overall expense or time, we aim to schedule missions or allocate resources in an effective manner.
  • Python Tools: PuLP and Google OR-Tools.
  • Instance:

from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp

# Create the solver

solver = pywraplp.Solver.CreateSolver(‘SCIP’)

# Variables: x1, x2

x1 = solver.IntVar(0, 10, ‘x1’)

x2 = solver.IntVar(0, 10, ‘x2′)

# Constraints

solver.Add(2 * x1 + x2 <= 14)

solver.Add(4 * x1 – 5 * x2 >= 5)

solver.Add(-x1 + x2 <= 3)

# Objective function: maximize x1 + 2 * x2

solver.Maximize(x1 + 2 * x2)

# Solve

status = solver.Solve()

if status == pywraplp.Solver.OPTIMAL:

print(f’Solution: x1 = {x1.solution_value()}, x2 = {x2.solution_value()}’)


print(‘No optimal solution found.’)

  1. Simulation and Queuing Theory
  • Major Problem: Intricate frameworks have to be designed and examined, in which analytical solutions are unattainable or challenging.
  • Python Tools: SciPy, NumPy, and SimPy.
  • Instance:

import simpy

import random

def customer(env, name, server, service_time):

yield env.timeout(random.expovariate(1.0/service_time))

print(f”{name} finished service at {env.now}”)

def setup(env, num_servers, service_time):

server = simpy.Resource(env, num_servers)

for i in range(5):

env.process(customer(env, f”Customer {i+1}”, server, service_time))

env = simpy.Environment()

env.process(setup(env, 1, 10))


  1. Inventory Management
  • Major Problem: To reduce expenses in addition to fulfilling requirements, the inventory levels should be improved.
  • Python Tools: cvxpy, PuLP, and scikit-learn.
  • Instance:

import numpy as np

from scipy.optimize import linprog

# Demand forecast

demand = np.array([100, 150, 200])

# Cost parameters

holding_cost = 1

shortage_cost = 5

# Inventory optimization using linear programming

c = [holding_cost, shortage_cost]

A = [[1, -1], [-1, 1]]

b = demand

x_bounds = (0, None)

res = linprog(c, A_ub=A, b_ub=b, bounds=[x_bounds, x_bounds])


  1. Decision Analysis
  • Major Problem: Across indefiniteness, various decision-making contexts must be assessed.
  • Python Tools: PyMC3, scikit-learn, and DecisionTree.
  • Instance:

from decisiontree import DecisionTreeClassifier

# Create a decision tree classifier and train it

X = [[0, 0], [1, 1]]

y = [0, 1]

clf = DecisionTreeClassifier()

clf = clf.fit(X, y)

# Predict

print(clf.predict([[2., 2.]]))

  1. Game Theory
  • Major Problem: Challenging scenarios have to be examined, in which the activities of several players (decision-makers) determine the result.
  • Python Tools: cvxpy and nashpy.
  • Instance:

import nashpy as nash

# Define the payoff matrices for both players

A = [[3, 1], [0, 2]]

B = [[3, 0], [1, 2]]

# Create the game

game = nash.Game(A, B)

# Find Nash equilibrium

equilibria = game.support_enumeration()

for eq in equilibria:


  1. Queueing Theory
  • Major Problem: With the aim of enhancing service effectiveness, we design the activity of queues. It could include tasks in a system or consumers in a line.
  • Python Tools: NumPy and SimPy.
  • Instance:

import simpy

def customer(env, name, counter, service_time):

yield env.timeout(service_time)

print(f”{name} finished at {env.now}”)

def setup(env, num_servers, service_time):

counter = simpy.Resource(env, num_servers)

for i in range(5):

env.process(customer(env, f”Customer {i+1}”, counter, service_time))

env = simpy.Environment()

env.process(setup(env, 1, 10))


  1. Supply Chain Optimization
  • Major Problem: From manufacturing to supply, the overall supply chain operation has to be improved, specifically for efficacy enhancement and cost reduction.
  • Python Tools: Google OR-Tools and PuLP.
  • Instance:

One of the important factors of operations research is supply chain optimization. In order to resolve intricate supply chain issues, various tools are offered by Python. For supply chain optimization, we provide an instance which utilizes Google OR-Tools:

from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp

# Create the solver

solver = pywraplp.Solver.CreateSolver(‘SCIP’)

# Define decision variables

x1 = solver.IntVar(0, solver.infinity(), ‘x1’)

x2 = solver.IntVar(0, solver.infinity(), ‘x2′)

# Define the constraints

solver.Add(2 * x1 + x2 <= 100)

solver.Add(x1 + 3 * x2 <= 90)

# Define the objective function: maximize profit

solver.Maximize(3 * x1 + 2 * x2)

# Solve the problem

status = solver.Solve()

if status == pywraplp.Solver.OPTIMAL:

print(f’Optimal solution found:’)

print(f’x1 = {x1.solution_value()}’)

print(f’x2 = {x2.solution_value()}’)

print(f’Maximum profit = {solver.Objective().Value()}’)


print(‘No optimal solution found.’)

The amounts of two products to manufacture are depicted as x1 and x2 in this instance. By demonstrating boundaries in resources such as materials or workforce, it includes the conditions. Profit enhancement is considered as the objective function.

In supply chain and operations research issues, Python’s PuLP and Google OR-Tools libraries are employed in an extensive manner. For different optimization issues, they provide robust solvers and adaptability.

Operations research python projects

Operations Research (OR) is an efficient domain which assists in the process of making decisions. By encompassing different fields and techniques, we suggest a collection of 150 OR-based topics, which are highly appropriate to investigate through Python:

  1. Linear Programming
    1. Workforce Scheduling Using Linear Programming
    2. Minimizing Cost in Supply Chain Networks
    3. Optimizing Marketing Campaigns with Linear Programming
    4. Linear Programming for Portfolio Optimization
    5. Blending Problem in Manufacturing
    6. Solving Transportation Problems with Linear Programming
    7. Production Optimization Using Linear Programming
    8. Resource Allocation in Project Management
    9. Diet Problem: Nutritional Optimization
    10. Facility Location Optimization
  2. Integer Programming
    1. Capital Budgeting Using Integer Programming
    2. Warehouse Location Problem
    3. Production Planning with Integer Programming
    4. Network Design Optimization
    5. School Bus Routing Problem
    6. Solving Knapsack Problems with Integer Programming
    7. Job Scheduling with Integer Constraints
    8. Vehicle Routing with Time Windows
    9. Binary Decision Making in Operations
    10. Scheduling Employees in Shift Work
  3. Nonlinear Programming
    1. Energy Management in Smart Grids
    2. Environmental Policy Modeling
    3. Design Optimization in Engineering
    4. Nonlinear Resource Allocation
    5. Optimal Control in Dynamic Systems
    6. Portfolio Optimization with Nonlinear Constraints
    7. Optimal Pricing Strategies Using Nonlinear Models
    8. Traffic Flow Optimization
    9. Supply Chain Optimization with Nonlinear Costs
    10. Optimization of Chemical Processes
  4. Game Theory
    1. Game Theory for Auction Design
    2. Pricing Strategies in Oligopolies
    3. Competitive Bidding Strategies
    4. Game Theory in Marketing Mix Optimization
    5. Game Theory in Environmental Policies
    6. Nash Equilibrium in Competitive Markets
    7. Analyzing Strategic Alliances Using Game Theory
    8. Game Theory in Supply Chain Negotiations
    9. Cooperative Game Theory in Collaborative Projects
    10. Strategic Decision Making in Operations Management
  5. Network Optimization
    1. Maximum Flow Problems in Network Design
    2. Optimizing Internet Traffic Flow
    3. Transportation Network Design
    4. Communication Network Design
    5. Healthcare Network Optimization
    6. Shortest Path Problems in Transportation Networks
    7. Network Reliability Optimization
    8. Supply Chain Network Design
    9. Emergency Response Network Optimization
    10. Electricity Distribution Network Optimization
  6. Supply Chain Management
    1. Demand Forecasting Using Time Series Analysis
    2. Risk Management in Supply Chains
    3. Supply Chain Resilience Optimization
    4. Multi-Echelon Inventory Optimization
    5. Optimization of Reverse Logistics
    6. Inventory Optimization in Supply Chains
    7. Supplier Selection and Evaluation
    8. Bullwhip Effect Mitigation Strategies
    9. Sustainable Supply Chain Management
    10. Supplier-Buyer Coordination in Supply Chains
  7. Scheduling and Sequencing
    1. Production Line Balancing
    2. Project Scheduling with Resource Constraints
    3. University Timetabling Optimization
    4. Sequencing in Automated Manufacturing
    5. Maintenance Scheduling in Industrial Plants
    6. Job Shop Scheduling Optimization
    7. Scheduling in Flexible Manufacturing Systems
    8. Airline Crew Scheduling
    9. Scheduling in Hospitals and Healthcare
    10. Optimizing Call Center Schedules
  8. Decision Analysis
    1. Risk Analysis in Strategic Planning
    2. Bayesian Decision Analysis
    3. Scenario Analysis in Strategic Management
    4. Real Options Analysis in Project Management
    5. Cost-Benefit Analysis in Public Policy
    6. Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Operations
    7. Decision Trees for Strategic Decision Making
    8. Decision Making Under Uncertainty
    9. Optimal Investment Decision Making
    10. Decision Analysis in Environmental Management
  9. Queuing Theory
    1. Queuing Theory in Healthcare Management
    2. Queuing Analysis in Retail
    3. Queuing Models in Manufacturing Systems
    4. Simulation of Queuing Systems
    5. Analyzing Waiting Times in Public Services
    6. Queue Management in Service Systems
    7. Optimization of Call Center Operations
    8. Airport Terminal Operations Optimization
    9. Queuing Theory in Telecommunications
    10. Optimizing Traffic Flow Using Queuing Theory
  10. Simulation
    1. Discrete Event Simulation for Manufacturing Systems
    2. Simulation of Supply Chain Networks
    3. Simulating Healthcare Processes
    4. Simulation in Environmental Systems Management
    5. Queueing Systems Simulation
    6. Monte Carlo Simulation in Financial Risk Analysis
    7. Agent-Based Simulation in Market Research
    8. Simulation in Inventory Management
    9. Traffic Simulation for Urban Planning
    10. Simulation of Production Processes
  11. Stochastic Processes
    1. Stochastic Inventory Models
    2. Stochastic Modeling in Supply Chain Management
    3. Stochastic Optimization in Finance
    4. Stochastic Models in Healthcare Systems
    5. Revenue Management with Stochastic Demand
    6. Markov Decision Processes in Operations Research
    7. Stochastic Scheduling Models
    8. Risk Management Using Stochastic Processes
    9. Predictive Maintenance Using Stochastic Models
    10. Stochastic Network Optimization
  12. Inventory Management
    1. Inventory Management in Perishable Goods
    2. Just-In-Time Inventory Management
    3. Consignment Inventory Strategies
    4. Inventory Control in Retail
    5. Inventory Management for Spare Parts
    6. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model Optimization
    7. Multi-Product Inventory Optimization
    8. Vendor-Managed Inventory Optimization
    9. Inventory Management in E-Commerce
    10. Inventory Optimization in Automotive Industry
  13. Facility Location and Layout
    1. Facility Layout Optimization in Manufacturing
    2. Optimal Layout Design for Hospitals
    3. Optimal Location of Emergency Services
    4. Optimization of Retail Store Locations
    5. Distribution Network Design
    6. Optimization of Distribution Center Locations
    7. Optimization of Service Facility Locations
    8. Warehouse Layout Optimization
    9. School Location Planning
    10. Facility Layout in Airports
  14. Transportation and Logistics
    1. Last-Mile Delivery Optimization
    2. Freight Logistics Optimization
    3. Route Planning for Hazardous Materials
    4. Logistics Management in E-Commerce
    5. Cold Chain Logistics Optimization
    6. Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) Optimization
    7. Multi-Modal Transportation Optimization
    8. Optimization of Urban Transport Networks
    9. Transportation Planning for Events
    10. Optimization of Supply Chain Logistics
  15. Healthcare Operations Research
    1. Emergency Department Operations Optimization
    2. Optimizing Patient Flow in Healthcare Facilities
    3. Optimization of Pharmaceutical Supply Chains
    4. Healthcare Workforce Scheduling Optimization
    5. Cost Optimization in Healthcare Delivery
    6. Optimization of Hospital Resource Allocation
    7. Scheduling Surgeries for Efficiency
    8. Predictive Analytics in Healthcare Operations
    9. Inventory Management for Medical Supplies
    10. Decision Support Systems in Healthcare

To assist you to utilize Python for diverse Operations research factors, we offered an in-depth instruction, including Python tools and instances. Relevant to different fields and techniques, several operations research topics are recommended by us, which could be investigated with the aid of Python.


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