ScienceDirect Computer Science Journals numerous papers have been published by us. here we will focus that the papers will meet up to reviewer expectation. Contact us to get best ScienceDirect Computer Science Journal for a better match with your research interests.
We provide creative ideas and approaches that follow the journal’s guidelines to assist in getting your paper published. Look through the Science Direct Computer Science Journals that are listed below. You can be confident that our papers will live up to the reviewers’ standards. | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | REAL-TIME SYSTEMS | 0922-6443 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
2. | ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 1453-8245 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
3. | SEMANTIC WEB | 1570-0844 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
4. | SIAM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING | 0097-5397 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
5. | STATISTICS AND COMPUTING | 0960-3174 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
6. | SWARM AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION | 2210-6502 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
7. | THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE | 0304-3975 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
8. | THEORY AND PRACTICE OF LOGIC PROGRAMMING | 1471-0684 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
9. | THEORY OF COMPUTING | 1557-2862 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
10. | THEORY OF COMPUTING SYSTEMS | 1432-4350 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
11. | Computability | 22113568 | Theoretical Computer Science |
12. | Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika | 20710410 | Theoretical Computer Science |
13. | Theory of Computing |
| Theoretical Computer Science |
14. | Fuzzy Information and Engineering | 16168658 | Theoretical Computer Science |
15. | Computation |
| Theoretical Computer Science |
16. | Research in Mathematical Sciences | 25220144 | Theoretical Computer Science |
17. | Foundations and Trends in Programming Languages | 23251107 | Theoretical Computer Science |
18. | Forum of Mathematics, Sigma |
| Theoretical Computer Science |
19. | Theory and Applications of Graphs |
| Theoretical Computer Science |
20. | European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics |
| Theoretical Computer Science |
21. | R JOURNAL | 2073-4859 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
22. | ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER-INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING | 0736-5845 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
23. | SAR AND QSAR IN ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH | 1062-936X | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
24. | SCIENTOMETRICS | 0138-9130 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
25. | SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY | 1569-190X | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
26. | SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION INTERNATIONAL | 0037-5497 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
27. | SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW | 0894-4393 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
28. | SOFT COMPUTING | 1432-7643 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
29. | SPEECH COMMUNICATION | 0167-6393 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
30. | STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AND DATA MINING | 1932-1864 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
31. | MINDS AND MACHINES | 0924-6495 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
32. | NATURAL COMPUTING | 1567-7818 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
33. | NATURAL LANGUAGE ENGINEERING | 1351-3249 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
34. | NATURE MACHINE INTELLIGENCE | 2522-5839 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
35. | NETWORK-COMPUTATION IN NEURAL SYSTEMS | 0954-898X | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
36. | NEURAL COMPUTATION | 0899-7667 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
37. | NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS | 0941-0643 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
38. | NEURAL NETWORKS | 0893-6080 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
39. | NEURAL NETWORK WORLD | 1210-0552 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
40. | NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS | 1370-4621 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
41. | JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS | 0925-9902 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
42. | JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY | 1607-9264 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
43. | JOURNAL OF KING SAUD UNIVERSITY-COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES | 1319-1578 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
44. | JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS | 0742-1222 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
45. | JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT | 1064-7570 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
46. | JOURNAL OF OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING | 1943-0620 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
47. | JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL AND END USER COMPUTING | 1546-2234 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
48. | JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMPUTING AND ELECTRONIC COMMERCE | 1091-9392 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
50. | JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS | 0963-8687 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
51. | International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering | 10964290 | Computer Science Applications |
52. | Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking | 16871472 | Computer Science Applications |
53. | Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication | 10836101 | Computer Science Applications |
54. | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems | 15249050 | Computer Science Applications |
55. | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids | 2712091 | Computer Science Applications |
56. | Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering | 8873801 | Computer Science Applications |
57. | Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management | 1741038X | Computer Science Applications |
58. | Production Planning and Control | 9537287 | Computer Science Applications |
59. | Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization | 1615147X | Computer Science Applications |
60. | ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems | 10844309 | Computer Science Applications |
61. | Proceedings – IEEE Computer Society’s International Computer Software and Applications Conference | 07303157 07306512 | Computer Science Applications |
62. | Proceedings – International Symposium on Computers and Communications | 15301346 | Computer Science Applications |
63. | Information and Software Technology | 9505849 | Computer Science Applications |
64. | Kyokai Joho Imeji Zasshi/Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers | 13426907 | Computer Science Applications |
65. | Journal of Educational Computing Research | 7356331 | Computer Science Applications |
66. | Journal of Advanced Transportation | 1976729 | Computer Science Applications |
67. | IEEE Communications Letters | 10897798 | Computer Science Applications |
68. | Social Science Computer Review | 8944393 | Computer Science Applications |
69. | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | 15361276 | Computer Science Applications |
70. | IEEE Wireless Communications | 15361284 | Computer Science Applications |
71. | Finite Elements in Analysis and Design | 0168874X | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
72. | International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering | 10964290 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
73. | Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization | 1615147X | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
74. | ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems | 10844309 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
75. | International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering | 2181940 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
76. | Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering | 15309827 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
77. | Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions Of the ASME | 10500472 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
78. | Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics | 8956111 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
79. | Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling | 10933263 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
80. | ACM Transactions on Graphics | 7300301 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
81. | Computer Aided Geometric Design | 1678396 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
82. | Computer Graphics Forum | 1677055 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
83. | Computers and Graphics | 978493 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
84. | Graphical Models | 15240703 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
85. | Proceedings – Graphics Interface | 7135424 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
86. | IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications | 2721716 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
87. | IEEE Transactions on Image Processing | 10577149 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
88. | IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics | 10772626 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
89. | Zidonghua Xuebao/Acta Automatica Sinica | 2544156 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
90. | Jisuanji Fuzhu Sheji Yu Tuxingxue Xuebao/Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics | 10039775 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
91. | Journal of Web Engineering | 15409589 | Computer Networks and Communications |
92. | Advances in Mathematics of Communications | 19305346 | Computer Networks and Communications |
93. | International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services | 17516048 | Computer Networks and Communications |
94. | International Journal of Information and Computer Security | 17441765 | Computer Networks and Communications |
95. | IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology | 18684238 | Computer Networks and Communications |
96. | Cryptography and Communications | 19362447 | Computer Networks and Communications |
97. | Journal of Internet Services and Applications | 18674828 | Computer Networks and Communications |
98. | Mobile Information Systems | 1574017X | Computer Networks and Communications |
99. | Nano Communication Networks | 18787789 | Computer Networks and Communications |
100. | International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications | 16876415 | Computer Networks and Communications |
101. | China Communications | 16735447 | Computer Networks and Communications |
102. | International Journal of Web Based Communities | 14778394 | Computer Networks and Communications |
103. | International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications | 19379412 | Computer Networks and Communications |
104. | International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing | 19380259 | Computer Networks and Communications |
105. | Electronics and Communications in Japan | 19429533 | Computer Networks and Communications |
106. | EDPACS | 7366981 | Computer Networks and Communications |
107. | Vascular Cell | 2045824X | Computer Networks and Communications |
108. | Observatorio | 8748810 | Computer Networks and Communications |
109. | International Journal of Sensor Networks | 17481279 | Computer Networks and Communications |
110. | International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security | 20760930 | Computer Networks and Communications |
111. | Imaging Science Journal | 13682199 | Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
112. | Visual Computer | 1782789 | Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
113. | International Journal of Speech Technology | 13812416 | Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
114. | Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision | 9249907 | Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
115. | Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology – Proceedings | 1557170X 05891019 | Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
116. | International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology | 8999457 | Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
117. | IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems |
| Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
118. | International Journal of Computer Vision | 9205691 | Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
119. | Moshi Shibie yu Rengong Zhineng/Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence | 10036059 | Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
120. | Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision |
| Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
121. | Journal of Spatial Information Science |
| Computers in Earth Sciences |
122. | Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment | 23523808 | Computers in Earth Sciences |
123. | Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment |
| Computers in Earth Sciences |
124. | ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information |
| Computers in Earth Sciences |
125. | Sovremennye Problemy Distantsionnogo Zondirovaniya Zemli iz Kosmosa | 20707401 | Computers in Earth Sciences |
126. | Geodesy and Geodynamics |
| Computers in Earth Sciences |
127. | Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing | 15673200 | Computers in Earth Sciences |
128. | Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences | 18761682 | Computers in Earth Sciences |
129. | Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research | 18789897 | Computers in Earth Sciences |
130. | Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation |
| Computers in Earth Sciences |
131. | Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences | 2193858X | Computers in Earth Sciences |
132. | Earth Systems and Environment | 25099426 | Computers in Earth Sciences |
133. | KN – Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information | 25244957 | Computers in Earth Sciences |
134. | Geophysical Research | 18183735 | Computers in Earth Sciences |
135. | Geomatics and Environmental Engineering | 18981135 | Computers in Earth Sciences |
136. | Modeling Earth Systems and Environment | 23636203 | Computers in Earth Sciences |
137. | International Journal of Cartography |
| Computers in Earth Sciences |
138. | Big Earth Data | 20964471 | Computers in Earth Sciences |
139. | GI_Forum |
| Computers in Earth Sciences |
140. | Spatial Information Research |
| Computers in Earth Sciences |
141. | User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction | 9241868 | Computer Science Applications |
142. | ITU News | 10204148 | Computer Science Applications |
143. | ACM Transactions on Information Systems | 10468188 | Computer Science Applications |
144. | Computational Economics | 9277099 | Computer Science Applications |
145. | IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics | 10834435 | Computer Science Applications |
146. | Queueing Systems | 2570130 | Computer Science Applications |
147. | Industrial Management and Data Systems | 2635577 | Computer Science Applications |
148. | International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology | 9528091 | Computer Science Applications |
149. | International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction | 10447318 | Computer Science Applications |
150. | International Journal of Network Management | 10557148 | Computer Science Applications |
151. | International Journal of Services, Technology and Management | 14606720 | Computer Science Applications |
152. | Journal of High Technology Management Research | 10478310 | Computer Science Applications |
153. | Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce | 10919392 | Computer Science Applications |
154. | Scientific Programming | 10589244 | Computer Science Applications |
155. | CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and Lectures | 2541971 | Computer Science Applications |
156. | International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology | 2683768 | Computer Science Applications |
157. | International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management | 13682148 | Computer Science Applications |
158. | Journal of Forecasting | 2776693 | Computer Science Applications |
159. | Journal of Global Information Management | 10627375 | Computer Science Applications |
160. | Wireless Personal Communications | 9296212 | Computer Science Applications |
161. | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | 0968090X | Computer Science Applications |
162. | Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 5776686 | Computer Science Applications |
163. | Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering | 15309827 | Computer Science Applications |
164. | Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing | 10653090 | Computer Science Applications |
165. | Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME | 10871357 | Computer Science Applications |
166. | Journal of Materials Processing Technology | 9240136 | Computer Science Applications |
167. | Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions Of the ASME | 10500472 | Computer Science Applications |
168. | Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments | 10241752 | Computer Science Applications |
169. | Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing | 8883270 | Computer Science Applications |
170. | Mechanism and Machine Theory | 0094114X 03741052 | Computer Science Applications |
171. | Mechatronics | 9574158 | Computer Science Applications |
172. | Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME | 220434 | Computer Science Applications |
173. | Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals | 10407790 | Computer Science Applications |
174. | Mathematics of Operations Research | 0364765X | Computer Science Applications |
175. | Natural Computing | 15677818 | Computer Science Applications |
176. | Operations Research | 0030364X | Computer Science Applications |
177. | Personal and Ubiquitous Computing | 16174909 | Computer Science Applications |
178. | Informacion Tecnologica | 7168756 | Computer Science Applications |
179. | Diqiu Kexue – Zhongguo Dizhi Daxue Xuebao/Earth Science – Journal of China University of Geosciences | 10002383 | Computer Science Applications |
180. | Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong/Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS | 10065911 | Computer Science Applications |
181. | Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University | 10000054 | Computer Science Applications |
182. | Logos (Netherlands) | 9579656 | Computer Science Applications |
183. | ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation | 10493301 | Computer Science Applications |
184. | Algorithmica | 1784617 | Computer Science Applications |
185. | Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening | 13862073 | Computer Science Applications |
186. | BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making | 14726947 | Computer Science Applications |
187. | Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine | 1692607 | Computer Science Applications |
188. | Speech Communication | 1676393 | Computer Science Applications |
189. | Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems | 10637125 | Computer Science Applications |
190. | Journal of Biomedical Informatics | 15320464 | Computer Science Applications |
191. | Journal of Cryptology | 9332790 | Computer Science Applications |
192. | IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference | 15502252 07400551 | Computer Science Applications |
193. | Expert Systems with Applications | 9574174 | Computer Science Applications |
194. | Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines | 13892576 | Computer Science Applications |
195. | Scientometrics | 1389130 | Computer Science Applications |
196. | Computers, Materials and Continua | 15462218 | Computer Science Applications |
197. | Computing (Vienna/New York) | 0010485X | Computer Science Applications |
198. | Computational Geosciences | 14200597 | Computer Science Applications |
199. | Calphad: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry | 3645916 | Computer Science Applications |
200. | Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems | 1697439 | Computer Science Applications |